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My childhood was a dark nightmare, I bet i was raped and I don't remember
Hey do you want to rape me
all faggots were raped in their childhood
it's how new faggots are made
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Who was the first faggot raper then?
Some mentally ill individual
such as >>20677955 I think
Rape must be scary to experience
My childhood was stunted because I had a traumatic experience where I had a crush on a girl in 2nd grade. A "friend" of mine weaseled that info out of me and then he told EVERYBODY! Next day I walk into class and everybody laughed at me. That shit fucked me up for years. I was never really comfortable talking to girls and felt embarrassed and humiliated to let anyone know.

I did eventually grow up and realize how fucking stupid that all was, but it was too late to get back that part of my childhood.
Count Fagcula
>My childhood was a dark nightmare
Why, because your family didn't buy you the toy you wanted or something? Whats the real reason
I was actually raped when I was in the third grade. I still remember.
And no, it wasn't the fun kind of rape.
These are infants.
It was sad and empty. Devoid of real experience.

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