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Tom and Jerry Tuesday..
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Bgogi would you still love me if I sxed and cummed in your mouth and butthole while you were unconscious and without your permission?.. ......<3
Oh and good afternoon btw~...xoxox....
i love you bulgogi
Bulgogi I will try not to derail your thread this time. Even though there is nothing to derail. Each of your threads is a blank slate.
So strange to think that behind your posts there is a real human sitting at a computer, writing up this crap for some random Korean thousands of miles away, like you specifically want to spend your time on this.
Nice person
I wnat a greenhouse to grow my funny semi-legal plants in
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braindance ohh braindaaaance, will you be miiiiine? my acid dreaaaam; to have you all the tiiiiime. im just a fooool, a fool in love, wiiiiithh acid...
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thats exactly the purpose of my threads.. shitposting with no context..
you will contribute to greenhouse gas emissions jew will not be so happy about you..
I will contribute to greenhouse gas emissions so winters get warmer and the need for a greenhouse—relinquished!
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Bgogi will you watch a movie with me..im about to watch the shining in its entirety, I've only ever seen bits and pieces...
Going to start the movie in 5 minutes so you do the same on your end in 5 minutes from this post and we can virtually watch it together<3....
bad goy..
already watched it also busy..
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This movie is pretty fucking boring so far....
a cat is fine too
45 min left. I've almost fell asleep like 3 times...
불고기 i love your thread
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Im about to finish the last 35 minutes of the movie... It was so boring I couldn't stay awake.. Idk why this movie has such high rating....the only good scene was when jack was making out with the naked woman that turned into a dead old lady.....
Clockwork orange is Stanley's only decent movie... Everything else from him is overhyped dogshit...
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cute tom
thank you..
You will drink the Korova milk and you will be happy..
tom and jerry tuesday

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