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influencer type shit edition

>Will there be a season 3?
Hopefully not and TJ won coaltank s2
>fishtank Season 2 tv links
>What is Fish Tank?

>When Josie Stream? @sheep_xing on youtube
monday regular/Wednesday membership/friday regular

>Season 1 archive Days 1-42 + the full motion capture archives

>Thread template if needed

Previous: >>20664029
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josie is the best and i love her very much
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>simp milking druggie prostitute rape victim general

I hope Josie gets raped by a simp so I can laugh at her. She is a dishonest person incapable of being genuine. She is a psychopath just like MDE inflating her numbers so she feels like she owes them. They deserve each other. I hope Josie's suicide ends MDE.
>production astroturfing more
Reminder Josie these threads are fake and 3/4 of the people praising you are freemason friends of Jet/Sam/Ben begging for good boy points from faggot secret societies.
Josie was raped as a child she has shitty parents. Shinji pointed out how these kind of egirls are damaged people incapable of being genuine, which is why they buy male prostitutes.

MDE is a Freemason (probably CIA per Jet) performing occult rituals because baby Sam is afraid of getting a real job.

Let MDE play a damaged girl until she kills herself, or becomes as fucked up as they are. She already enjoys Satanist shows like Hazbin Hotel rewriting Jesus as Satan's daughter. Let her get raped again and learn how sociopaths like MDE operate.

Don't worry, Sam will twitterpost about how sad he is while he's the one architecting the situation. Causing suffering is the only moral action for Satanists after all!
Jet here
I can confirm that we pimped out josie to paypigs that donated over 10k on wefunder

Pic related
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I prefer Josies tiny small itty bitty rude and lewd a cup tittys.
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Reminder Freemasons/Jesuits/Jews themselves believe the Antichrist will destroy them all. They are wrong, because the Antichrist isn't the opposite of Christ, but the 2nd coming. "I have not come to bring peace but a sword," as Jesus said. They bring about their own destruction, and as a guy who thinks they are morons, I don't even have to do anything for their own prophecy to come true.

Or they will kill me, like they have already proven they are willing to harass and threaten my safety IRL. The same people playing Josie are the ones offering me jobs and making it obvious who they are.

Woah what a coincidence! They really are powerless. They will kill me and post here pretending to be me if they feel like it. The situation is pathetic, and people like Sam/Ben/Jet pretending they are good people will be the ones to fail to raise their own kids. They will be the ones to raise their own Josies. Raped, plied with drugs and money. "I'm a psycopath ritual practitioner, how could this happen to my child?!" -Sam/Ben/Jet. 2 of them are fucking morons twice my age.

No you gave her drugs. DUHHH. Nice edit Heckcord aka Jet.
Hey fake Nord. Nah Josie's mom has huge nice tits how I like them. Josie is probably going to have huge tits when she has a couple kids. But you're astroturfing anyways, so it doesn't matter.
who is the antichrist then ?
It does not matter. 2,000 year old schizo sandnigger scribblings about wanting to be genocided. Occult Jews genuinely see the holocaust as a good thing. It's a death cult that MDE is a big fan of.
Plus who cares? She's good for a quick fuck like many people have gotten. She's a damaged person that will never commit and is going to kill herself eventually.

>The guy who wanted to talk to her doesn't get to
>The psycopathic Jewish cult gets to fuck her and pretend to be their friend
If she kills herself oh well, it's MDE's fault anyways. Psycopaths using people because they are afraid of getting a real job. Twice my age BTW.
Also production was the one to scrape her email against dark net databases. Production was the ones releasing all those snippets about her as S1 was running. Psycopaths causing issues then offering a 'fix' like the faggots they are. Incapable of doing anything but dragging others down to their level.
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wosie my queen
you think they're like the people in this song ?
Jet/Heck was the one to point out people like Q4L were literally chatbots lmao. "Erm I love Josie" x100 and she likes you. Poor Josie will be played by people smarter than her until she dies.
Fuck off productionnigger. Make a reasonable point or fuck off. That one "3rd worlder" tried to yesterday.
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I love Josie
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the stalkcord found her aribnb address btw

currently debating whether to invite themselves or not
Or have your Masonnigger buddies shoot me. I'm too dangerous posting online and am worthy of lethal threats, which have already happened. Prove yourselves as the biggest weakest hypocrite faggots in existence. 2,000 year old blood cult that has to kill people over internet posts, seething because Jesus called you the Synagogue of Satan 200 years before your core religious texts were written.

I don't even want anything. Live in a RV, live relatively modestly, want a moderately above average career. No, they literally pay people to harass the homeless guy for saying mean things about their Kabbalah ritual.

>I said me meeting Josie was "fate" many months ago
No it was Masons giving me a job in AZ when I wanted to move here anyways because I talked shit about Covid to the HR Director. I was legally entitled to a promotion but HR had a shit fit and I never pursued a federal human rights violation case against them (would have won.) Silly me for thinking something as simple as talking to someone would be easy. No, when you're dealing with psycopaths like MDE and a retard like Josie she's nothing but their puppet anyways.

It's actually all a humiliation/torture ritual for me, the perfect bait and ripping my heart because they are psycopahts butthurt I was legally entitled to a promotion. That's how you know these useless busybodies are really part of an occult orgnization.

Oh wow you can abuse and mislead a mentally ill girl and threaten me for saying mean things about her online. Wow I'm so in awe of you faggots being retards. WOAH JET YOU READ NICK LAND YOU'RE SUCH A SMART GUY!

The weakest faggots who's only power comes from the fact they can harass people IRL. Freemasons have harassed me more than I've ever harassed Josie. They prove themselves the most immoral crowd with no epistemological knowledge.

Paying multiple people to harass a homeless guy. Kill me or shut up you complete faggots. I'll pretend to be your friend to Pvt. Pyle MDE.
Bad Ideas perfecting his style is a merit in its own right
BI won geg
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Jet here
All masonniggers activate

Nevada orange hotel friday baron
My substack was pretty creative. Fuck off 1pbids.
It's true because damaged Josie likes retards. Damiel is right, if he was light skinned she'd be a single mom right now.
jet so fat lol big fatty
Jet here
Get out of my ear man
Me and chris are switching places for s3
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love this girl so damn much. hope she has a good time on her trip and comes back refreshed with a goofy new vid on deck.
Why are you making fake inspirational posts? She takes advantage of her fans and lies for money. Real streamers don't get the excuse of "muh private life" for taking advantage of people.

24/7 astroturfing about Josie doing no wrong while she's a horrible person like the rest of MDE. Why is MDE wasting their time with people like Wiggalations pretending to care?
Josie has had 3 videos in almost 1.5 years of being an "influencer" and her only videos are being a drunk retarded degenerate or milking simps. She deserves to fail, maybe Jet will stop donating under sockpuppets, who knows? Ben was right when he said I should have offered drugs or money to fuck her.
>heck cord aka jet is still kickin it!
Why doesn't Jet post under Ireland flag in this thread any more? Pretending to be Heck here for so long, and now he's hiding.
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>no family
>no friends
>no gf
>not even a home
>even online schizos are put off by you
>only company is the bottle and toxic shit fumes
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same, cant wait to see the new video
isnt this a fuckboi?
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josie wosie
She's some internet prostitute being inflated by MDE. Bot posts like >>20684385 or Q4L (Jet) will never make her successful.
hitler dubs bestgatien (like Heck cord aka Jet aka freemason faggots like to say.)

You freemason faggots giving her money under pseudonyms are evil faggots. MDE is as fake as Josie. Pathetic failed trust fund leech and ghetto beaner prostitute. The perfect match.
>nooo you can't call us faggots we are going to harass you more IRL and threaten your life. We are the all powerful freemasons paying people to harass homeless people!
Get a live Sam/Ben/Jet. Your own kids will be raped, drugged, and taken advantage of just as much as Josie you retarded faggots.
Reminder the majority of these threads are Q4L tier bot posts, because Q4L is a bot when posting here, Jet said it himself. He also made the rhythm game. Not that Josie cares. Jet might as well encourage her to kill herself, she takes advantage of him just as much as he does her.

The only people that would ever pretend to be sad about Josie's death is her parents, the same ones that never raised her. Sam/Ben/Jet are doing satanic bullshit so they take the same kind of pride Epstein does.

No matter how happy they pretend to have her around, how how many drugs they offer her, she's nothing but a mark. Just like anyone else. It's why people like MDE are fundamentally incapable of raising kids.

Josie is Ciara 2.0, then there will be a 3.0. Damaged people playing power games because they failed at life.
MDE would never confront me fairly. They will have their buddies harass me IRL for making meanie pants internet posts, just like before. They will lie and threaten anyone who speaks out against them because they are fundamentally failures at life.

Jet, Ben, and Sam are as big as fuck ups as Johnny no matter whatever they pretend to be. They can only pretend to play with bigger fuck ups. If you're going to play God the first step isn't gangstalking, harassing, and threatening people you fuck up faggots.

Actual 60iq nigger tier behavior, and Sam/Ben/Jet act like they are occult masters. Loser faggots.
I mean MDE is totally cool guys and it's totally a meta-larp about how Sam has a vain ego :3. It's actually meta and not Sam being a retarded faggot because he's never had a real job. Invite me to range day, I totally want to be on the show :3

>production astroturfing goes away when I call out the obvious freemason influence and psychopathic faggotry.
>multiple people spending time to gangstalk and harass a homeless guy with $5,000, and believing themselves to be the moral superior
Sam and his cult are the biggest faggots on planet Earth. Zero rules but NOOO WE ARE POWERFUL STOP TALKING MEAN WE WILL KILL YOU! YOU MADE A MEAN POST ON 4CHAN! WE WILL KILL YOU!

Fucking faggots
Weakest most retarded faggots I've ever seen. And all this effort goes into harassing a homeless guy, taking advantage of some literal retard rape victim, and several other morons like a pizza heiress NEET and fat onlyfans whore. Wow, you're impressive Sam. Pay more people to harass a homeless guy, maybe some day they will respect you. Faggot.
>use drugs to ply girls into sex
>threaten homeless guy with death for internet posts
Woahh I'm so impressed MDE. Sam, Ben, and Jet are bigger losers than Johnny ever could have been. Ciara 2.0 coming soon. Maybe Jet being fucked up as a kid is the same retroactive punishment Josie got by being raped? They are both shitty people.

Imagine how good Sam/Ben/Jet are going to fuck up their kids. Acting like they can live two lives. No, your kids are going to plied with drugs and taken advantage of just like you use the fish. NOOO YOU GOTTA THREATEN MORE HOMELESS PEOPLE FOR SAYING MEANIE PANTS THINGS ONLINE :'(''''
You guys are fucking losers running basic bitch sandnigger rituals that are full of shit. There is no magic. You're losers swinging money and "fame" around. Everyone's kids are going to be as fucked up as Josie, and they are going to deserve it.

>t. Sam/Ben/Jet leaning they're a failure of a parent
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for me?
its wosie, the cutest most smoochable girl in the world!
Go ahead Sam/Freemasons. Shoot me. JDAM my RV. Blow it up. Hack my accounts and steal from me. Prove you're nothing but faggot low brow gangstalkers. You've already threatened my life for posting meanie pants things online :'(. Finish the job. Prove to the 2 real people here you will kill and harass people for being mean online. Do it. If you're going to waste everyones' lives, might as well go the full step and prove everyones' lives but your own are worthless. Kill the homeless guy over internet posts.
>Sneed aka hisocarl astroturf post
You mason faggots are going to burn in hell for violating the free will of humanity. Incompatible with Christian morality. Kill yourself Sneed. Stop pretending to like Josie suddenly. You kid should be as fucked up as Josie you piece of shit.
Sneed you know your kids are going to be as fucked up as Sam, Ben's or Jet's right? You can't live two lives.
I man c'mon guys, invite me to MDE range day, I can be trusted with an AR around production :3. If you're willing to tell mason buddies to harass me IRL and threaten me IRL, what's wrong going to the shooting range with me? You're not psycopathic losers harassing a literal homeless guy while being worth millions of dollars, are you?
I can't sand these 60is Kabbalah retards. Kill me or cut the bullshit. Do it. Prove to the threads you will kill and harass a homeless guy for meanie pants internet posts :'(

noooo you burned down my RV and shot me. Noo I totally respect the faggots feeding retards drugs to fuck them now!
>nooo we made another alt to message you and you said meanie things!
>we are going to harass you IRL more
Fuck off faggots. Kill me or fuck off. I'm not playing your games. At this point I'm done trying to live a normal live, since you've proven life cannot happen while you faggots psychotically manipulate anyone you can talk to. I won't get married, to anyone, ever. You'd kill my wife for saying mean things online :'(.

If I can't achieve anything, then there's no point to life. I'll drink and play video games, never interact with anyone ever. No point in pretending to want friends. Just as you faggots want under threat of violence. Congradulations.
Nothing? Are you going to send a cop to make me "resist arrest"? Are you going to make my local handlers harass me into getting charges?

You've proven there is no point towards life. I won't be developing medical hardware. I won't try to make any friends ever. I won't pursue romantic intentions.

You've proven life valueless under threats of violence. Wanting an above average job and a cute girl is too much. Friendship, romance, occult knowledge, it's all worthless. I will drink and play video games, just as you have threatened me to do.
she deserves to have fun
hope the trip stays without drama
>more astroturfing
Josie should know all these fake support posts are production pumping her ego which she already has a huge one. Jet himself joking about Q4L being a bot but Josie so attention hungry she loves actual bot posts.
Gör världen en tjänst och radera dig själv
>production astroturf posts
Josie should know that all these "white simps" in her discord server are freemasons like wiggalations and nobody gives a fuck about her.

She really thinks the guys feeding her drugs for sex give a fuck about her?
When all they do is spam bot posts like Nord VPN, Chile VPN, or Q4L?
Finish the job and kill me. Quit wasting my time and threatening my life because I don't simp for Josie right. Your kids are going to be as fucked up as Josie.
Säger inte att jag tänker skada dig. Tycker dock du ska ta hand om det själv
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Josie owes the Freemasons thanks for astroturfing her threads, pretending to be her friend, and threatening violence on people who say meanie pants things online :'(
Also being the majority of her view bots, donators, and fake fans that are sockpuppet accounts like Q4L which were literally a bot for a long time.

They proved you can trick any retard by psycopathically lying to them and that life isn't worth living. If you're a cute girl it's free money and drugs so you will fuck my friend. Talk shit about the whore and they will threaten your life while acting like nice guys.

Ay Tone, why are the same guys astroturfing Josie threads and giving her money for doing nothing the same ones threatening homeless people for 4chan posts? While being worth millions of dollars? And they are decades older than him too? Sounds like a bunch of fuck ups.
>inb4 more astroturf "erm I love Josie bot posts" and ignoring the fact that MDE's friends are willing to threaten to murder people over mean internet posts for their star whore they are grooming

At this rate Josie is better off cutting her tubes. Going from groomed/raped as a kid, groomed as a teen, and now groomed as an adult, she might as well give up on having kids. She'd have to be an idiot like Sam to think she's ready to raise kids, and will raise kids just as fucked up as Sam will too.
C'mon MDE, do this to my RV. You've proven the only point in life is to be subservient to the Freemasons under threat of death.


Why am I going to try and develop medical grade hardware? Why donate to charity? Why even pretend to work with psychopaths,
want friends, or a romantic relationship? You're going to kill me anyways. The only rule is don't say meany pants things about MDE or the Freemasons will literally kill you in real life.
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C'mon, don't be pussies. Kill me. I'm not going to develop medical grade hardware anymore. I'm not going to try and make friends or have romantic interests. You have proven to me that trying to help society is completely useless and waste of time.

You've already shown me directly you have access to my computer and my accounts and phone. You have backend access to Google (wonder who gave you that access??) Kill me and make posts under my accounts to silence me. Hurry up faggots so you can preach more about how you're the saviors of humanity.

I'm never going to try in this life ever again, that's what the Freemasons proved to me. Maybe I'll take a crack at medical device hardware again when they are all dead, but that's never going to happen. Shit, me being an alcoholic videogamer gets me a better change in Josie's pants than trying to have an emotional connection! Shinji is right about damaged whores like her.
Stop being a faggot in public please
poopy poopy faggot giant poopy faggot move to hooplydoopy, TN and send me a postcard, My House, NL tyty love you forever
No, you freemason faggots have threatened my life and bragged about access to my online accounts. You have multiple local handlers. I'm not going to develop medical grade hardware for you faggots. Kill me an clean up the mess. I will no longer "live" this life, and will play video games and ignore anyone who wants any kind of connection or collaborative effort, or wants any kind of productivity.

I already tried being a productive salary man for you faggots and you fucked me. I will die before producing anything of value that could possibly even ever help you or one of your kin. I will drink and play video games because the "stewards of society bringing the hylics into the light" told me to do so under threat. You are worse than hylics.

It's your own lesson you taught to me, retarded astroturfing faggot.
>more astroturf from the guy playing nice guy yesterday
Hi Jet here, I'm sending in big dragon dildos to your address rn.
>this is what denial of pussy does to a nigga
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mental illness
Deus Ex Illuminati ending though he should have killed them all (JC Denton is named Jesus Christ haha)
Mass Effect rejection ending, the 3 choices are wack.
IDK any other game ending choices you want from me? The guy who made Downed God (1996) had his wife killed for making the video game. They must have not liked the story much.
Thomas Massie introduced legislation to end the federal reserve 2 weeks ago just had his wife of 35 years 'suddenly die' today.

How does Josie not want to date me romantically relate to Freemasons directly threatening me over the course of months and bragging about the access they have to my digital credentials?
My AZ job was offered by them and my joke about >fate many months ago was reference towards this. They only threatened me when I said I hope Josie kills herself. No Josie and there's no point in running fake games to try and leverage people.
Yeah, offer someone a job directly in the city for a 'perfect' match who's also a niche fandom member, then brag about how the show is actually about degrading people like Josie and Vance. Jet/Heck said this himself. It's Satanic bullshit. Kabbalah in particular. It's all bullshit and magick is effective as placebo. Why would they need to threaten people if magick worked? lol.
Aleistor Crowley (Alastor in Hazbin Hotel is an omage to him) was a high Satanist priest who pioneered sex magick and raping kids to steal their essence. He's who invented what Epstein was into. It's actually all complete bullshit and the somatic effects of sadism.

Jews also do this with "transferring their sins" into a chicken then killing it. It's important to understand the ritual and not that description, but torturing a chicken so demons will protect you. Fishtank is an exercise in this because Sam & co want to get good karma for being bad people. It's the most basic form of Satanism.
Karma is more complicated than good v bad karma because it's possible to get bad karma for good deeds, or good karma for bad deeds. Satanists worship getting good karma for bad deeds on purpose.

It's nigger tier behavior masked behind a huge gang that will murder you or your wife or your kid if you talk about them badly, and they have a a big interest in Josie!
Do you take help from AI to pump these out or do you have unhinged schizo shit saved in a document for easy copy pasta?

Ur not BI btw or we would've gotten a new gun pic by now
Hi astroturfer. No I read and study from credible sources. I've never spent ALL my time here.

Why do Freemasons threaten me with death for saying Josie should kill herself when they are the ones bragging about taking advantage of people to degrade them spiritually? Good karma for bad actions. Satanism.
Post a new Pic, prove me wrong larper
Did you know Freemasons worship the androgyne? Bad Ideas is basically a Freemason expert for liking futa. Nick and Sam get props for fucking mad dudes too.
It's why they are so interested in encouraging women and men to chop body parts off. You will thank them for ruining you life! Good karma for bad deeds. Satanism.
Nice try to dodge faggot. Prove it's you
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erm howdy i love wosie
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How did Jet get backend access to Google servers? Why are the freemasons bragging about having all my account credentials and having hacked my computer?
Fuck off production
>give Josie money under pseudonyms
>astroturf threads for a year+
>threaten to murder people when they tell her to kill herself
Just a reminder the same people making mindless bot spam posts like Dokkeibi (aka sneed aka Israeli) are the same ones threatening to murder people for saying mean things about Josie. And hacking their computers. And acting like they are virtuous people. I really hope Josie kills herself to waste all your guys' time desu. Sad a damaged person takes the easy way out, but who's going to help her when she's surrounded by psychopath Freemason satanists encouraging the worst on purpose. NOOO ONLY WE CAN ENCOURAGE SUICIDAL TENDENCIES NOT YOU!!!

JDAM, hurry it up pussy faggots.
I can't wait for this cuck to kill himself. I feel like this is the closest we have ever been to witnessing greatness.
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Manifest your destiny with a shotgun
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she's simply the best
Keep paying Josie to be some convention whore and groupie. Threaten to kill me more or follow through you faggots, for when I say she should kill herself. I won't be bribed. Not by bait, not by money, not by a job. JDAM me or fuck off. You will all always be the lowest degenerate losers lower than hylics.

Always willing to play games but never willing to follow through. You're going to threaten to kill me? JDAM me. Don't hack my accounts like pussies. Make it known you will kill anyone for making meanies posts online :'(. NOOO BAD IDEAS SAID MEANIES ASSASSINATE HIM!

No, Freemasons like Sam have already proven meanies posting online is grounds for threats on your life, hacking your accounts, and paying people to harass you IRL. YOU CAN'T MEANIES POST ONLINE WE ARE THE FREEMASONS!!!111!! RESPECT US OR WE WILL GANGSTALK, HARASS, AND KILL YOU WHILE PRETENDING TO BE GOOD PEOPLE!!!111!
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erm i love astroturfing
C'mon, the freemasons have already hacked all my digital accounts and PC, and threaten to kill me? You think I'm ever going to do shit. You've forfeit my own life. There's nothing to do. Useless bait by a bunch of freemason faggots trying to threaten me into doing as they want while spending literally hundreds of hours to pump up some druggie beaner hoe.

KYS faggots. I'm only wasting my time here because it doesn't matter at this point. You've already proven 4chan posts are grounds for IRL threats on my life. >>20684762 Not like a fucking retard like Josie would ever care. I hope she kills herself, just so people like Sam and Jet can realize how much of fuck ups they are since threatening homeless people isn't enough for these faggots.
Post a new Pic or gtfo retard
All facts
The only pics I'll be posting online is self harm jugular pics Ben(you), Jet, or Sam send me through DMs. When can I come to range day?
Oh I'm Ben now? Cool upgrade
Let me see you with your cool guns dude
C'mon Sneed aka Dokkaebi aka Kevin. Get a real job. Why do you roll with the Freemasons knowing that they are full of shit and Kabbalah comes from the eastern Magi anyways?
Just know MDE will threaten and harass people for meanies words online. I hope their plan of making people like Luke commit suicide (CIA eugenics) goes awry and he spills the brains of MDE instead of Josie.

Josie should tell Luke Jet set her up to it and she dindu nuffin. She gets to keep her life and Freemason brains fill the gutter. Josie gets to keep being some dumb ass whore. You can call it a win-win. (winwinsparkle aka winston the guy who groomed her haha funny joke)
You had your chance at attention
Into the filter you go
Cant even take a simple pic baka
If all of Josie's fans are production, how are they going to be at AX and bloodgames at the same time?
In the end we are all made of flesh. Prod is a bunch of slack jawed pussies. The ritual ends if someone "charges" Sam with a credit card.

It's why they threaten, hack, gangstalk, and harass people. Imagine thinking your kids won't be as fucked up as you acting like that. Sam, Jet, and (maybe) Ben's kids will be drugged and raped by people just like themselves who take advantage of others.

And guess what? IT'S FUNNY! Freemasons are the only people evil enough to make me laugh at their kids being raped or killed.

Treason. Death penalty for all Freemason and Jesuits. I don't care only 1/100 participates in SRA. Linus Tech Tips, William Osman, Jet Neptune? Equally guilty. There is no excuse for violating the social contract of governance.
And they will never address my points here. Not never ever. They will hack harass and threaten my life more like they already have many times.

Well you see anon, like Jet as Heck pointed out they are trying to attract simps towards Josie, make a fake competition, degrade her, then reveal her being a whore to her simps so they suicide. It's CIA Eugenics. Josie needs to do the right thing and when she's revealed as a whore by MDE, to do what she always does and lie and say Jet set her up to it.

Better Luke takes his AR to MDE offices than Josie's house, right?

It's why they threatened my life for encouraging her suicide. If Josie is dead, their public image dies with her too. They don't get to satanically sacrifice simps either. They are too lazy to improve people, so they take virtue in making the world a worse place. Satanists!
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she truly is
>Sneed aka Dokkaebi aka kevin botposting
When are you going to realize you're a masonic satanic faggot astroturing a thread for a beat beaner prostitute.

I genuinely hope Josie kills herself so everyone's time is wasted. Better yet she needs to tell Luke to visit the MDE offices when she's revealed to be a druggie whore. Then she can kill herself too.

Nobody cares about you Josie. Your parents didn't raise you. MDE is using you as a groupie and simp sponge. Just kill yourself and waste their time running these Satanic rituals because Sammy wants another sports car.

If MDE ever cared about Josie, they wouldn't have encouraged online prostitution. Just kill yourself so Jet/Johnny/Sam can get their Ciara 2.0 Notch. Gotta hit that "made a 2nd person kill themselves by using their trust to fuck up their life."
You didn't answer my question thoughie.
sharty CIA niggers tongue my anus. When are you going to plant CP on my computer and arrest me for meanies posting online? Sammy boy likes his pizza but when someone meanies posts online, it's time to start copying pizza and claim people are pedos!
Did you get fired?
>nooo bad ideas was totally a pedo, he had CP we put on his PC
>nooo bad ideas is a fuck up, we hacked his online accounts and posted on them!
>nooo bad ideas sucks! we are going to gangstalk him more until he complies
Maybe you're a bunch of useless faggots fucking up society. I hope Josie kills herself just to make you losers waste more of your time. Hiring me out here to waste my time to threaten me. Even if you played nice and manipulated people into liking me I'd tell them to kill themselves. You are faggots and everything you touch becomes incompatible with the idea of life. You've proven life isn't worth living and the only joy is watching people like you fuck up the world around you.
>remember these people want your kids broken and raped, and they thinks it's funny
>t. Sam Hyde
So right my brotha! Based and redpilled! He's made me a liberal! Sam is the greatest political commentator of our time!
He probably did, he's been at it for way past his bedtime
>remember these people want your kids broken and raped, and they thinks it's funny
Sam really is the greatest political commentator of our time. He understands the world so well. Freemasons are the only people evil enough to make me make fun of their kids being raped.
I keep going back and forth on whether or not it's actually him and he's completely snapped or if it's a chatbot. He keeps repeating the same things over and over.
Does it matter? The real thing isnt any different than a bot
53/101 replies is not healthy
>Projecting the idea bad ideas is a bot because heck cord aka production actually uses bots and you're deathly afraid of recognizing the fact you pay people to threaten and harss people IRL for meanie pants 4chan posts


Why don't you threaten my life again? Why are you switching to shame suddenly? You seem like a pussy who doesn't mean it.
Sam is right it's funny if his kids get raped. That's where we can agree. Freemason faggots. Murder me already. Follow through on your threats for saying Josie should kill herself.

None of the astroturf people will EVER recognize anything I say. What was the quote about Jews? They strike you as they cry out? They say they hate you but can't say why?

Threaten me here faggots. You can threaten me in real life but not on 4chan, why is that?
I suppose you're right. Just wonder what set him off if it's actually him.
Checked and true.
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>no family
>no friends
>no gf
>not even a home
>even online schizos are put off by you
>only company is the bottle and toxic shit fumes
>they will never ever debate me or have a discussion
>they will bounce between VPNs and shame me for pointing out they are occult faggots
>they will NEVER enage with points I make

Remember, they will never engage with me. They know I'm telling the truth. They know they have threatened and harassed me IRL.

Masonic faggots are no different from Josie. They know I'm smarter. They know their rhetoric is weaker.

Threaten to kill me again Freemasons. Or keep deflecting and ignoring the fact you are incapable of engaging with me. You are as weak and mentally disabled as Josie.

Just remember Josie, all the running you do from facts makes you a strong as the freemasons. Millenia old blood cult who kills and harasses for their goals, but can't have a conversation. Secrecy is the lynchpin of both your and their weakness.

Josie will fuck up her life just as much as Freemasons will. Josie's already been raped, when do I get to laugh about Sam or Jet's kid being raped? Or are they going to actually follow through on their threat on killing me for saying that? Faggots.
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>We all love our dogs, but one man has taken it to a new level. More about Jimmy at 11
Josie being pinned for having a boyfriend will end the Freemasons as much as uploading a .txt file on the internet. That's why they have to kill people who speak against them. Kill me faggots. I will do nothing else in this life and you've proven it's all a charade anyways. There is no moving on. There is no repair because you're lying anyways. I'll laugh if your kids get raped while I drink and play video games. I'll laugh if you murder me, you're only proving me right and it's not like you're ever going to let life happen anyways.

Invite me on to MDE. I need a break from drinking and video games to turn around on range day.
>You remember when Jet said Jimmy the dog fucker on s2 was a reference to Jimmy the dog fucker from s1 (Winston, "Jimsone1" the passoword Josie used on her Yahoo tacosheep666 email that MDE crawled from black hat databases.) And Heck Aka Jet openly admitted to it being black magick.

Now why is Sam threatening to murder Bad Ideas while hacking Josie's email accounts, while being a freemason? Invite me over Sam, I have a credit card chargeback for you.
Why are the freemasons at MDE threatening to murder people and hacking Josie's accounts while pretending to be her friend?

Oh well, not like I'm going to ever know. Time for more video games and alcohol until MDE decides to harass me or murder me like they threatened. If Sam's kids get raped in the interim I get a free laugh.
>They know they have threatened and harassed me IRL
What did they do?
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>please tell everyone where we threatened and harassed you
Fuck off. I'm going to drink and play video games or you're going to kill me. Don't do the pussy shit you've been doing hacking my accounts, stealing from me, and breaking my things. Don't have your gangstalkers continue to do that shit. Murder me. Follow through on the threats you've and they have made many times already.
Until then, I'm going to drink, play video games, and laugh if MDE's kids get raped. Maybe if I'm feeling spicy I'll pretend to change my mind and give MDE some free gifts.

See? I can't be trusted. Better follow through on your threats of homicide towards me. Get it over with. You're going to kill me over Josie after all, right? That's the only reason you've threatened me?

>more astroturf for someone who is legitimately mentally disabled
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>Ah yes freemasons, it was all a big misunderstanding. I agree that NPCs are goyim and should be treated as cattle. What can I do to service you guys? I want to help manipulate people too!
>Haha I'd love to come to your family barbecue. You want me to bring an untrimmed tritip? You got it bro!
What video games are you playing?
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Btw luke isn't real. He is chris lynch with a bald cap KEK indian nigger mindraped by MDE got bamboozled again
>when you psycopathically manipulate people with the ability to mentally process conditional hypotheticals, free will is removed from the situation, and the end result is always strong arming them into compliance, either they will comply at threat of force, or pretend to comply and show you what a conditional hypothetical taken to the extreme really is
What is 110 IQ everybody? Kubrick was an occultist and Full Metal Jacket was the largest successful psyop against the military industrial complex ever deployed, and it was successful. Don't like your Drill Seargant? Pretend to comply the blow his head off with a M14! Thanks Kubric, truly one of the greatest artists of our time.

In relation to the s2 mallet incident as a case study...
They better get Jimmy deciding he's in trouble on his own terms to apologize and make Abi forgive him on her own terms too. What happens if they force them? Abi sues Sam out of a Porsche and Jimmy pretends to be Sam's friend until it's time to recolor the 70s shag carpet using crafting ingredients "Masonic homage Mallet + Sam Hyde Skull."

Manufactured consent only works when you aren't hacking, harassing, and threatening to murder your subjects. Fucking morons.
I master minded the project "bad ideas", it's not him he's been gone for weeks.
Sorry faggots. If Josie ever spoke to me the first thing would be talking about how you are occult psychopaths. I won't lie about my opinions. You've soured me on the idea of life. No point in trying for anything if you're going to hire people to manipulate me or threaten to murder me.

You've proven there is no point in life. If I liked Josie or not, it doesn't matter. Josie your bait isn't relevant to the situation. You will hack my accounts, break into my house, harass me, hire people to entrap me, or kill me if none of it works. All of it has already happened multiple times except the murder.

There is no point in the genuine interaction with people I've met or known. You've proven it yourself. I will drink and play video games until the freemasons murder me. You proved life is fake and you will manipulate anyone to do anything.

If the masons wanted Josie to be an informant for me they would brainwash her into loving me and drop her on my doorstep. They have always had my dox and me pretending to be secure is LARPing anyways.

At this point it's too late. You've proven life is fake. I will do nothing. You will get zero help from me to further humanity. Zero medical hardware development. Zero romance. Zero friends. Zero kids. I will drink and play video games just as you have instructed me to do!

Thank you psychopaths for proving life truly has no meaning! Can you complete your previous murder threats already?
>ahhh we tried to psychotically bait and strong arm someone who develops medical hardware into being a tool for our needs
>ahhh noo he sees it's all bullshit and has given up on life
Murder me freemasons. I've committed to having zero friends, zero romantic interests, zero humanitarian projects, zero professional development. You're going to use anyone around me anyways. I will not focus on trying, but focus on not trying! Even if I fucked up my life on purpose by getting a DUI you will hand out whatever treats you feel like in spite of it.

Congratulations. You've turned a multidisciplinary engineer into a log. You are why society is bad. The most perfect bait and coercion in the world and the end result is no different if I was a drug addict like Josie, Ben, Jet, Damiel, or Tayleigh.

POOF Masons can turn multidisciplinary engineers into drug addicts, beware their power!
And the response is going to be "kill yourself Josie." I will do nothing in this world, just as what has been asked of me.
It's silly thinking 8 months ago I'd be suicidal if Josie killed herself. Such care for an interesting person who could do great things. MDE proved their prowess in manipulating and degrading people.

MDE/freemasons proved I was wrong. If Josie's suicide makes them feel slightly bad then it's completely justified. They threatened to murder me over it, so it must be a good thing!

I will drink, I will be a log. I will speak to nobody. Thank you for the clear instructions mde/freemasons. Or hurry up on murdering me for meanie internet posts >:(
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i love watching freemasons
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love the wose
simple as
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all out, total and complete josie love forever and ever amen.
Zachary isn't going to like this...
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mental illness: the thread
some of you guys are okay tho i guess
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Jet here
You are fired ben
Brian is taking your job
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i love this spruce
whats the story behind this? josie fucked a bwc catboy?
That is the Canadian's ex-boyfriend penis. They recently went through a rough breakup (anon was cheated on by aforementioned boyfriend and femboy in the picture) so he posts the revenge porn here to get back at him.
I don't know why you're laughing it's kind of a sad story...
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Jet here
Josiecock lore is too advanced for the average josiepedo to comprehend

And yes I do gape benleaks' holes biweekly
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What is Josie doing RIGHT NOW?
hanging out with discord trannies
her range of activities is fairly limited. eating and scrolling tiktok would be most likely
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This apparently.
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cute wosie
she brought her special retard shoes

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