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Happy Canada Day, banter
fuck you
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Happy birthday to my favorite neighbor~ *kissu*
Fuck Canada day
Does maple syrup really come from Canadian women's breasts or is that nothing more than a rumor
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do you have any porn of canada girl getting fucked in honor of fuck canada day? if not you are not a real canadian
It should be futanari american woman fucking canada and saying "ooh canada~ oh canada~"
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I'm not happy about it
We can postpone the day of the rake
Why not?
No it fucking shouldn't
Nothing to smile about in my life
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You too dude
maple is in the trees just like Vietnamese!
Rape Canadian Twinks
that's rude
it's ok
dont listen to him you can rape me
canada would fall in 1 day if the US invaded
Happy Canada Day
fucking leaves
>Canadian: Happy Canada day!
>All the other Canadians: I am going to kill myself!
remind me not to post a 4th of july thread. I don't think I could handle this from my fellow Americans.
we are all canadian on this blessed day
There's nothing to be happy about in this country. It's dead.
well that just goes to show you that you don't know anything about the War of 1812
Fuck Canada
even me?
I just heard you guys have mounties in the Arctic to keep the natives in Greenland from landing on your little islands and poaching.
Apparently it’s so boring there they keep killing themselves.
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thanks i love you
what are you celebrating? is it like independence or just a general appreciation of canadian culture?
I don't think Canada really wanted independence like we did, it just kind of happened almost by accident and they still sort of pretend it didn't.
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Enjoy the day fellow Americans
Awww you're so cute together
>what are you celebrating?
Nothing. It's as meaningful as such statutory holidays as heritage day and family day.
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Everyone I know is a self loathing white hating commie and I can't fucking take it anymore.
>Waving the Canadian flag bad!
>Waving the Ukraine and pride flag good!
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You must be fun at parties.
You must be fun at parties.
I am actually.
canada should be annexed and their land parceled to incels i'm 100% serious in this statement. enjoy your joke of a holiday, eclipsed by juneteenth and and like a fart in a hurricane when compared to the celebrations of july 4. as you watch our fireworks over the great lakes and wish you were american, in those brief moments before you go inside for the national curfew, remember that this is the price for your ancestors cowardice and that freedom belongs to the brave, your midsummer celebrations peak with the beaver festival or whatever you guys do there i don't even have a clue lmao you're that insignificant. it just made me mad that you would have anything to celebrate this close to july 4. absolute insult and i will be writing my congressman about this. i had no idea... canada day lmao
I would have moved to Canada if they hadn’t flooded it with Indians. I like that they still have a frontier.
i do think it's both okay and correct to be racist and transphobic. you need to go back to new delhi or israel or germany.
you may find it funny that i am american. i have both passports and am here for work (that i hate).
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Have a good one.
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Happy Canada Day. This used to be a great board and now it's absolute fucking trash, like Australia
It's true Anon don't worry :)
Literally everyone in my neighbourhood proudly waves Canadian flags, where do you live?
You sound mad ngl
0/10 Ragebait
This country is on the decline because of pathetic soggy human wet wipes like you who declare that their country is over because of a few rough years. You're not Canadian you're a crybaby bitch
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you could have mad these all in one post, but you did get dubs 3 times...
Thanks I hate it here
>>20686833 (dubs)

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