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Because the mods are fags, it's impossible to make a decent thread on /v/ that allows me to post nudes and have freedom of speech. This is my outlet to talk about vidya unrestricted. I think I'm just not going to bother with blue boards anymore. I'm just going to post blue board content on b, bant, and trash. Fuck you.

Let's talk about games we're playing, characters we like, and particularly what's your go-to game to play while sitting on the toilet. I think Dragon Ball The Breakers is a fun game and I want to play it more, but those dumb japs don't give a shit and region-locked the matchmaking and (as of this latest patch) matchmaking is fucking broken and won't allow me to connect to games. It's some faggy fucked up bullshit. There are lots of hot guys and girls in genshin, I'm particularly feminine-sexual so traps and girls for me. I've been working my way through Zelda A Link Between Worlds. I'm nearing the end of it and it's been really fun. I'm pleasantly surprised by it. Nobody ever talks about that game and it's one of the best 3D games on the 3DS that I've ever played.
wait a min thats a dick NVM
don't care
wait a min thats a dick SAUCE
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Your tastes in games is dogshit and you should be ashamed of yourself
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puffy ball-vulva
use saucenao, moran
eat my ass
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How many funko pops do you own?
zero. funko's are fucking ugly.
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The what's your preferred childrens toy?
Me in the sight of a white man
I have a Hollow Knight figure and a Sephiroth Amiibo out on display.
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yep, checks out
what about you?
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what kind of toys do you have?
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The closest thing I have is two Oshawott plushies that I won from a claw machine.
Oshawott looks like he has a drawing of a penis and balls on his chest.
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Its a seashell
dick and nuts
also, you have TWO? Are they identical? Did you get both in one pull or did you really want to win a second right around winning the first one?
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Maybe I need to goon more for my second sight to awaken

>Are they identical?
One of them turns into a pokeball when I flip it inside out
>Did you get both in one pull
Two separate pulls and two different machines
you must really like that pokemon.
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His entire bloodline is kind of dogshit to be honestly.
screw you, janny
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>Because the mods are fags
>posts a fag
end your life immediately
sameFAG with vpn not foolin' anybody
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Nice videogame thread lol
annoying avatarfag award
wtf i love videogames now!?!?!?
post more venti
FAGGOT doesn't have an anus
Play underrail.
Its cool.

avatarCHADS have won. reddit is a place where you will fit in better.
fellate an assault rifle
Why would she be showing me that someone stole her pants and underwear? Weird
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die avatar tranny. maybe you should use reddit instead, you'd have a permanent username attached to all your posts!!!
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>Play underrail
I just got it, thanks for the recommendation.
Uncensor the bussy

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