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CONSOL Energy Edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Platinum, Gold, Silver
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Nickel, Zinc
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

Youtube channels to follow
>Mining Specific
Kitco Mining, Crescat Capital, Mining Stocks Education, Crux Investor, Metals Investor Forum, Resource Talks, Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, Rule Investment Media, Hedgeless Horseman
>Market Commentary
Peter Schiff, Liberty and Finance, Finding Value Finance, Commodity Culture, Palisade Gold Radio, Sprott Money, Rob Kientz, Mike Maloney, Macro Voices, Decouple Podcast, Saxo Market Call
>Twitter Pages for Mining News
JrMiningNetwork, JuniorMiningHub, KitcoMining, MinerDeck, MiningVisuals, Mining

>What is Austrian economics?
>What has government done to our money? - Murray Rothbard
>The mystery of banking - Murray Rothbard
>Profit & Loss - Ludwig Von Mises
>Must Read: Gary Allen, "Hunt for Silver"
>How to play the exploration stock
So Will oil actually go up this week?
>Just roll with the punches and enjoy the good things they have to offer. Keep on the sunny side of life, as it were.
Wise words coalbro, I'll take them to heart. Despite my negative experiences mostly dealing with money, Africa has been an absolute joy to explore. And I have just scratched the surface.
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Holders! What are your positions?
Got a bit of GLD, SLV, USO
I want more copper and silver exposure, agri inputs, and sand
evening all, been busy, have an ore post for the thread.
That cleavage gave me a rock-hard ore chasm
Sovereign Metals, Centaurus and Chalice Mining popping off to begin the week in the Ozzie market.
>Ecora Resources announces that it has entered into an agreement to acquire a 0.85% Gross Revenue Royalty ("GRR") over the Phalaborwa Rare Earths Project ("Phalaborwa" or the "Project") located in South Africa for a total cash consideration of US$8.5 million. In addition to the cash consideration, Ecora has subscribed for 10,442,427 new ordinary shares in Rainbow Rare Earths Ltd ("Rainbow"), the majority owner of the Phalaborwa project, for US$1.5 million in cash.

At least it's not lithium.
Honestly when interest rates are cut in the US, I find it hard to see lithium not picking up. It's had a disgusting bear market the seniors are down 70% the juniors 90% or more. Yeah, it's not as heavily subsidized as it once was, but the car market will pick up with lower interest rates. Although I do not think the bear is over, I don't agree the bear market will last another 5-10 years. Imo lithium should pick up in 2025, I'd be surprised otherwise.
>hard rock
>0.44% TREO grade
>30.4Mt reserve
>South Africa
what's the upside?
>what's the upside?
Capital loss tax deduction.
US Oil and Natural gas rigs keep dropping every month, that's keeping prices stable for now. Could oil actually break out and go higher from here? Hard to tell.
The fact that the junior PM market is still a dead duck with gold at these prices is kind of crazy, I'm willing to speculate the rally in gold isn't over, at least not until there is some excitement in the junior market.
People are sleeping on Emerging markets imo, the EM markets haven't moved since 2000 or 2008 in most cases, while revenues and income in USD terms has grown substantially. Even the natives are bored of these markets and with a strong dollar just buy dollars and invest in the USA, making these markets attractive with low P/E, P/B ratios and low or stable amounts of debt on the balance sheet, compared to US companies which a large portion of are leveraged up to their necks. Once the dollar weakens these markets should explode x5 x10 should be pretty common.
Emerging markets have been emerging for 20 years.
I love the lack of enthusiasm so I've been buying more commodity stocks as of late. I think the sector is going to recover and have another runup soon.
EM attracts me but the commodity sector is already well cheap enough for me right now. Maybe after the commodity bull has run more I'll buy EM stocks.
>Emerging markets have been emerging for 20 years.
And they will be emerging for another 20, but there are still blue chip companies there that rake in cash, and they are attractively valued.
>EM attracts me but the commodity sector is already well cheap
Yeah, I'm mostly in commodities myself, but EM's are also a no brainer at this point.
based value investor
fertiliser brownfield site with no mining/crushing/grinding involved, h1 2027 production target, "attractive cyclical entry point for rare earths"

ecora are desperate for revenue-generating assets to come online when their Kestrel coal royalty ends ~2026. BHP's West Musgrave is the next big project but that's being put on the back-burner while the nickel price is in the toilet.
The amount of lithium production still being built makes the prospect of rising lithium prices kind of hard to believe. The market is saturated and companies are still pumping into it.

Lithium has competition from sodium-ion batteries and vanadium in larger storage. The stuff is everywhere as a waste material and the oil companies will produce endless amounts of it eventually.
>And they will be emerging for another 20, but there are still blue chip companies there that rake in cash, and they are attractively valued.
That's true. I can never resist a good NAV discounted divvy payer.
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Canadian market closed today. Watch for many of our shitcos to do very well today without the rampant nefarious leaf naked shorting to monkey hammer us
Benton resources

Awaiting the next drill results.
no crushing and grinding? But I thought they'd be mining hard rock, not topsoil or clay?
OTC volumes just cannot be trusted. My theory is that on days like these the OTC tickers get a bid because the most impatient speculators can't sit still for a single day
>30.4Mt at 0.44% TREO contained within phosphogypsum in two unconsolidated stacks derived from historic phosphate hard rock mining

It's a leaching operation.
Nice, prolly has gypsym and phosphate byproduct too. Or maybe the REEs are the byproduct. Should be mineable then I imagine
So what so mines do with secondary ores if theyre not valuable? As someone mentioned, silver can come from copper deposits, but what about low grade or utility shit?
I assume its dumped or used to reclaim the site if its not feasible to sell or transport it
if the secondary elements are not valuable to extract, they're waste rock not ore. Ore is by definition economic to mine. Non-valueable material is waste rock which gets sorted out or ends up in the tailings mix.
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Costco needs their boomers to have money to buy goyslop after hyperinflation.
Good business strategy, too bad the company is overvalued by like 200%.
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r8 gr8 m8
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How does picrel make you fell?
it makes me feel bery :DDDDDDD
would you smelt?
well, would you?
thats some incredible native copper!
I bould benis :DDDDDDDD ebin :DDDDD
We might be able to have Japanese waifus even without gold going to the moon.
Riding a bus to Dar Es Salaam rn
I can already tell this is very likely going to be the worst ten hour ride of my life

How sketchy is it?
How are the roads?
surprisingly the bus itself is aight if a bit cramped and hot. The AC on the other hand is too cold so I might get a flu
fucking awful, and combined with the way they drive here it makes sleeping or remaining comfortable a herculean task. They have these massive speed bumps along the roads at frequent intervals and you bet we're speeding into those at light speed. My tall friend who had to pick the back row middle seat almost got launched onto the floor at one particularly bad one. He just said that the safari ride was less bumpy lmfao. Also the Internet connection is weak and I only have 40% charge left. Gotta laugh or cry but I'm too tired to do either
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He failed us
This place is hilariously dead. Is the peddling of penny stocks the only thing that kept this place alive? I still curse silver miner anon by the way. May he live the rest of his life in unbearable brutality.
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Yep pretty much. No new blood asking stupid question from biz as well. I expect traffic will pick up after $50 or miners start catching up. Most people follow trends instead of getting in front and buying low.
I like how comfy it has become.
Okay guys, I want to invest in commodities and precious metals but don't know where to start. I have about $50 to $70,000 that is available and I'm thinking of putting a chunk into Franco, Nevada and Wheaton precious metals. Throw it into the more royalty/ staking companies for now. And then invest elsewhere. I don't know, what do you think?
You should have some percentage of assets in safe and risk-on assets, depending on age and income. You'd never want to throw everything into the market all at once, either. Eg, put $20k into stocks and $50k into short-dated fixed income, and every month move $1.5k from the fixed income into the stocks until you have like $10-15k in bonds. That way you have an immediate position and can DCA into the markets

Whatever percentages you want is up to you, but just be aware that commodities are a volatile sector at best, and even if everyone knows the broader market is in a bubble and metals are undervalued, it can take a long time for the bubble to pop. Are you comfortable holding losers for 5 years and seeing -70% returns? This is why I think it's important to DCA slowly and add to existing positions when there is a discount.

Using gold miners as an example, there's usually junior/explorers which are the most risky, established large/mega caps with global operations which are your bluechips, a few midsize companies that have attractive risk/reward, and royalty companies which lease land etc and provide stable income. Just make sure you're properly diversified (size, jurisdiction, metals) so you don't get fucked by something happening with a foreign govt
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Things will pick up when Graeme nails the porphyry
Based. Thanks nigger
Got a rental property going. Maxed out the contribution this year to my variable mortgage
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Oh yeah, one other thing. Juniors are notorious for reverse stock splits to shore up the price, diluting investors so they can maintain a minimum price/compliance for non-OTC exchanges (NYSE/NASDAQ).

If you're hand-picking companies, especially in this sector, you need to do your homework. Make sure the management is competent (are they a lifestyle CEO with Thai ladyboys?). Check company inventories to see what they're sitting on (are they stockpiling to sell when price goes up, or completely inactive?). I don't know how relevant it is to here, but I always get into the habit of at least checking share dilution over time if I'm buying a long position nowadays. Winners keep winner, and losers keep losing.
>implying Venture shitcos are allowed anywhere near NYSE/NASDAQ
I was using it as an example since it was the first exchange that came to mind, but you're right. The point was that they're happy to dilute existing shareholders because they can
How does a reverse split dilute shares? It's literally the opposite. 2 shares become 1, reducing the number of shares. Dilution comes from issuance of new shares.
Beware gold and silver. Both can be printed and are heavily manipulated by central banks to shore up their currencies. Gold should be much higher than it is but it is endlessly issued from central banks to shore up fiat.

Buy things that can't be printed because people actually use them. Oil, copper, diamonds, etc.
Sorry, it's both things. Reverse splits to shore up the price, and share dilution to raise more capital. Both are bad in this instance since it makes a shitty company look better to unsuspecting traders. It's been a while since I've handled shitcos
That's maybe not a great example, since DeBeers has a huge supply held back to inflate the price; not to mention artificial diamonds are pretty simple to make and already have lots of industrial applications.
Should Coalbro buy this gorgeous car? I love Buicks and am in the market for a true classic. I still drive 90s and 2000s Buicks to this day as my daily drivers.

Rip, hope you make the road trip.
There's no meaningful reason gold "should" be higher than any arbitrary number. It's a shiny rock with very limited uses and the world has big vaults full of the stuff doing nothing.
>it's cold = catch flu
Not how that works
thanks I survived somehow. I passed out at some point while listening to shibayanrecords.
Getting crushed today. Pretty depressing given how shit June was. Next year definitely selling in May and fucking off for the summer.
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Checked. You know what they say... If you sell in May, you turn gay.
...you are not going to tell me you don't like shibayanrecords, are you?
I mean I wouldn't say I dislike them, but It's just not for me.
But I'm a silver gold bug....
The silver price edged just high enough for me to sell off 2/3rds of the physical silver position I'd built up ready for last week's squeeze to $32/33. Can't win them all but at least I didn't lose anything.

Will keep the remaining 1/3rd for the push to $35 that will definitely happen tonight now that I've sold down so much. Fuck precious metals honestly.
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Wish I'd had more money 1 week ago to buy the Snowline retarded dip because of Victoria. Spent everything I had
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Canadian National Resources withdrew from the South African Block 11B/12B (they had a 20% interest). Block 11B/12B contains over 1Bboe (mostly gas). The interest in the Block are as followed: TotalEnergies (operator with 45%), QatarEnergy (25%), Canadian Natural Resources (20%), Africa Energy Corp. (10%).
Africa Energy Corp. (a Lundin company) Is down 50% today. Thoughts on this might be a good play. Their 10% interest comes out to over 100Mboe of resources for ~50M CAD ( Yahoo Finance isn't working so I can't get the exact mcap). Seems like a decent play unironically.
I'm not saying It's the bottom, but it comes down to $CAD 0.5 per barrel of oil equivalent.
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Smells like monster drill results are coming soon, maybe a new discovery, wouldn't want to be a shortnigger

Patiently waiting to retire.
How could Rana Vig do this to me?
The meaningful reason is the fiat money supply was wildly inflated by central bank printing whereas gold should not be printable and thus reflect the weakness of fiat vs itself.
Just got 95k shares of poo.
Literally bottom feeding right now.
what happens when their permit gets denied?
Paper gold only satisfies demand for paper gold. Important not to get carried away with the narratives of libertarian youtube crackpots. You can lose a lot of money that way.
It's J'over
>Oil lost all of its gains to close the day red
Why is oil basically crude shit in a barrel?
Price goes up and one of the cartels turn on a tap, price goes down and they shut one off.
Oil is basically a perpetual arm wrestling competition between two opposed manipulating parties. Also crack spreads and refined products low
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>swinging physical
shiggy diggy
>what is resistance
Oil is still up 14% in under a month and bouncing off the very obvious resistance of the April high. Did you buy yesterday? Did you chase the green candles? It's alright, we're all anonymous here
that image looks like the orangutan on the right is telling the ones on the left a good joke or story
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They are naturally captivating speakers
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SUV anon checking in.
Finishing up my 6-month gig here and saved $80k.
I wouldn't mind if I never stepped foot in Colorado again.
Central banks can and do release physical gold to suppress gold prices relative to their flailing fiat.
Is selling real assets below fair value part of the scheme to keep value unfair now? Yes, the value of gold would be higher if people weren't happy to sell it at the current price. Preschool economics lesson for you, bud.
they're net buyers globally THOUGH
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Rana will deliver the bonanza
390k shares of poo. Just waiting for the stock price to up.
that's a fat bag of poo. we're going to make it, bro
Had to do some recent bottom feeding because the price is too cheap. Hopefully Rana and his village is happy. If we can get to a dollar or so that would make my year.
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Yeah we know that's why we are buying. In 2 more weeks we will get our 100x and have enough NEETBUCKS for life.
Quite right. Natural gas, iron ore, or something along those lines would have been a better analogy.

It's not people selling, it's central banks manipulating the price. Rather large difference. Odd you conflate the two very different things, wonder why.
Hard to manipulate a market if you don't have some control over it.

The point being the price of gold and silver relative to fiat is illogical. Fiat inflation goes up, gold and silver barely move. Why? Because central banks peg the price of their currencies to gold and manipulate the gold prices to keep that peg. So if you are planning to make money investing in gold by betting on fiat inflation be aware of this or it will screw you. You need to look no further than the ridiculous COVID money printing driven inflation if the last year's to see that gold values in real terms decreased over that period. It's completely backwards from what it should have done if gold was not being pegged to the usd.

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