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Beautiful Gold Bars Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>20631304
>The pipe is mostly wood and iron, but the solder held bands together and spliced pipe ends, of which there were lots. Thousands.
>The silver used was mill-run dore for the time which was about 80% silver

Regarding the spliced pipe ends (junctions?), are you referring to the circular gap in the female end of a pipe into which a ring of molten metal was poured when the next pipe was installed to join them together? I've seen (and harvested) many such rings of what i thought was just lead from old cast iron pipe. I assume the 80% silver was mixed with lots of lead to make the solder they used in your area, or did they actually just fill those joints with relatively valuable dore?

>You were born for it!

Thanks fren, the stars have really aligned for me on this one. I'll definitely hook you up if any rare tokens you're looking for show up here for some reason, it seems that they're too busy to really bother with tokens so those get sold cheap to people who flip them for far greater profit. Same with almost all the vintage jewelry, southwestern or Taxco stuff worth 5-10x melt or more just gets sold at spot price to resellers, it's nuts.
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>absolutely ancient webm
>”Why Gold?” Not “Why silver?”
>ancient YT videos
>outdated links
Boomer Edition is back!
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New coinage memetic
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not even check in yet. probably waiting until next week :(
Silver in Yen
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quiet thread. It's time to post small stacks
If you change the years on the bottom row to a near future fate, its in dollars [federal reserve notes]
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I like how the sizes of all the coinage is somewhat obscured in the pic. Initial glances indicated that the kook was the "ounce coin" giving me an altered metrological reading of the other bullion dimensions
I farted on a jew
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My understanding is that the barrel hoops used to bind the wood slats together were soldered with silver, along with those at the pipe ends which were otherwise just compression fits in very long wooden pipes. The silver used was the silver/lead ore which was laying around in large quantities at the time.
This raises questions such as if they didn't have the transportation capacities to bring lead in for solder, where did all those barrel hoops come from? There were certainly iron mines here, and a couple foundries, but did they have the ability to make iron hoops and wire? If not, why not ship lead solder in as well. I believe they must have transported the hoops by wagon, and then chose to use the lead/silver ore on the ground to solder them in place simply because it was available for free at the time. Still is in some places. But I'm not sure on the details of how the pipes were constructed or how much silver went into the solder. The stories say they used it as they found it, which would be mostly silver with a smaller fraction of lead mixed in. I have seen this, and have a collection of solder from that time period that has a really high silver content. It was plentiful and got used before actual lead solder was being produced or imported.
>I'll definitely hook you up if any rare tokens you're looking for show up here for some reason,
Thank you! I am only looking for one token atm, and there's only one of this token in existence. I expect to sell off the last of my inventory this year and retire from flipping as markets are becoming saturated and prices are dropping after the great boomer die off of 2020-22. I would definitely be interested in anything from my area though. Mostly to catalog any unknown items that are circulating in the wild. I would guess about 1/3 of tokens remain uncatalogued just because the owners aren't aware a catalog is being assembled.
I should add, I have seen those antique water pipes in a couple locations. They're just long pine slats bound together like a barrel with hoops every few feet. The hoops were cut down to size and then soldered together at the ends and fitted around the pipe. Around this whole assembly a spiral of iron wire was then soldered to the hoops to keep the slats tight and the hoops evenly spaced. It's cheap, it's crappy, it had to leak like a sieve, and they weren't in use long. Though some of it is still in use today. By now it's probably not much better than a hole bored through the soil, they have to leak a shitload of water.

Pictures of this arrangement exist from the time of construction, I'll try to hunt one down later today.
this isn't my town, but is a good depiction of the construction. Wooden pipes held together with iron or steel bands and wrapped with wire. All glued in place with solder.

in my area the solder was mostly silver in the years before the railroads arrived.
Randomly went to a pawn shop just to check it out, they have a whole section dedicated to silver coinage a couple people walked in to buy coins, innout faster than myself, they were after bufflalloes and mint rounds, i was searching for interesting stuff. Lottsa stackers out there...
>or did they actually just fill those joints with relatively valuable dore?
any galena found in the silver district here ranges from about 1/4 to 3/4 silver by weight. This stuff was regularly used as-is. They'd just melt it and pour it.

what's interesting is quite a lot of it still sits on the surface here, probably several tons. This is the sort of situation that tempts highgraders such as myself. Tons of silver sitting around on the hillsides waiting for someone to walk off with it.

the big companies have finally taken notice, and are building a cyanide plant to harvest and process this silver and leftover gold that's sitting out. Or they're trying to. Nobody wants a cyanide plant in their neighborhood. Kek

so for the moment, the cheapest source of solder here is the same one they used in 1878=1882. The silver ore sitting around on the hill.
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3 things inside this box.
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Just wee, tiny stacks
Did you buy a chest or something?
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No, private sellers often reuse Amazon boxes. The first of the 3 items is this English toast caddy. I hope it's sterling since the other two items are. Let's take a look at the markings...
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Well shoot.
>Made in England
Not bad! A piece worth every bit of $150 in a high end antique booth. Can flip for a quick buck, or keep my toast dry and organized. A good dilemma to have. Let's take a look at the other 2 items. It should be mentioned I'm all in <$40 on this lot.
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figures the cock sucks would send this email after the last shipping notification one
stack molybdenum.
I have a bunch of moly grease. Doesnt taste that great but its excellent for tapping threads and lubricating old spindles
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thank you :)
glad i saved that
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(fixed speed)
ready for the next assignment?
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Shit, I noticed flipping the chicken caused the swatiska to be wrong. Need to fix that.
Sure, if you have fun ideas.
You could do a nice hitler medal that gives the chicken mario invincibility
or zeppelin coin that gives the chicken wings
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No wait, it's not even the left arm any more. Oh well, I guess it's normal for sprite based games to just flip assets and live with it.
The invincibility thing sounds fun.
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what a team we make
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go japs go
Pls elaborate. No bully
Also this ??
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Pardon the interlude. Here we have the first of 2 identical knife rests. Let's take a look at the markings!
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This first one has been worn and used quite a bit. Not as clear as the 2nd. These 2 markings are both on each end twice per knife rest. The lion is England's universal marking for sterling. The Jr with the circle around it...
>John Round
>20th Century
Informational thread here:
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And here's the third set of markings on the cross bar.
>Crown = Sheffield
>Lion = Sterling
>k = 1902
>JR = Maker's mark
I love this stuff.
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I polished the slightly worn one and set it on my kitchen counter top. The other will stay safe and pristine in storage. Each of these is 57g of 925, or 114g*.925=3.4oz ASW. Also consider they likely have an 'antique' value of around $150 each! Not bad for $40!
Thinking about getting some silver coins. Any advice? I’m wanting ten troy ounces of silver coins. Any tips like where to buy, how to store, etc?
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Bold Precious Metals, Hero bullion, eBay. Look for either Britannia's with Liz, Canadian Maples, South African Krugerands, Asahi and maybe Philharmonics. Don't buy at big premiums, we were buying at $22 an ounce juse a year ago.
go to your local coin shop and build a rapport with them. I can't speak to all coin shops, I've only been to a few, but I'm very fortunate that the one nearest to me is super based, friendly and very right-leaning libertarians, and the prices are cheaper than buying online. I buy all of my silver and gold through them. I always just ask "what do you have nearest to spot" and they always have a new rounds and bars to show me every time I visit.
as for what I keep it in. the LCS gives me a new 20round tube whenever I ask for one and I keep all of my metal in a small treasure chest I got for free (I was out working one day, some people had a sign out in front of their house saying "FREE" with tons of old crap in their driveway. I eyed the chest and had to have it)
>the silver mask holds great power to its wearer, but the man behind it must also be great
Work on being less autistic
silver surpassed its 2020 high even in dollars, but for weaker currencies, that got debased against the dollar, even the 2011 high is already broken. that means if you had yen just lying around anytime ever, it would have been better to convert them to silver instead (ignoring other investment options with possible interest).
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Gold was like barely $2000 last year and it's already at $2400
Got it, I saw hero and bold on the price comparison link in OP. I don’t think I’m skilled enough to buy from eBay. Tell fakes and what not. even with the testing links, and I’m interested in fresh coins not blocks or whatever scrap or junk an eBay guy wants to sell me.
Coin shops? Thanks I’ll have to look around for one. I’d like to see what I’m getting too. A good price would seal the deal.
The rolls keep them safe enough? No rust or fading? I might zip lock them and keep them in my safe at my parents in addition to the tubes
The day is july 3rd, 2024
>silver is at $30

The day is july 3rd, 2044
>silver is at $32

when did you realize silver is a scam
Silver Gold Bull Jew runs a special. 10oz bar at spot. I'd slurp that up. No premiums and it's free delivery.
Ah ok. So similar to the issues seen in Weimar and Venezuela and etc right? Silver is priced in USD so had you had silver, then sold it for USD, you'd be able to buy your local currency in barrels full to buy your loaves of bread?
At least it's actually useful for things. It's a plentiful industrial commodity and was handy in the past when we didn't have better ways of authenticating currencies. Without the banks and paper market fixing the price it would be a lot cheaper.
Pls stop bullying the reason for my silver addiction
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>Each of these is 57g of 925, or 114g*.925=3.4oz ASW. Not bad for $40!

Very nice cheapies, thanks for sharing! $103 melt worth of scarce 120+ year old antique silver for $40 is a great deal, I hope you continue practicing the art of the slurp. I don't yet own any knife rests of any size but yours seem very chunky, maybe for meat carving or serving implements instead of normal individual place-settings? I don't know much about knife rests but maybe you have an idea? I also dunno if redundant hallmarks are normal on rests, you see them repeated on separate lids or hinged/moving parts but it's definitely not typical for 1-piece sterling articles.
Crypto kiddie term. Not applicable here. Especially when you’re spending all day on that and not factoring in the time required to drive around and take it all to the refinery.
>Crypto kiddie term. Not applicable here
Uhh, it is. Imagine being a /pol/tard and being this new here.
Slurping is absolutely a crypto thing. You slurp on pullbacks during major volatility. Silver is just hanging steady right under $30, and again, we’re not even factoring in the time required to hunt the scrap down and then gather it up to process.
>Slurping is absolutely a crypto thing
And a term here too you fool. Lurk moar
lol no it’s a term you dummies stole while on /biz/ to make yourselves feel cooler.
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Turning on the retard filter
That’s not what your mom said last night poorfag
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how big is that? that kind of knife is supposed to do the resting?
Looking pretty good today
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>stack molybdenum.
Part of the stack.
The center bar is about 2.5 inches. It's for resting ladles, spatulas, cooking knives, or forks. Whatever utensil you don't want to rest directly on the countertop.
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>forgets image
It's a knife rest placed at each setting on the dinner table. It's not proper etiquette to rest the knife on the plate.
Yeah, I've seen various sets of up to 8 for table placements for sale.
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I farted on a jew
Is that allowed?
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where's the cryptonerd person
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I'm a monero nerd. Ask me anything.
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crypto nerds will seethe
no, but neither is raping and eating children, so I guess fair's fair
Can we stay above $30 now?
Look in the mirror for your boogeymen
i didn't realize my boogeyman was that handsome fren
The day is july 3rd, 2044
>BTC is worth $0
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came up with this
>Can we stay above $30 now?
Why? You done stacking?
There are some Gigachads itt, if you are reading this drink water with a drop or two of colloidal silver.
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>doesnt realize that 32 bucks will be the around average months wage by 2044
Prepare for the purchasing power of silver to rise dramatically as its fed note value steadily decreases, this will indeed halt the jew's sniding remarks.
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House prices in real money
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>argyria is a psy-op
I just also came across some memetic knowledge on how silver burns jews and why they push sn0ybean oils AND ALCOHOL
>they ferment ecoli to produce the amino acid cystiene
>which allows them to heal from the oligodynamic-effect damage from touching silver
>they cannot produce the amino acid on their own, humans can
>the silver rips the thiols [heavy metal metallica poisoning]
>the jews smell like sulfur as they decompose, rot, and crumble apart due to the silver
>humans suffer zero mesurable damage even at elevated exposures
>a full glass of colloidal silver might give you diarrhea for a day and could strain your kidneys
>any concentrated substance in that amount would damage your kidneys as well, consuming several droppers is much, much less than a full glass of it
>the jews begin to resemble lepers after briefly coming into corntact with the metal
>sustained contact can make them look like a zombie as their flesh unzips itself
>if a jew ingests a glass of colloidal silver [which is unlikely because thats a lot of colloidal silver, but you can trick them into doing it because their iq is below 87] they will spontaneously combust its quite hilarious and dangerous so do it at your friends house, not at yours plus dont ever let a jew in your home anyway.
>silver burns jews.
>captcha ataboy
>when someone tells you to watch the
>money masters movie
>and you're like ok seems cool, so you get started but then go to turn up the volume and put the video at 70% speed so the voices sound funny, but then you see its 3 or 4 hours long and its like bro wtf thats a 3 or 4 hour long video. 1, and 2, give me a qrd dude, and 3,
Enough explosions for tonight. Silver is used in some explosives.
Will reveal who wears the gold mask when i figure it out
jews lose. I win
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Schizoteric genre
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Will the cryptonerds ever realize they're part of the problem?
Nice chart nerd. But if you look closely, you'll notice it's not comparing BTC to M3 but BTC to BTC/M3.
It's still kind of true. Tether is one if the larger buyers of US bonds, larger than Germany. They print fresh USDT backed with bonds, then buy more BTC to pump the price. If the bond market crashes, so does BTC. Picrel shows how BTC price depends on tether printing new USDT.
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Happy Independence Day /pmg/. Going shooting w/ my dad soon.
Will leafs ever stop blaming individuals for shit the government does?
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At least post American coins
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crypto nerds be seethin
PM chads be chillin
Did the whole world market for gold and silver just decide it wasn't going to do anything because of an American holiday?
i would think the chinese exchange is still going
>crypto nerds be seethin
They forgot to zoom out. The classic.
Are there any coins worth looking for in Spain, Greece, Italy or France? I asked before and got no answer. My dad stacks and is going on a Europe trip and I want to see what he should pick up while he's there.
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Uh fine... making me work on my week off lol.
yeah that double top is atrocious
bye bye gains
The silver price is going below $29 when the NYSE opens tomorrow, isn't it?
>nooo dont show how btc is entirely funded by digital money printing
Crypto faggie
i doubt it
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Sure poleanon. Just got to 85 ounces on my Lardistani wage, quite proud of what's here so far.
Gonna try to get to 100 ounces by the end of the month.
Already got the memo. I've been optimizing for weight / premium for the past few purchases.
Nice anon, love the 2fr. coins. Would get some, but they're a bit pricey for what you get. Still a cool coin though.
>they're a bit pricey for what you get
.2684toz ASW. I'm not disagreeing, but they're just so classy. At some point when I'm posting more regularly here again I'll show off the current collection.
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anything neat enough to make this worth bidding on?

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What if zoomers got into previous metals?
>do my homework for me /bizantium/
Go to the preview in person, sit down, and go through each coin like every other Boomer. Kids these days...
There will be NO preview for this auction as all currency and coins have been returned to the owners!
lol wtf. Who runs an auction like that. Amateur hour=good deals often times. One example: I picked up a fat men's gold ring for $15 because the auctioneer listed it as 'marked 14k but tested as plated'. It had black patina from age was all.
yeah, i see one 0.7234 ASW coin and probably at least one or two other for sure silvers, will probably bid on it if it doesn't go above $25
Lot 141. Do your research.
Print infinity V
I bet while America was too busy partying and the market came to a screeching halt everyone else was buying as much gold and silver as they could
anything with a general is a scam.
Canada's general elections sure are a scam
will also watch
Market is open, back to $32 we go but I hope gold hits $2500
>I hope gold hits $2500
Why - are you done buying?
Because I've been unemployed for like 8 months. Otherwise yeah I'd probably still be buying but I have enough.
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What the FUCK just happened???
why are PMs going parabolic right now?
Non-farm payroll data was revised down significantly, market expects rate cuts, gold price goes up.
how significantly?
>if it doesn't go above $25

At first glance I see probably at least 5oz of silver and recognize 1 rare coin worth quite a lot, a $25 bid won't cut it
>The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for April was revised down by 57,000, from +165,000 to +108,000, and the change for May was revised down by 54,000, from +272,000 to +218,000.
crypto = doomping
PMs = poomping
nature is healing
Oo... Sorry to hear that Anon.
Anyway... looks like you're getting your wish.
Finally fucking time
>Silver is $31.50 USD on july 5th, 2024
>Silver is $43.50 USD on july 5th, 2054

Silver is rising, the USD will collapse in...2 weeks
will keep that in mind
>Romeo y Julieta
>copper coins
Hey frens help me gather info on savings in the past. Recently it was generally agreed upon here that historically the average man had less than an oz of silver in savings, perhaps they had some copper coinage for daily spending and change. Hard to find information from before the 1960s when im looking for historical data of average savings spanning centuries
Historically the average man didn't depend on cash savings, so it's a moronic conjecture.
>Hard to find information from before the 1960s when im looking for historical data of average savings spanning centuries
yeah, it's difficult to find data on things that didn't exist.

Even if people had savings at some point in the last couple hundred years, it wasn't silver. Keeping your savings in your house is a great way to have it stolen. Nobody owned a safe, that's what banks were for.
>noo dont ask about savings history youre a moron
jesse/tranny answer
>safes didnt exist people never had locks, society was never safe
Typical bob kek
Out of all of jesses personas, only bob is the cool one.
I've spent most of my life trying to figure out where people used to stash their saved coins.

you know, because some of them died and didn't go dig them up.

After 40 years of really hopeful searching I came to the conclusion almost nobody hid coins anywhere. That's not a real thing. It would be cool if it was, but it's not. People find caches of coins so rarely they make national news or treasure hunting legend. Basically never happens. You're more likely to win the lottery than find some dead guy's "savings."
>Out of all of jesses personas, only bob is the cool one.
Christ Jesus this is some legit schizo stuff
you'd rank bob lower?
I have no idea what I’ve walked into
did you ever figure out that when you posted
>I hate bob so much
I'd spend the entire thread talking to you to see if you'd recognize me?
and also because I like your coins
I figured it out when I started collecting and selling ephemera

see, old checks are almost worthless. Even with a revenue stamp, and dating from the 1800's. They're worth like a buck or two at most. Tons of those suckers around still.

I think anyone that had savings kept it in their checking account. Pretty much everyone had one. Tons of checks still survive to prove it. They're worthless, but there's lots of 'em.
Finna make a jesse's multiple persona-stacking tier. Bob obviously at the top. Iqdelet will be the bottom rank
Every general has it's characters.
anyways, yes
safes certainly existed, I've seen a few dozen of them. All owned by businesses or extremely rich people.

the average person didn't have a safe.

they did have door locks, I've found dozens of those as well. Though they opened with a skeleton key, and if you had a skeleton key or two you could open every door in town. Not exactly high security, just like today.

Hiding coins would be a good idea, and I'm sure it happened sometimes. Just not very often. Imagine a house that burns down or rots away leaving the door locks in the ground, but when you metal detect it you find the door locks and no coins. Either the owners took their coins with them, or more likely, they never had any.

I've met people who've found tin cans or jars full of coins. I've also met people that won the lottery, and some that have been struck by lightning. All these things are extremely rare though. It happens. Some old-timers did hide coins and never go back to collect them. But far fewer than you'd expect if everyone was saving coins. I don't believe that was a thing. And I've certainly been looking for it. I've spent most of my life looking for it.
Imagine being relegated to the retard spam board to trade your silver coins lmao

>Bob obviously at the top.
kind of you.

I think.

I'm sure people had savings prior to 1960.
I have my ancestors' checkbook registers from 1860-1930 so I can probably prove they had savings.

I just really doubt those savings were physical metal.
I do know that silver and gold coin circulated some. I've read numerous accounts of bank, stagecoach, train, and business robberies where the coin used to cash payroll checks got stolen. So all those workers were taking their checks and cashing them for gold and silver coins. That seems to be a common story.

But what happened to that coin after they got it is also a really common story. Usually the business cashing checks for workers was a bar, because they knew as soon as they cashed a worker's check they were going to spend it on liquor, gambling, and women. And that also seems to be a really common story. Rich on payday, broke a day later and back to work.
I think hiding a PM stash where only one person can find it is modern hyperatomized tax cattle behavior.
I just dress poor and look poor. No one would ever target me
Samefagging schizos are just fun to watch meltdown.
Imagine returning to a board run by narcissistic emotionally abusive tranny moderators.

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