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File: pizza.jpg (52 KB, 500x426)
52 KB
my pizza is like 70% tomato and its pissing me off
just bite raw cheese to compensate
stupid gay machine who splodged the sauce in the factory i hate him
>frozen pizza
not frozen is it
it's a cat
better than 70% cat piss
is that bad
I love tomato pizza
Give it to me instead, whiny selfish faggot
not very nice
well i didn't say that so don't take it up with me
someone did
might have been me nobody knows at this point in time
maybe danny damberson knows
maybe you are right
do you like pizza
yes thank you for asking me that
Good pizza always has moderated cheese and plenty of tomato, you stupid British faggot. You don't deserve pizza.
you hate pizza
on the rare occasion I order from Little Caesars, I always ask for "extra pizza sauce", because otherwise they basically give you cheese bread. Asking for extra sauce makes it a normal pizza.
just eat a jar of tomato sauce and skip the carbs then retard
not me
pizza is good
i agree
thank you for agreeing

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