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I have the bone structure of a girl (small head, high pitched voice, narrow shoulders and 5ft8 and 130lbs) , also a -7 myopia.

In real life i can't be assertive, i am submissive because i know i can't take a punch.
I tried boxing years ago and even a light jab in my head rocked me

I tried to lift weights and put weight but i can't go above 145 even with with 3500kcal and i feel sick eating that much , literally stomach pain and sweating.

I got once a gf who was a introvert.. i was searching for weird girls who don't want a manly male.. but she left me when she saw what a bitch i am and submissive with others and i can' t talk even to cashiers.

down is a photo of me when i was 14
Improve yourself
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Do calisthenics instead, because it is the best workout for your height. Weightlifting is for tall guys or complete manlets.
When you push it to 15 pull ups, buy a maid dress and start subbing.
Also, drink lots of milk and eat meat and fruits
>i feel sick eating that much , literally stomach pain and sweating.
what the fuck are you eating
just get two pieces of fruit and then fill up with dried meat
there's no way that upsets your stomach
You need to wear a wig and let NIGGERS fuck you
You need to get of 4chin

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