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Blue Archive
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Previous: >>20587486
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I might be being made into a BPDemon victim yet again. 2D women are so much better, I should stop falling for instinct already.
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You can't "choose" to be a pedophile.
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Pvp done. Play soon.
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I hope I'll be able to do the entire raid. I'll very least make some time to do a torment clear. C. Hare is used for a team 2 with Mika this time around, right?
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yeah the threads will be dead the next ~3 weeks
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Is fest in 3 weeks already?
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God, I hope not. I'll be away from home in the next 2.5 weeks.
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Oh, I'll try to keep it going then. I'm not very diligent though, no promises.
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pvp done.
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how am I gonna cope not fapping to this everyday???
use the phone?
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I don't want to store loli porn on my phone. Especially if I'll be out and about.
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>he's a poser and gay
lol sucks to be Canadian
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>I'm a poser for not wanting to look like a gooner porn addict
I regularly take photos, I don't want to accidentally open my cunny folder in front of people I know.
Plus, it's not hard to access my home network through wireguard and view it from there or simply go on my Misskey instance where japs are creating gigabytes of it a day.

Blue Archive is a different story tho. I'm PROUD to be a player.
just keep it in the firefox tabs
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not sure if i should pull c hare now since i got himari in like 20 pulls
If you're planning to be competitive in the long term, cHare is a must have.
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PvP soon
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pvp done
held the line and somehow managed to squeeze into rank 10
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I was about to skip CHare thinking I don't have enough for four sparks and just now I remembered the 100 free pulls on fes. I'm farming ligma too, this sucks.
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i imagine every poster in these threads to be weak, short, scrawny and without body hair
i could easily conquer all of you
maybe scrawny the rest hell no
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And do you have reoccurring fantasies about "conquering" these twinks you describe? Faggot.
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Netflix adaptation just got announced for season 2
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