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File: 1719922779238.jpg (357 KB, 1024x768)
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can catposters and frogposters be friends?
what's in the cats mouth
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No thanks, i dislike frogposters.
oh that's cool
What's he snacking on
Snacks obv
supplemental between-meal sustinance
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what happened to him
no one can be friends unless you are already
he is relaxing because the frog is on high alert and would warn him if there were any dangers
that is a symbiotic relationship or so i have been told
thanks for letting me know what you have been told
cat posters and frog posters are both shitty low quality tranimal spammers
the pleasure is all mine so to speak
i will rest now
you will regret that
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le frogge
did you regret it
no i am well rested and restored things are very great
he didnt regret it
that is good

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