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Post examples of justice being served. Like how Junko Furuta got what she deserved for being a female.
Timothy Ferguson, “tortured” (really was just therapy so he stopped being a sperg) by his mom

>Timothy was forced to live in a small closet in their basement

>Timothy was punished by being fed Carolina reaper hot sauce, either on pieces of bread or poured directly into his mouth

>forcing him to stand facing a wall for hours at a time or doing wall sits

Got what he deserved, punishment for being a disabled male piece of shit. Wish all males got that treatment
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Now that's what I call edgy
Now that's what I call schway
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this guy dying of his own fatness is a sort of self inflicted justice
god, you have no idea how many twitter artists I follow that are at an unhealthy weight and later start tweeting about how they're in the hospital and feel weird and can't draw or whatever
like holy shit, you think this is just happening for no reason? it's happening because you're fucking fat, step on a treadmill fatso
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pic related
that's a woman

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