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What can be done about 4chan's declining userbase?
Cheer for the slow decline of this God-forsaken website
Why do you come here if you hate it?
He's a retarded gassy latinx tranny
New generations are on social networks, not here. Only a few losers or radicals will end up here.
maybe they're scared of all the spooks that haunt this place lol
scary spooks they are :)
How to drive traffic to 4chan?
Most zoomers use tiktok now it seems
We need to go out and celebrate 4 han on the streets
Irl pranks brought more people in in 2016, or I guess we can just wait for election nigger season to go into full effect.
To accelerate the decline?
I'm actually shocked that more people don't care about this problem. 4chan is my favorite website, and we need an anonymous free speech platform more than ever before.
>free speech platform
I wish. The mods ban people and delete posts now completely arbitrarily.
go back to twitter
No. Twitter sucks too.
It's all internal politics. The user base is mostly comprised of social rejects, extremists, radicals and the mentally ill. They can go somewhere else to be truly anonymous and retain their free speech but they get ridiculed if they do.
Nothing is okay to a 4channer. Not even 4chan. This drives a lot of people out as people like to enjoy things.
4chan is on its last leg. Soon we'll lose it as An Hiro realizes it's not profitable to provide something that just gets abused and garnishes so much attention from feds.
>3rd row of /b/ catalog
>last reply 4 minutes ago
it's fucking over
There are rules and have always been rules.
4chan was never about being profitable
>There are rules and have always been rules.
No shit Sherlock. I'm saying the rules are enforced arbitrarily more than before. For example, you'll get a ban for going slightly off-topic on some threads, while other off-topic threads stay up forever. The mods are arbitrary, look at how they fucked up /biz/ with advertising bans.
Ban the chinese/russian shills
Get gook moot to not abandon us. Otherwise, embrace alt chans that actually do have a vested interest in their userbase.
4chan is still relevant. People share posts to other platforms.

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