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What does /pol/ think about tattoos? Personally, I have three and they look badass
nice ID
hey look the pedo mod is protecting his underage blogpost
Hot/badass when done properly and you spend money on a good artist.
Dumb/silly when done cheaply for attention.
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I want fags covered in tats to be force fed 7grams of mushrooms and placed in front of a mirror.
People with tattoos look like prison sex slaves to me.
I have tats that I got in my early 20s and now I think tats ok in general are gay
>PR van h Dc
It's branding for cattle, and toxic due to the metals used in the pigments.
this, I got the best artist in East LA and he did a great job
I could mog that cunt
But I won't.
I just got a massive one of a PARROT RIDING A MONOCYCLE on by back between my shoulder blades.
It looks bad arse.
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Kids get ready to go visit grandma!!!
>Personally, I have three and they look badass
No they dont marked cattle slave enjoy blood poisoning
Go ahead and post your faggot doodels so we can have a laugh
I like them because they let me know who to not interact with.
A lot of sportsball chasers have them and sportsball is bad arse.
Therefore everyone should copy them. It's bad arse.
Not worry if you change your mind or get board of it because you can just get another one next to it of whatever pops into your head as being bad arse. Or start another round of wode blotches on another more bad arse part of your body such as your neck or hands or face.
> Tattoo saying "onions boy"
> Tattoo saying "LSD"
What the fuck ?
>Verification not required.
>from the UK
>where the English language originated
are you retarded?
ONIONS* boy, not onion boy.

what the fuck did my fingers type ? My brain wanted to type ONIONS, but my fingers typed ONION.
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dunno about OP but I just got this on saturday….looks awesome
I saw a 35 year old landwhale roastie in a flower dress with tattoes just like that all over her arms and legs. Cringe.
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Why does this keep happening ? Is this some troll or something ? Why when I write ONIONS it changes back to ONION ? What the hell is happening ?
I have 2 but I don’t try to cope about it, I know now that they were dumb decisions. I won’t ever get them removed though because I want to have them as a lesson for my children about what not to do.

Thanks for the heads up, bro.
Luckily, I didn't get that tattooed on my calf because I've already got a massive tat on it saying, 'My Calve'. It's in a cool gothic font though.
childish and immature
it should be illegal to get them during pregnancy
Used to want one when I was younger. Never could decide which doodle to commit too, and in the intervening years people got so crazy with that shit it really turned me off to the whole idea entirely.

Is it done in biro?

They're an aesthetic option for people who enjoy the look. I'm okay with them to a point, but I do think too much ink starts looking bad.
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The only tattoos allowed should be ones that you earned through trial and right of passage. Anyone who buys a tattoo is a mentally weak consumer faggot.
You have no idea how many fucking dumbass 'riot grrls' would look at this and think
>Woah, what a bad ass babe
>Bet she's got some stories
>She lived life to the fullest
Not realizing that She was probably passed around from biker to biker in two decades of drug-addled attempts to cope with her memories of childhood sexual abuse.
Random question
Can he actually use that piece on his neck as an actual brass knuckle? Or is it just a really expensive paper weight

Are you okay?
disgusting repulsive body
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>What does /pol/ think about tattoos?
I don't get them because if I start I'll end up looking like Sirius Black.
I think they look stupid and like a desperate plea to be noticed. They are for stupid people who follow the herd
dawg you realise everybody in America saw that video even before the election? Half the US is full of pedos
Is there anything more faggy than a guy with tats? You either look like a fat wannabe biker from the sixties or someone who takes it up the ass every friday night
Nice tits sugar
Only fags and trannys have tattoos. You my good sir are a tranny faggot.
Lmfao faggot that looks like some oil spill or wikipedia topography map
I think all women should respect men more for not having any since it's retarded and a waste of money. They are only ok for a couple types of people like military, pro fighters and other pro athletes, felons with prison tats / gang members. Everyone else that falls outside the lines of those things looks retarded and instantly gets less respect from every intelligent white person who isn't a fag.

In the religious leaning forums people claim they are demonic and like portals for demonic possession but probably because a lot of tattoos are made to look edgy but it really just looks like more retarded Halloween on most people.
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This one was probably passed around by bikers, but current generations grandmas will look the same and were just “normal” millennials.
Even my own sister has like 20+ tattoos. Her 4 y.o daughter asked me once why don’t I have any tattoos? So actually it’ll probably be completely normal for most of them….
I don't like them, never have.
I view tattoos as open dieries by needy flakes, come post here "anonimously" and yap, don't tell me tour life story and fairy crap by writing in on your body because I will view as weakling and non trustworthy character.
Sorry, but it is how I feel about it.

I am bst shit crazy and not a pillar of strength per say myself... but I've always viewed tattooed people as weak people of weal character and not trustworthy in case of severe situations and war.
Because consider the psychological state of the person who wants a Permanent tattoo.

I am sorry, I think people are good, I just think that tattoos are a mistake, once people mature and understand why they did it not why they thought they did it I feel they remove themz then that means strength may be returning and good character maturing.

It's poison too.
LOL looks like plywood
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Just my honest opinion.
I'm cool on being a walking comic book
Tattoos were used to mark slaves and convicts.
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Tattoos give off bad vibes or energy. How bad is dependent on what the tattoo says or is a symbol of.
Skulls, upside down cross, negative images etc are going to be worse than a positive word, or symbol, or like name of a loved one or biblical verse, etc.
But they all give off bad energy. The people who get them though are already too blinded to realize that.
Few might change and realize later in life and remove or cover them up/changed.
the reality is Biblically they are the markings of a slave. if no owner is readily apparent, it must be a demon.
Tattoos inherently signal stunted development. If you get tattoos of something really important to you when you're 22, you will be forced to justify them for the rest of your life. When you're 32, you will never admit that you fucked up so you will keep telling yourself the thing you tattooed on yourself 10 years ago is actually still very important to you. You will always stay in your 22 year old mindset because otherwise you'd have to admit you did something retarded that continues to follow you.

Meanwhile, people who didn't permanently mark themselves with things that were important to them at 22 are free to drop old shit and move on to more relevant things throughout their lives.
>Colorado Springs
It checks out. Thousands of girls in Colorado are basically a carbon copy of this now.
>legs are one of women’s best features that aren’t genitalia
>they now cover them up with cartoons and quirk chungus shit
>they always tell you their tattoos are “meaningful”
What a disastrous trend.
jealous assholes

Good point, I agree. Although I don't really think people having a couple of positive, actually meaningful ones is something to hold against them. I know of a couple very good people with a very conservative amount of ink but good people even usually have them covered so you're right they do give off some degree of negative energy to people outside but I don't think the good ones fuck with good people.
Feel free to remove them and be free.

My dad had a very small letter tattoed on his arm.
He told me as a child it was rhe worst decision of his life, not just the tattoo but the circumstances of how he got it.
He said he learned that day his weakness and peer pressure and belonging drives people to chose wrong, and that knowing yourself and being strong and making choices yourself is the most important thing in this world.
I was quite small but I understood.

He got it when he joined some special military unit during his service, the whole unit got the same small letter on their arm so noone said no.
He said he hesitated, alot, but they convinced his, his peers and the people who brought the equipment in.
And that it's the worst decision of his life and told me if I ever want one when I turn 18 to think about why and always make my own choice myself and be able to say no, especially in a moment when all friends or the group is doing something just to belong.
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>permanent tattoo

Most nowadays get them on a whim. Then they cope and pretend they don’t regret them a few years later. Eventually they just get so used to them.
A few have really dumb shit they do regret and or bothers them later. Then some people just keep getting more and more and enjoy looking like a fucking sharpies up public bathroom stall.
Just know that deep down many of them regret them. They live with “no ragrets” but they secretly do.
Or they’re literally NPCs who are too dumb to even grow to realize how dumb they are.
If they're so badass why haven't you posted them yet?
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22? Dude they get them right at 18 nowadays.
Whatever stupid shit they liked at or around 18 they have to justify as being so important to them for their whole life.
>oh yeah, Spyro really helped me get through depression when I was 12!
How many faggots do you know with a Zelda Triforce?
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Tattoos are objectively shit.

On women; any patch of tattoo-free skin (so long as it isn’t deformed/scarred etc) is more aesthetically pleasing than any patch of tattooed skin, which just looks like a load of grey-greenish smudges, while on men the artistry of the tattoos may be impressive, but skin as a medium is inferior to every other, so any tattoo would look better as a T-shirt, a wall print, a screensaver etc.

Aside from that; twats get them.

The finest girl I’ve ever seen has a goddamn stupid tattoo on her arm which makes her look like a fucking sailor. And she probably only got it to piss somebody off, and I suppose it worked because I now enjoy something less than I could be.
they just get more egregious tattoos to cover the old ones and the cycle continues. The idea of a sunk cost fallacy is lost on them.
Tattoos always look gay and stupid
Dis nigga knows his onions
When I was a teen the back whats now known as the stamp thing and that ring around the arm muscle became a uge trend.
People were getting them en mass, alot of the time together in pacts

My friend got the stamp thing, I remember being outterly shocked she had done it and sad, I wished she had told us before so I could have talked to her about it and tell her the other side see if she chose not to, but her choice.

Then my other friend got her horoscope sign on the bottom of the leg, quite lare, that was a complete shock too.

I could not understand why, why do they want tatoos.
They tried talking me into getting one where it can't be seen, they tried hard, as if it's something that was triggered in them to want us all to be alike... I can't immagine it being mal intent because the are good people, it was subconcous behavior to feel alike I think.

You'd have to tattoo my corpse, lol, no way.
>Displays mental illness on skin and forsakes the sanctity of their vessel.
You belong on preddit with the other mutilators like YNBAWs and cutters. Go back!
>Hot/badass when done properly and you spend money on a good artist.
Good artists don't become tattooists
if you're not willing to put it on your face or neck, then you fundamentally agree that it looks trashy.
jealous of looking like a sack of human shit?
Second dumbest fad to hit the streets next to cutting your genitalia off.

Don't have any tattoos myself. I could never think of a tattoo worthy enough of being on my body, nor could I ever find a tattoo artist that I deemed worthy enough to put graphiti on my body.
they want everyone to get one in an attempt to make you make the same bad choice they did. This is so they can convince themselves they are not idiots and do not regret it.
they do.
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Anyway, can't be called racist when you're blacker than the blackest nigger.
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>I could not understand why, why do they want tatoos.
just retard cattle things. If you are ever confused by a normalfag just remember the only things they will ever care about is what the rest of the group thinks. Honestly, it's why we call them normalfags. It's objectively against human nature to not want to follow the group blindly because obviously it's the strongest survival chance. So fitting in is the most important thing in the world for them or they muh die.
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I’m hoping no tattoos will become the it-thing with a next generation, since their parents will all be covered. Hopefully laser technology improves too to remove them quicker and better.
Even a tattoo of a cross gives off negative energy. It’s like a stain on the body that can’t be washed off. But yes, “good” tattoos are not as bad, but they’re all negative energy.
Yeah. Or they get ones like pic related. My gf has some almost exactly like this. She got one at 16 other at 18…
Luckily they’re thin and I’ve told her I don’t like tattoos and we’ve talked about her possibly trying to have them removed.
Where I worked people would park and go to the tattoo shop, they come out with whole arm wrapped and tattooed!
I genuanly felt bad for every single one of them, I had this sad feeling for them.

Bjt can't say anything, not to offend them or belittle them because they would do it anyway.
They already did it.

I also never liked piercings, no brows nose lips... I never understood it, it was a big thing as well when I wa young.
Admirable restraint.
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Is that a picture of her younger self on her back so the guy she's fucking at the moment has something to look at.
lmao "badass" lol dude you are a faggot kill yourself
Yeah, I was being generous with 22.
Imagine yourself at 18 and the kind of stuff you thought was cool and awesome. At least for me, it would be shit I'd never want on my skin today in my early 30s.
If I had tattoos from 15 years ago, I'd be forced to pretend like their subject matter still matters to me, otherwise I'd have to admit I have shit I don't care about permanently etched into my skin. Nobody wants to admit that, so I'd be forced to cope and pretend, dooming me to perpetual manchildhood.
That's the main issue with tattoos for me.
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Some look bad. Some look ass.
thanks for self filtering as a retard cattle fag
I’ve never had friends so it wasn’t a peer pressure or trying to fit in sort of thing. I genuinely thought they were cool at the time. Drew them myself then had the artist do it better. Removing them doesn’t really make any difference. You still hold that ink in your lymph nodes and the scarring remains so it would still be visible. I see no point in spending a bunch of money on a stupid decision twice. I still have no friends or social circle so I’m perfectly fine just leaving them and telling my sons how dumb dad used to be.
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Blame society for no longer making it hard to get jobs for tattoos. Now nurses are all covered in them. Your dental hygienist. “Professionals”
Some might even cover up most of them but then you can see them on their hands. Face/neck/hands are super common now. That used to mean no job.
>scares her children with snake headed woman on her arm
Lol, in the end they faired better on the normal life scale then me!

I think it was subconcous for them to want me to get it, not malice, and I was aware, it sorta made me feel as if they had been injured and I was grieving for them silently.
Maybe they regret it now and removed it, we all have our crazy phase I guess.

But it's not good for the body, it prevents detoxing, contamination increases and disease.
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Imagine LARPing as a reddit poster
We have to protect them.
Why only Friday?
Jealous of needing attention? Nope
Jealous of looking like a low IQ trashbot? Nope
LOL imagine thinking people are jealous of you over tattoos, How far below average is this guy's IQ?
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>gets Horde symbol tatted on them because FOR THE HORDE!!!
>stops playing WoW years later.
>everyone asks what your tattoo is of and you have to give some gay explanation about a mmo video game
Imagine being this faggot. Covid vaccine trials were so meaningful!!! Lmaooo waiting until it’s proven the vaccine causes cancer or something
those were my original posts on there you fucking retard
Increased chance of having an std. Self scarring is disgusting
who wants to be normal in this crazy fucking world?
the fact that they would do so out of their subconscious and not out of malice does not make it correct.
I still feel bad for the ones that do it for stupid reasons, but in the way that you feel bad for a dog that gets beaten by its owner.
I have an IQ of 101, which is probably higher than most of the asshats on this board
Well, as long as you are happy anon.
And you want to teach your children better, that is admirable and character strength gained through time and experience.
As long as they don't bother you.
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Holy shit. Go back.
>Yeah, its my Warcraft 5 tattoo
Problem solved.
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No, that user only posted one of the pics you posted ITT. Here is another one from another user.

I've BTFO your LARP, you can stop now.
Anon, there is no one normal in this world!
We're all crazy here. lol
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>every girl on tinder
Imagine being so boring your interests are tattoos….
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>being super cute but ruining it with a fucking hideous tattoo on your arm
I don’t see how a woman can get that idea and not realise that it just interferes with the shapes of her body that are enjoyable to look at and she’s only adding smudges which don’t enhance anything.
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What you don’t think they enhance her beauty?!?!
Well they’re super meaningful too!
Plus all her friends have them so she has to get one :^)
I wanted wow tattoos when I was young, if I had then now it would be alright just give them the explanation who cares, I don't have any tattoos btw. Each to his own imo, it's not a big deal.
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Wait until that girl gets one like this. It’ll just enhance her beauty like crazy!
I wanted to get ripped before getting tattoos, never got ripped lmao
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What about Star Wars and Kirby?!!?
Only tattoos that are acceptable:
- Army/Navy tattoos
- Sailor tattoos
If you're neither of those things and you have tats then you're a faggot
only cattle gets branded
The ink travels to the lymph nodes. For I don’t [re]commend them.
That’s what they think, that because they’re meaningful to her that they’ll literally alter your aesthetic preferences. Like you’ll say “oh wow that ugly scrawl is so hot because she was really into the lyrics of that song she was into for a week 6 years ago that she decided to get written on her in Arabic script for some reason, oh wow it’s amazing”.

They really don’t see very far outside themselves.
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Verification not required.
only 3?
Branding is different than a tattoo you uneducated mongrel.
Why not lmao I'm not into tattoos but eh
It really is something for thought-impared
>Dude! Just got a new tat. Wanna see?
>Only cost me $1200 but it's worth way more than that.
Uh, what the fuck is that? Looks like rats playing poker
>Dude, it's the famous dogs playing poker image. It doesn't look like rats
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It’s generic as fuck too
My gf has song lyrics tattooed on her from an oldies song. I never once heard her listen to oldies…
Also she has the word “Resilient” in such shitty cursive I thought it said Robert for a month and was about to break up with her because I couldn’t date a girl with her exes name on her.
She’s like “Whaaat?? I don’t have a tattoo of any exes name”
Then who’s Robert?
It says Resilient!
Fucking looks like Robert.
See this pic where I wrote resilient in cursive…
no homo, no p. diddy but nice breasts.
rorschach test looking ass tattoo
> What does /pol/ think about tattoos?
They’re really only appropriate when you’ve suffered a traumatic brain injury and want to remember your commitment to vengeance.
I have several accounts you lowbrained nigger idiot just like I am posting right now from a different IP.
Fucking Facebook boomer go back
It used to be that only soldiers and criminals got tatts. Stolen valor imo.
No they don’t bother me. I can recognize it was dumb but I also live by a philosophy of owning my mistakes and trying to teach others. And who knows, if I make it to old age I might think they look funny on my old wrinkly skin.
I was stationed at Carson and you are very right
They can look cool but not like OP pic, unironically I only like chud tattoos like swastikas, sunwheels, and crucifixes, I only believe in tattoos for things that have eternal meaning like race and religion
People get tattoos to make up for a boring personality. They think that getting a tattoo will make them more interesting.
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i have lived 3 times the life most others have and i am covered in tattoos and scars.
i have to beat bitches off with a stick.
quit being a little pussy bitch and mind your own shit leaf.
Slaves and cattle bear markings, free men do not.
the board changes s o y to 'onions', you retard. also his eyes say 'lost soul' not lsd. you retard...
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When you get old and wrinkled you'll regret having them.
It’s an easy way out of looking young and into looking le tough guy and heckin badazz. If people have tattoos i automatically know they are impatient and as women do they care too much about how they look and are arrogant and have questionable morality and ethics and probably lie a lot but are ashamed of it.
been hearing that my entire life and have been getting them since i was 16.
they already have cheap laser removal and in a few more years home laser removal kits will be a reality.
i was saying the exact same thing verbatim 20 years ago.. and now look..
not saying chicks should be covered but men should never die without scars or tattoos.
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As useful today as they were 5,000 years ago for identifying slaves and convicts.

Are you a freeman or an ex-con?
vikings had tattoos. know who seethes over tattoos?
jews. thats who
Prowling reddit for pics to LARP on here with is very gay. You are a homosexual
Oh we definitely condemn tattoos amongst our own kind. But for a goy? The more the merrier! Tattoo away, goy. Tattoos do not desecrate the skin of a goy like they do a Jew because goyim are already desecrated.
>KEKs ratio
the number of a person's tattoos directly correlates with the decline of their IQ
and there ya go
I have a spider web tattooed around my elbow. I am SO cool.
>jew desecration
so does sucking baby penis nullify that?
>t. seething manlet with no tattoos
Iths faaabulous
Glowies will identify you easily
Newfag alert, it's a site wide filter same with t b h becoming desu
>vikings had tattoos
Give me one historical written norse saga, that describes someone having or getting a tattoo.
Let me guess, two of them are on your ass cheeks and say “ENTER HERE.”
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u did grow with dad's absence
are not you?
cool 30 years ago before they went mainstream. Now they represent conformity.
uggg do some searching.
i can spit and hit viking tattoos on google images.
i am outside right now
They are cringe and look especially shit on feminoids
In fact iv really come to be completely disgusted by them
>They tried talking me into getting one where it can't be seen, they tried hard, as if it's something that was triggered in them to want us all to be alike... I can't immagine it being mal intent because the are good people

It absolutely is maleficence. Women are terrified of being alone in their bad choices, so they try to drag down everyone into the same pit they're in, then: "Okay, we're all in this together."

Don't let them off the hook.
spell it soi. onions is onion.
Tattoos are pretty cool. Anyone who hates on them is an insecure loser not worthy of respect.
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Yeah tattoos are cool
these days its more rebellious not getting a tattoo.
pagan degeneracy, molymeme had some good talks about it
Tattoos = symbols of conformity to globohomo zeitgeist
fun fact
its cheaper to pay a professional artist than a tattoo artist, you can change frames over time, never cover it up, move it around the house, and if its of quality leave to someone else when you die
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this is true.
i have had mine since waaay before normal fags were getting them.
mine have meaning, mine are for me and nobody else. do not give a fuck what others think of them.
bitches lick me, thats good enough for me.
>Their Parents will be covered in them
Anon I…
Trying to distract from your estrogen soiboy bod
I’m asking for proofs that would,ve been mentioned in numerous sagas, not some random pics of hipsters having pagan symbols tattooed near their manbun or images from some tv series.
tats are for faggots. Imagine being a man and thinking "yeah I want some drawings on my skin, I would look so pretty and hot"
Kill yourself. Doodlenigger.
>bitches lick me
>he gets punched out by women
based manlet weakling
This. Same for piercings and trashy clothing. I went to a law office and legal assistants looked like they had just come out of a nightclub.
do i look like a manlet weakling ya little chang faggot? i am 6'1 and 230 not even trying. i would curb you slant. >>20681984
do some searching i have proven this point time and time again. not gonna spoon feed you
They look like shit irl, it's better in fiction.
My friend has them and they just look really tacky
They're especially a unneeded blemish on girls, if they have them, I'm atleast thankful for them marking themselves as recreational use only.
Mean's you're a nigger.
Tattoos are the brands of global homo cattle like the nose ring used to lead them to slaughter
I just got this done a few months ago
degenerate 99.9% of the time. you arent warriors.
uhhh hay babay
wanna wrestle?
It's a drawing, not your priest's dick, don't take it so hard.
I like the bikini tattoo but the rest looks a bit weird
Not really.
I'd be grilling one of her long time acquaintances desu.
Nice tits,saved
Those are not the hips of a women...
>do i look like a manlet weakling
the female posting pic i'll have to assume is you
or did you post in error?
>did you play gay helmet football?
so that's another yes
>do you share your town with niggers?
there's another yes
well you tick all the boxes fag, enjoy
my image is above.
i played baseball, lacrosse, and hockey and led my team to victories in all of the above.
what have you done besides talk shit on the internet being the definition of projection calling others manlet.
little boy you would get handled..
you talk shit like the chang faggot you are in every thread like you are a bad ass.
we both know you would run begging me to stop.
oh please anon, i i i didnt mean it.. sorry anon please dont hurt me.
little slant pussy
>he needed to rage post on bantz
and that's another huge yes
and you wont do shit weakling
stfu chang faggot your ass gets handled by me in every thread.
you are soft like ice cream.. and you know it.
hahaha nice one idiot
you really are a seething faggot huh

not seething at all, just know a shit talking bitch when i see one. how many times have you run your little gook mouth to me? ching chong chang
you cant post any piece of you, you would get laughed on the site.
>no proofs as expected
You literally told me to go to google images and look at random larpers having paganistic symbols tatted on them, meanwhile i ask you to provide me even a shred of evidence that somewhere in the vast written sagas, there would be any mention of vikings having tattoos.
You’re delusional and your tough guy tattoos are a big proof of it.
>your ass gets handled by me
why are you so gay?
>you cant post any piece of you
holy fuck what for ?
are you going to have an angry wank over it
I think we should abandon this thread and let him be.
He is clearly unhinged and may hurt himself in anger, we wouldn’t want such thing on our conscience.
you are a moron that does not know your history. as i said i am not going to put in the work and spoon feed you.
believe whatever you want, i could show you images and you would still make shit up and lie to yourself about it.
its like baby's first tattoo thread..
you are just a shit talker that has accomplished nothing. people like me represent all the things you hate in life because you get no ass and women pay you no mind. seethe on yellow one.
i am out, both of you can lick my balls.
(not literally you may enjoy it)
I was hoping he'd finally make up his mind and cut his dick off, and maybe save up for some coconut tits
>both of you can lick my balls.
what a massive faggot
You wouldn’t put work in to give me a glimpse of evidence and change my mind, yet you’d take time to give me this wheezing long rant.
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here ya go numb nutz,
you win.
cry for me


Ibn Fadhlan, a diplomat sent by the Caliph Al-Muqtadir to the King of the Bulgars on the Volga River in 921, met a party of people called the Rus, who seem to have been East Norse traders (although probably with some influence from other tribes and peoples). And he wrote:

I saw the Rusiyyah when they had arrived on their trading expedition and had disembarked at the River Atil. I have never seen more perfect physiques than theirs—they are like palm trees, are fair and reddish, and do not wear the qurtaq or the caftan. The man wears a cloak with which he covers one half of his body, leaving one of his arms uncovered. Every one of them carries an axe, a sword and a dagger and is never without all of that which we have mentioned. Their swords are of the Frankish variety, with broad, ridged blades. Each man, from the tip of his toes to his neck, is covered in dark-green lines, pictures and such like.
(Source: https://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/montgo1.pdf —the whole account of the Rus is translated here and is well worth reading.)

That's pretty much the only direct textual evidence for tattoos in the Viking Age. It's possible that they'd picked it up from the Scythians to the east; in some Scythian burials, the body is actually frozen and does show elaborate tattoos. (Check 'em out: Siberian princess reveals her 2,500 year old tattoos ) I don't know of any Viking-age burials of Scandinavians that preserve any skin, so we may never be absolutely sure—but Ibn Fadhlan's account is considered to be pretty reputable. So probably at least some Vikings, at some times and places, did have tattoos.
ching chong chang
>blog posting
what a massive faggot

You are a very fucking gay bumboy, this thread proves that for everyone
the only thing this thread proves is that you are the king of projection talking about me posting here yet you followed me here sweating my nuts like you do every day.

self awareness grade = F
lemme translate for ye:
o fong dong, wing ting bong, shama lamma ding dong.

Good read.
But the Rus tribes who wandered off into deeper ’’russia’’ more than likely assimilated with the ancient russian tribes and other remnants of conquerers and their customs.

I’m not arguing the relic of as of that particular preserved piece of tattooed skin.

My main argument is that the original vikings who lived in scandinavia didn’t have or get tattoos, which is ’’proved’’ by the lack of mentions in their written culture and sagas.

The rus vikings travelled to a place where they would’ve get accustomed to such practices, thereby being exeptions of the general northern vikings.
was i right or wrong?
You are right, that there have been viking remains in russia, that got tattoos.
But that doesn’t mean that the vikings that remained in scandinavia had tattooing as a tradition, since there is no written evidence (which vikings proudly and meticulously wrote about), of them having any sort of tattoo culture.
The majority of my coworkers younger than 40 have multiple ugly tattoos. I'm one of the few without those gay permanent marker skin doodles. One looks like a Playstation triangle button, but I'm sure he will say it has some special meaning.
People with tats think they look cooler than they actually are

People with face tats look like they got touched in prison

People with sleeve tats can be chill

People with neck tats want to be touched in prison

And people who have alot of tats covering their body have family issues, statistically recorded via FBI listings

Oh, and people with 1-3 small tats who knows varied

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