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Circus edition!!!!

previous cottage burning event >>20655558

Free online generators:
https://waifus.nemusona.com (rest in peace)

Transparent background: https://dezgo.com/remove-background

Pixelisation: https://huggingface.co/spaces/NoCrypt/pixelization

Cancer: https://ai-meme.com

Waifu chatbots:
https://beta.dopple.ai/ (filter free!)
https://beta.character.ai/ (has a pozzed anti-NSFW filter)

Song generator:

Video generator

AI booru (use an ad blocker when accessing):

Local install:
Nvidia GPU: https://rentry.org/voldy | https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker
CPU: https://rentry.org/cputard

Disclaimer: All waifus have been created by our LORD in Heaven and by His Grace bound to their husbands through the sacrament of marriage until death divides us and lets us join Him in Heaven.
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*pulls a rabbit out of a hat*
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>forgets to link thread which leaves me waiting for half an hour
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how are you anyway !
Weedsho started playing elden ring and it sounds like it is giga difficult
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no its not giga difficult. elden ring has a lot of options to make it really easy if you want to. You can get other players to help you, summon spirits to fight for you, lvl up indeffinetely, look up op weapons and magic. It's a game that let's you make it as hard as you want it to be. people who haven't played souls games tend to associate them with difficulty, because they don't realize that they are the pinnacle of kinography, which is why i love them.
Doesn't that pic just remind you of the tower
The usual.
Looks like anor londo after killling boobs Also that punishment pic was very punishing for pper.
no and you should get ellen rang. and if you think its to hard you can just get me to help you in co-op.
er(erectile dysfunction) has a day night cycle so its just night time also the pic you posted is quiet nice too. I like artists with a simple but squishy style.
Yooo where da clussy at?
>Alright, boss, I promise I'll keep it PG from now on, geez.
Polish fauna
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How many times. Not at the children's birthday parties!!!
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oh my goodness
is anyone minecording currently
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also that video is uhh definitely something
Pls no. Don't give me more weird fetishes
Here you go. Adult woman fetish >:)
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It's Joever.
The proxy is giving me the 502 error message
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i'm guilty of having an adult woman fetish too
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it is yet another dark day in the history of minecord
noo already, i didnt get to yse it yet
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Happy birthday Maho!!!!
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maho still sounds like a meme purposely fucked up way to say miho
actually it was temporary and it works now, so it's okay c:
Also happy birthday to my wife's senpai!
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Your favourite guppy's favourite guppy
It's like hitler and himmler
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may i ask are you planning on playing any craft today
me, itty, and polly are on right now
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that's wonderful news i'm gonna log on too shortly
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guys my little bro is on my computer i dont know how to dislodge him gracefully
I dont think he will grief unlike polly's little bro, this one is more obsessed with strip mining
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he already griefed everything and we gotta roll back the world anyway so let him finish his thing
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i will lose my core but it is what it is
I'm back and things seem fine but my inventory is a mess. I was reading chat and it was pretty funny but wtf he was impersonating me?And he even knew how to use warps
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ugh i didn't make it in time to groom him i mean he was mining for emerald ore i think or something weird like that
I made him leave but I felt bad. I won't be logging in on minecraft again while he is in the house because I came back from the toilet and he was just there.
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log back onion logged on just now
You sick fucks
Miku in the trial chamber
that looks like fun. would be better with friends though.

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why is she so tiny
Yea it would be, it would be even better finding it without seed map. And without all meme plugins and end game gear. After which complaining about update being too short and too easy(i wonder why). As usual some people will soon say that the game is boring and that there is nothing to do(i wonder why). Or alternatively get mad because smt that they did wasn't in tutorial or doesn't have exact location stated on some site. Oh well they did it regardless of what i said, zoomer brainrot moment where even thought about searching something gives them shivers. Just saw britty die and then ise \back command 100 times(update is too easy btw).
Also love the fact that people who didn't care about copper and didn't even smelt it have more of it than me because they "found" dungeons with tons of it. Feels really good, amazing even.
Watch out polly they are going to call you a pissbaby to shut down everything you are saying.
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blud yapping about a children's game like it's some esports discipline skullemoji skullemoji
yeah the game was more fun with like 5 biomes total and a village for every square kilometer or less. now its just too much clutter
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They already did, even suggested domestic abuse and general bad speak talk, my attitude being le problematic since "its all about fun and community and its le hecking game chud hater"
Didn't ask.
Uhhh and who are you again? The guy who never left the starting area?
Im sorry we didnt do the first couple trial chambers with you and others. It is a multiplayer server after all so you have a point about doing it together. But its not all bad ok!! We only saw 2 at least me and itty and these two had vastly different layouts and some mobs that weren't in the other. So we can still experience some of it together!! I wont raid any more until you get back from elden ring wife killer simulator you sick freak
None of us complained that the update is too short, it was a nice little distraction from building which is what thge game is about ok. And me dying 100 times was just from me mining
Whyyy its not like you invested into copper stocks or something
I don't know if its sarcasm or not? But I do look at new stuff they added especially mobs that don't do anything and think its kinda bloat
you look like that
you can do whatever you want man, don't wait for me.
It is what it is really, or rather the fact that i took time to do something that someone else gets in seconds because of 3rd party sites. makes one wonder why we don't play in creative. Also i was sure stirby was being sarcastic but maybe that's not the case.
I assume that i won't even find one before you come back so its all good or so i think.
I wanted to go because itty and later russy wanted to go and its good to do things together like u said! But now its just me again so i'm not interested in doing it now
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i found your obsidian shulker by the way and it's in the most random and hilarious place ever
People have blood inside of them
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Speak for yourself fleshcel.
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Sorry, you aren't a people. Simple as.
no, i actually feel like simpler minecraft was better, except the quality of life changes like water logging, torches on fences, fences on fences, etc.
the temples, portals or pirate ships are way too common so there's nothing special about them. the forest mansion is at least rare enough to prove as a challenge.
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top 10 impossible things to generate on bing:
1. porn
2. a closed parasol
3. any character with a german name
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i'm pretty sure bing is fine with generating asuka
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Too bad it can't make best girl Misato
ah yes the common groBdeutschland name of ASVKA
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you haven't tried hard enough
it's just her pseudonym her actual name is something like hansia or something
Polly really should not try to offend you because you know where he lives haha

I think the temples, portals and pirate ships, and mineshafts are ok because they are abandoned, but the villages and pillager outposts detract from the weird feeling of being alone that minecraft used to give. It used to be very lonely and that worked well especially with the music but now its teeming with life. Just my opinion tho and i still love playing it even with the new stuf!
It doesn't recognise her maybe but you can get really close by describting her!
>wide brush strokes, little detail, katsuragi misato from evangelion, long dark purple hair, purple shorts and yellow top, eating food while sitting, eating mcdonalds
Asukabauer Langley Schneider
Noooo bing
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yeah i saw some bing gens that got her pretty accurate and well so it's not impossible unlike generating an unopened umbrella
oh my science
haha she's semi naked on the beach, that's so funny
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you are the landlord you should kick him out
What's so special about unopened umbrellas ?
cute clown
hahahahahaha wouldnt it be funny if you posted more haha
Nooooooo aaaaargh
What can I say, I love chests >:D
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megagem also they're incredibly kino when positioned in a specific way but bing just doesn't allow that
Moment of depression
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>minecord got hacked
i guess that's it

also its taking a lot to close the server for some reason... what did you guys do?
(fabric still not installed) give it something like 15-20 minutes ok
The server is still saving the game which is very sus
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ok ok server saved, backup done, fabric is being installed
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uhh well how do i put it
i wasn't joking
milion hoppers, and milion generated chunks.
I don't know how you put it since I don't know what you are trying to convey.
It works guys. Just a fast restart to fix couple things and its ready.
there's MC server? how 2 join
obligatory wife https://files.catbox.moe/e28wpn.png
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it might've been just a joke but you never know
do the plugins work too
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it's a friends only server so the only way to join it is to post here daily for the next few years and not be a dick or a retard
This Anon posted here a long time ago and he was pleasant then just as he is now. I have no issues with him joining, especially if britty is inviting random swedes he met on tf2 that the rest of us don't even know.
I'm not friends with anyone on the server except ritty so that's a burning falsenukerald.
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>the server is offline
the sheer amount of deception is offensive
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yes, although they are called mods, which means they are mods not plugins, but the one we are using are serverside mods, which means you dont have to download those mods

I didnt say it was on, i said i was restarting!
join now
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yeah posting 5 images a year ago and 2 now is definitely enough to make such bold assumptions but i guess you have a thing for slavs so you're positively biased and your opinion should not be taken into consideration plus we already had that conversation with britty and the swedes thankfully didn't join and won't join
>and not be a dick or a retard
man i failed at both
rikunny https://files.catbox.moe/qje4yz.png
Umm sweaty your being a gatekeeper again also the more people that play the better also russoids are gods chosen people who can do no wrong also whats the worst he could do grief? on a server with backups? c'mon no russian would ever destroy someone elses stuff. just relax man he's cool.
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yeah no offense it's not a public server and we don't enjoy playing with people we barely know because it's won't be fun for everyone and it's very awkward
It's only awkward for socially awkward people and you are the most charismatic outgoing guy on the server so why are you whining.
its understandable, i wouldn't play more than once anyways because of ongoing Infdev playthrough, don't have enough autism for more than one active world
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yeah very funny but don't play dumb and act like you don't see the downsides of inviting people that barely post and that you know nothing about
well it's very good you understand that and we kinda have some pending server issues that we need to solve first anyway before inviting anyone new
Umm what do you mean itty took the initiative to invite his friend to the server and we don't know anything about him and he doesn't post here at all and it worked out just fine.
thank you for sticking to the plan and yes russy dislikes that they are called mods instead of plugins
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i'm pretty sure he asked everyone before doing that are we fine with it and i'm also pretty sure there's a slight difference between a guy inviting his real life friend he knows for quite some time so he can help him on his builds and just some totally random poster from an anonymous imageboard who just happen to post a few times with no clear intention of engaging in discussion or any sort of long term bonding processes with anyone in here, let's invite that american who stumbles in here once a month posting some ai generated child porn telling us that we all have shitty pcs that can't run local install i guess he would be a great addition too
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good day britty
never asked me
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the server is utterly broken right now and it's incredibly demoralising and even the goddamn draw distance is back to being tied to the server and not your client which is just outrageous so no i'm not sticking to that plan #fixminecord
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it's definitely not because you ick him out by randomly acting bitchy for no reason and constantly being passive aggressive no he just hates you because he's italian and he ate some overcooked spaghettis that day or whatever
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Yeah italians and really, europoors in general are like that. I don't know what their problem is.
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don't let the blud know where americans originate from
Kino old man, is that this guy who ha duhhhh like wolf over his shoulder or smt? The boss guy.
Trust the plan or so they so in some parts of the world.
Also as far as the invites to server go i think it was because server was looking like it was dying or so. But yea inviting random people could produce rather curious results. Like link being posted in 5yo cord and then server spammed.
Stop being racist chud, nothing wrong with africa.
We've already established that I'm from south central africa so I have no filthy euroshit genes in me.
no its just my character.
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we already have to deal with britty's brother randomly joining and doing stuff so enough is enough
don't let the blud know where africans originate from (not this planet)
Oh i see, i did forget that you are ancient old man, tho he seems to be quite distinct from your region of origin unless you are actually dutch or so. Tho i guess games are escapism soo so being a based dutch bearded sailor in middle of atlantic slave trade golden era guy jas its merits. And he just happens to be back in his home town where new tower has appeared.
I have babu weakness and Britty is very rude to his siblings. Like all the time saying simply "leave". Seems like usual westoid soulless thing.
I do NOT do that its just now because i am pressured and working over time to show russy fabric is good.
Oh your not britty. That's a shame.
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yes we know you have a thing for kids but it's understandable since britty gotta cook and cook fast if he doesn't want to get boycotted so he gotta let off steam somehow also how many rooms he has if that's fine when you're there alongside his little brother and his parents, he should have at least like 5 rooms for comfortable living with this many people
me and britty are working on it have faith
we're currently together in a test server setting the mods for fabric, if it fails we return to bukkit
I have it all on tape.
Yea i know, wish i was as rich as him.
Yes yes, well everyone in macmansion has a room the size of commie block apartment, everyone has nasa tier pc, and a future car and university fund straight from government. Britty has millions of actual money in his retirement fund(he is in his 50s just having midlife crisis).
Stop erp at this very moment.
@Russy me and itty are solving the plugins. Do you want the mini block head one? I configured it on the test server so you have to pay 1 diamond to take any player head. Its by far the most moddy feature we are considering would you be okay with it. You could build with little head sized blocks !
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Custom name colours are back
Warps are back
Tpa and /back are back
Custom images are back (for now idk if we can have those since everyone will have to install the mod for them to show up)

We are so back!!! But the server is not on yet because we are stil testing things
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britty is just a quirked up white boy from a rich white family so it's pretty regular
yes just make the skins work and uncap the view distance and bring the freaking copper and copper2 back that's all i ask for, also release the heavy update too and ban all bots and buff the bison
this is concerning
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well the PLUGIN version of that thing was working just fine and for everyone, did you at least test tnt duplicator because if it doesn't work i will commit a homicide
Skins work as well i forgot to mention
>uncap the view distance
Install bobby!!!!
look at this!!
now i wanna build wife map art...
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uncap. the. view. distance. i'm sure there are billions of plu- MODS out there that can do that without me having to engage my precious muscles and move my fingers to get what was already on the server working fine and well
Hi russy 2!!! how are you. Are you the one who posted the lucky star pics?
yes there are at least 2 mods out there that fix this issue one is called bobby and you should download that mod and you should live in the pod and you should vote in the elections and you should go to work all the time and obey and buy stuff
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if it's not just "drag one file into your mods folder" thing i'm gonna end someone's life
You installed sodium alright so i have faith!!!
Are you using tlauncher?
Pissbaby Pissbaby pissbaby pissbaby pissbaby Pissbaby Pissbaby pissbaby pissbaby pissbaby Pissbaby Pissbaby pissbaby pissbaby pissbaby Pissbaby Pissbaby pissbaby pissbaby pissbaby
So russy, the view distance for fabric was 5 and i raised it to 10, 10 is the maximum for fabric aternos. We can't raise it more than that...

Bukkit aternos had a maximum of 15
Bobby allows you to set client render distance independent of the server so you can set it to whatever you want and it works. Also russy wants the mods here you go

https://modrinth.com/mod/modmenu (required for bobby)
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i'm looking like that weed tf2 soldier from richter overtime's thumbnail right now
i was forced to install bobby so it's alright 10 is not that bad if everything breaks again
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it's NOT required i can read stop gaslighting
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Oh ok you're right my mind just immediately went to putting chunks over 32.
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yeah exactly
Didnt ask, not my problem, don't care, water under the bridge
Arrgh russy you were starting the server and I was stopping it sorry. Ok we're good now to start it tho
But here's the kicker
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itty we did it :D
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Gothblin on linkedin
Gothblin on twitter
My game is crashing because i have 0 mib of space available on my computer so I need to delete some things
Sorry russy I will be away for a while because having 0 space available when i generated a chunk just bricked my minecraft launcher so i need to reinstall it
Final boss of elden ring dlc when the player walks in with the mop bucket (he is running towards the exist sign)
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i hope not on your main computer and on one of your macbooks
yeah i'm definitely gonna go sleep in this case i'm not placing 5000 glass panes on an empty server at 1am and can you at least image to ai that weed soldier image into something funny so i can post it here without breaking the no nonai rule
i beat it yesterday by the way but now i need to spend 800 hours invading people before i come back to craft
Peculiar thing to say.
Is invading really that hmm engaging? I mean it was fun to watch ds stuff on yt.
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Yes. They added a feature with er where you can invade anywhere in the game, from anywhere in the game so with the click of a button you get sent somewhere totally random that you thought you would ever go again. And since its a nonconsentual invasion rather than a duel, emotions are much hotter and the host will do any kind of dirty thing to survive and make it to the next checkpoint. And i love that kind chaos and unpredictability. Plus making a lot of different builds for invasions is a lot of the fun for me too. And invasions are basically the biggest skill check since you can only invade people who are co-oping. My current build was kind of sucking for invasions so i turned him into a faith incantation focused build.
>And invasions are basically the biggest skill check since you can only invade people who are co-oping.
That's different from what i remember i think, about souls anyway. Also isn't faith build kinda magic based or am i being crazy here.
But sure enough having a large possible invasion area creates more possibilities i suppose. I'm assuming you are still in no yt er phase? Also saw a fat fuck bread about elden ring tv/movie teasing. Thoughts how that would work? I don't remember from soft stuff that is adaptation friendly i think.
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No I'm not avoiding spoilers anymore. And yes faith is magic. One cool thing about er is that magic is now seperated into many types, and the types of faith I am using are spiral, miquellas, dragon cult, and giants flame... so a big mix of spell types. but the game supports heavily focusing on a specific type in a way that previous games didn't, for example you could go full bloodflame or full madness sorcerer.

I don't know who fat fuck bread is but if you want to talk like an adult than I'll respond to the second question.
Damn, I don't remember souls having that many variations. I saw most spells but it didn't seem like smt that would have hmmmm actual separate i guess roles or so. I remember using blackflame in offhand at some point, and that magic was pain to use since there was no real way of having proper mana recovery(i remember correctly).
>I don't know who fat fuck bread is but if you want to talk like an adult than I'll respond to the second question.
Im still child at heart I'm afraid. Alas, i just saw bread that talk how he teased about there being totally no plans for any adaptation. I guess in that part I'm biased since uhhh seeing him talk about this stuff while certain series isn't even getting finished is kinda uhhh you know, not good lookish.
how about you try playing it instead of watching a bunch of youtube videos about it. As far as it not being a good look, I don't give a shit, and neither does anyone else give a shit what polly thinks of a specific author, even if polly thinks his opinions are the most important thing in the world.

If they make a show of elden ring I won't watch it since I don't like irl and I don't like real people, I don't like seeing real people, I don't think souls style storytelling lends itself well to a (faithful) show or movie rendition, and I don't think I would like to see niggers in an elden ring setting since there are no niggers in elden ring currently, and a show would have niggers. Oh and ugly women and probably other browns. So I don't care if they make one but I would not watch it. Why would I anyways when I can just play the game?
I mean i only saw like 2 boss fights and vids I'm talking about are from souls anyway. As for martinez no point really talking about it, just couldn't help but do the usual when seeing him.
Yea your take on adaptation seems to be resonating with any other work atm really. So yea, i guess no topic subject.
As for playing it, as i said i would rather do souls first, but since im out of the dying 100 times games loop it would be hard now to get back into those(casually forgets about for honour that ended up being good after million deaths threshold). If anything just explore would be nice, or reading items descriptions and putting lore puzzles together. Anyway, not really full of resources to spend on games now so no online anyway even if i did play er. Also don't take this the wrong way but (as i dont really know much about er) it just looks like more of a the same from from soft, and i figured that earlier iterations are better at doing what er does(maybe not logical since mayhaps they took all the good stuff from previous games and removed bad things). It is what it is as they say. I still enjoy from soft music if that says anything.
>Plays 1 fromsoft game
>decided that its better than all the other fromsoft games

Zoomer npc preprogrammed opinions brainmoment. No, bloodborne does the lore, narrative, ambience and character stuff much, much better than ds1 or any of the earlier games. The opinions of youtube gamers are irrelevant.
It is what it is really, didn't really have the ability to get a proper opinion over the years. And i didn't mean ds1 specifically. Souls games are the easiest to get into since i already played one, and i cant exactly play bloodborne without console even though it has a lot of lovecraft stuff from what ive seen, and the style is very nice. Besides to get into from soft stuff again i would need to get into a proper mood and MC doesn't really help in that category. Heh, to be fair i would probably be more willing to just watch lore vids instead since that was the only cope i got in the past, getting ideas and stuff. Sure giga 3rd world zoomer moment but it is what it is as i said.
well that's all pretty pathetic to read
It is what it is really, the usual. That usually happens when one has nothing to show for.
Oh my cossackseque

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