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>shes going to die soon if she dosent start eating more!
>shes going to die soon if she dosent start eating more!!
Let me guess.
She NEEDS to eat more, right?
well she's clearly still alive but also mad ugly, like this she will always be a social reject. no man wants to look at that unless you are a degen fetishist. does not help she always plasters her face in hideos ~eMo~ makeup

do you have anorexia, op? or why are you seemingly mad people tell this uggo to make herself at least a bit more pleasant to look at
she was a mid 00s meme that belw up on MySpace iirc
now she's a streamer as they do
she plays just dance and it's fucking hilarious mr skeletal
Does she eat but throw it up or just eat once a week? I wonder what she eats
Also wonder if maybe she has some kinda mutant helminth living inside her, suppressing her appetite so it can feed on her insides instead
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Fucking nigger rostie
She needs to eat my cum
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grandma chick doo doo dododo
grandma chick doo doo dododo
i would fuck her slaggy loose pussy
I want to kidnap her and feed her
eugian cooney (but spelled correctly)
I eat almost 2k calories a day and am still skinnier wtf
Post cum on screen on her face
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Unironically un starvable. Genrikh yagoda murdered millions, he is a kike.
I donno how to take a picture of my phone using my phone.

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