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why do 99% of white/asian men have a tiny pecker?
actually europeans have such massive peckers they colonized the entirety of america and australia
How many dicks did you have to inspect to come up with these numbers? Are you sure your analysis is free of selection bias? As in, did you sit in a truck stop glory hole for days? Or did you just cruise for twinks in your locality's gay district?
tiny turd pecker cuckolds have the tiniest peckers which is why they kill themselves the most
go kill yourself turdskinned bucksissy
tiny white clitty goonhitlers are having a cuckrage meltdown
another tiny white clitty goonhitler having a cuckrage meltdown
I'm just checking your work to make sure you didn't fall victim to any errors in your research. Also, how long have you been interested in dicks? Was it something that you woke up to later in life? Or was it after your uncle put his pp in your no no?
tiny turd pecker cuckprojection you will never have sex
inb4 another schizobabble headcanon babblespew
tiny white pecker cuckold will never have sex LOL

I fuck my gferinos with my HUGE BLACK HORSECOCK

i also have HUGE BLACK BALLS

https://youtu.be/YM2NQgIG-QM?si=Lli83rx1jrTFsFtJ Remove pajeet.
you have tiny black marbles
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you have a tiny white clitty and tiny white balls
> insecurity and projection.
tiny black pecker ultracuckold ragespam
Its true that 10% of white men have small penises, and probably 100% of Asian men have small penises
my penis is way smaller than that that's why I goon to sph femdom porn
that 10% are mutts with tiny turd genes
Bucksissy kek
>99% of white/asian men
that's a lot of dick you've been very close to
for i'm sure you collected that data by hand
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I have a huge dick and routinely fuck sheboons with it, cause I have jungle fever.
Bro has been too chronically online he's getting facts from porn genres
Can't speak for white, but Asian I would say it's because of the high veg, low meat diet.
My older brother grew up in Korea and I grew up in America. My dick is considerable bigger than his.
hot, moar?
Apparently anyone under 8 inches is small then. 8 inches is incredibly rare IRL, even for niggers. That size is only common on the internet
I think white are not so bad, I am 4.5 but I am below average
Why the fuck do you people repeat these things.
It's like the "dumb blonde" meme.
You just repeat words that have been told to you at some point, without knowing their significance, or knowing if they have any significance at all.
"Even for niggers" do you just go around town comparing nigger penises all day?
Are you the nigger penis inspector?
this is so hot. where did you find this?
no need to be so heavy

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