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yea this is just days after the bombing of reichtag which was done on the orders of hitler, this is a pretty known thing, he set up an excuse to introduce some law to outlaw the parliamentary system, it's a common play
Your mom was raped and killed by a vatnik long time ago get it over already
The USA doesn't deserve a Hitler.
The deserve a Pol Pot.
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Dictatorship is impossible in America because of the second amendment.
Kind of like how it's illegal to be a criminal in Sweden.
>never heard of this before, wonder if it's good or bad
>text my neurotic cousin who watches MSNBC all day
>sperged out about how it's the end of democracy and Trump will become a fascist disctator
It's so nice having dumbass relatives to show you what to think when it comes to shit like this haha
but it's the guys using the second ammendment that support the dictatorship thoughever
People do realize hindenburg was elected and ended up giving up power to Hitler anyways right? So the "ELECT BIDEN TO PREVENT ORANGE HITLER!" narrative is fucking retarded.
Biden could execute every republican in the country if he felt like it and it would be legal

Decide if your president having this power is a good thing or not
this is later when he wanted everyone gone, the hindenburg plan was a coalition
Sounds like something Sweden needs
It needs to be an official act. Congressmen already have similar immunity for official acts but you don't see AOC executing Israelis..
"Legality" doesn't mean shit. Unless someone has the actual physical support to pull it off. Political "Legality" is as Stirner would call it, is just a retarded spook.
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What's up with the amerilard schizoposting lately? Are troons freaking out?
trump will cause the fall of europe, it's written in stone
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It's already falling on its own
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The debate made people realize a Trump presidency is inevitable so the left is in panic mode
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dog bles
You're such a dumbass, get off the internet and go get laid
It's impossible until it happens thanks to corrupt shit like a powerful Supreme Court
I'm always amazed by retards that unironically believe this bullshit lol. Do you think you could fight the army with your shitty ar 15?
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The entire country being armed makes any tyranny much more expensive
But you're already being exploited worse than anyone else in the 1st world yet you're not doing shit.
How? We're richer than you with bigger houses and cars and less taxes.
Surely not enough, partisans always got btfo
Where do I even start? They cut your dicks off at birth.
Pol Pot was unironically based and rigjt about everything so I'll take that as a compliment
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>Pol Pot was unironically based and rigjt about everything so I'll take that as a compliment
t. actual literal homosexual cosmopolitan city-dweller

You should all be herded onto a collective farm and worked to death
You can ask the American Indians how well that worked out for them in the long run.
nigga you've been living under a dicatorship since america was created
>the bombing of reichtag which was done on the orders of hitler
Nobody knows who set fire to the Reichstag. It *may have been* the Nazis, but the case is still open.
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No, but I can fight their wives and their children
Congrats on making your way into the watch list, I'm sure that's gonna end well for you :p
no it's not open, it was an open secret even then
i've been on a watchlist for decade they ain't gonna do shit
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>without checks and balances
biden has the chance to do something really funny right now
Poop himself?
Sentence Drumpf to death
Trump already did that in the debate
ok. when? seriously
nothing happened after jfk was killed
nothing happened during vietnam
nothing happened when abortion was originally legalized
nothing happened when fags were legalized
the closest was jan 6 but that was pitiful at best
I'm not American but it seems to me that the average American is more aware of their powerlessness in running government now than before. Jan 6 is strong proof that the winds have changed. Muslims radicalized the right, which in turn radicalized the left.
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They absolutely could; even assuming there's no outside influence, the state does not have the resources to handle a decentralised guerilla war against its own citizenry, especially once infrastructure sabotage begins. There just needs to be a will, but Americans (and Westerners in general) are extremely brainwashed and demoralised.
If any group of Americans actually fought for freedom, they would be vastly outnumbered and put down by the armed cattle loyal to the state. The founding fathers were morons.
Top kek
So you plan on hiding in your basement and expect the government to not immediately demand people to hand it back to the government? All countries have documents saying who owns guns and what guns they own. It's extremely easy for them to track and hunt every single person.
Good luck shooting a whole battalion when they show up at your door
Europeans screech like the cucked slaves they are when they talk about our superior system. Btw enjoy 20% Islam Sven, seems we had the foresight to not be like you. Btw Swedens Eugenics program is why yall are so docile.
the US gov enforced niggers on the US population at gun point way back in the day

if they didn't do anything then they won't do shit now
>Muslims radicalized the right
how so? unless you mean andrew tate type figures
Enjoy being a slave and doing nothing about it.

9/11? Oh wait, right, that was an inside job by Biden. Dumbass.
You dont know what I do for my great country you worthless yuropeon.
>All countries have documents saying who owns guns and what guns they own.
>Let me tell you about your country.
Dumb macaco.
>All countries have documents saying who owns guns and what guns they own
The Americans don't. There's no requirement for registration and there's a lot of trading and selling at gun shows that don't get jotted down.
>9/11? Oh wait, right, that was an inside job by Biden. Dumbass.
sorry we usually forget about our historical events. we're not as obsessed as you are
Americans are too fat to walk at this point, you think they'll get off the couch to fight the government?
Armed citizens don't do shit if a constant stream of propaganda makes them beg for more tyranny. Just look at Russians, they've got guns but the state-controlled media tells them their problems are everyone but Putin's fault so they bend over and say please when he wants to take some more rights away.
Nothing, as proven by your complete inaction so far. Future americans, if they even exist, will ask you why you just sat on your ass in front of your computer while your country fell to ruin.

This is a historical event. I want to be able to tell people of the future how badly the americans failed their nation in that hopes that they won't be as lazy and stupid.
>I want to be able to tell people of the future how badly the americans failed their nation in that hopes that they won't be as lazy and stupid.
ironic, as the entirety of europe uses you as an example of why mass immigration is shit
Not to mention Europe is an aging increasingly irrelevant continent who acts like they can lecture us.
I'm talking about the majority of cases and even if your country doesn't have it, they still know you could have guns and they would definitely go after every single house if necessary
Sweden's still more White than the US.
Guerilla warfare has worked countless times macacobro
>entire thread is shitflinging about muh trannies, muh left vs right, "ACTUALLY IT (undefined)'S A GOOD THING BECAUSE ITS REDPILLED"
>not one post explaining anything
ok, what ACTUALLY is this thread about
there was nothing democratic about the Weimar republic, thoughalbeit
>what is the Patriot Act?

This can't happen in the usa because your head of state has executive powers already, he doesn't need to give his blessing to the executive branch.

>nothing happened during vietnam

That's overlooking and disrespectful.
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Autocracy is based and works better than democracy
I think it will particularly suit the Americans. They seem so angry and pained having to worry about politics. Now they can just be serfs in peace.
They're all so worried about politics yet their voter turnout barely ever reaches 60%. I bet even this election is going to be barely above 60% turnout.
Gun ownership was legal, an common, in Brazil during both the Varguist dictatorship and the Military Regime.
Having a weapon as encouraged, sometimes even law, in medieval Europe. Guns were allowed during Austrofascism, and during nazism even deregulated
we can only hope
Most people in this world are born to be ruled, they will be fine with anything as long as there's food on the table and gas in the trunk, you just have to feed it to them in a flavor of their liking and they will support any system of government imposed by a minority faction. Even if it does directly agaisnt their interests and life style they won't rise up unless some charismatic deviant takes the lead and direct them.
consider half of the military would immediately defect, yes
What makes you think americans won't just take it for granted if a coup were to happen?
The funniest part is that these same people implicitly argue for the abolition of democracy when they go on their "misinformation" rants.
>muh russian misinformation is so powerful that nobody can resist it
>the only solution is a ministry of truth
if you don't trust the people to curate information for themselves then you don't trust the people to govern themselves. It's that simple. If people are only allowed to believe what a centralized authority tells them to believe and are only allowed to vote the way a centralized authority tells them to vote then this is a dictatorship with democratic aesthetics, which is even worse than a fascist dictatorship because it's necessarily being led by insecure faggots. At least fascism is open about what it is. These
>Democratic People's Republic of X
countries just ooze insecurity and dishonesty.

This but unironically.

The leftist + corporate media alliance told us trump would deport all the mexicans and re-enslave all the blacks and put women in breeding camps and invade every muslim country for oil etc if he won last time and none of this happened. Nobody takes their fearmongering seriously any more. Mass media is for comedy now, not for information. The internet made media redundant. Media literally means middleman. Information middlemen are no longer necessary now that everyone on earth can communicate with everyone else on earth instantly. If I want information I will just get it directly from the source, I don't need a middleman. If I want to know what happened during the london riots or the kyle rittenhouse incident or whatever then I will just watch the live video feeds from people on the ground. If I want to laugh at out of touch retards I will watch CNN.
this requires the population to actually agree on what dictatorship is and when to do something about it
seems like a far shot considering half of you think things becoming legal is communism
Ok so if the ruling in favor of trump makes the president immune to prosecution over official affairs what's stopping the democrats from having Biden sanction assassinating Trump?
It's like the Uno card
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You should just trust the law experts like we did with covid.
The good guys lost

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