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fuck kikes

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:

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It's just that easy
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And just like that, another day with a new high
pump my index bags bros
the only way to save the world is TMD
thoughts on calling out youtube on linkedin for having porn content to fill the pornhub vacuum and that any video/audio hosting/streaming site needs to have age verification checks such as id? (this includes 4chan)
>verification on 4chan
We just went over this with regards to /biz/
>can't even kill gaza without like four other countries support
lmfao kike
dont you have some tent city to go protest at with your tranny friends
yes but stronger - you need to have your id verified per site to post any that site or to even view its content
it will kill most of the internet
that is the point
He meant the Market.
If you don't want to look at porn, let me gouge out your eyes.
Simple as
kikes are literally importing Muslims to Germany, France, the US, soon to be Mexico and where ever else they can get their grabbler hands onto positions of power
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I did it, bros. I recoooovered!
>it will kill most of the internet
Ok I can get behind that.
and it worked too
now you know how shitty muslims are
i dont want young kids ruined by porn
we are not the same
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forgot my image
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>Dump Biden.
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top fucking kek
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God Bless XOM and CSX
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4h of july rally is on bros
2%? yikes
>110 countries
kike delusion is truly something to behold
dont care, you are muslim

go shit up arabia please
that's hilarious. I didn't realize Germans were aroused by the landscaping of Versailles. that was so not porn, it hurt to be worried about it.
I'll bite. What day is good for you?
>tfw you realize JPOW and Jeff Bezos have the same laugh
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I'm making a little money today
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>tranny level delusion
kikes are pushing that shit too, kike culture is dog shit all over
>that was so not porn, it hurt to be worried about it.
That's not a german that's a refugee.
>fill the pornhub vacuum
I'm actually a prisoner.
i will never be able to offload these nvidia bags
Are you free late Sunday?
slow thread theme: https://youtu.be/Fa1pmDMaoyc?si=ELqFzSpjXH8aWjDX
$180 EOY. You'll be ok
Imagine posting that song each day, cause it is the best you can do in your country to defend it against the hordes of people you call invaders. Oof, couldn't be me. Although that edit is far better than the original. Looks a lot more like Techno thanks to the hats.
You can offload them now or at $40
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My TQQQ bags are now up $30
i suppose. would you like me to use a spoon for your eyes, or my thumbs?
Jurisdiction is a Will, not a form.
Care to elaborate?
>kvetches about Muslims
>ignores and copes whenever this rabbi tradition is posted
deport all kikes back to hell
>this rabbi tradition
its literally fake
nobody does this

not surprised you fall for that nonsense (low IQ)
cry harder kike
I made more money than you today
>still a kike
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>Nvidia shenanigans again
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He likely got it from /pol. Like the kalergiplan infographs.
if you understand it it's not gonna make you happy
Am I the only one here whos entire life goal is to retire? I dont care if I have to eat 1 meal per day and turn off the air conditioner and live in a Trailer. I need to retire.
Of course he got it from /pol/
That place is more muslim infested than Berlin
if you think it is gonna influence my mood, i'm sorry.
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FNGU bros when does the ride end?
>SOXL sissies btfo
>TQQQ trannies roping
>TECL toddlers in tears
>BULZ booblers bagged
>SPYU simpletons summarily suicided
It'll never feel better than this day
What the fuck is happening with Tesla?
I'm getting tempted to short again, but I got burned last time.
well it's pretty obvious I don't speak nigger maybe get some experience american niggerlover to explain it to you. Speaking of.. where to the fuck is Rocker these days
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On a ship we sail so grand
Stock market rising hand in hand
Laughin' loud with gold in sight
To the moon we take our flight

To the moon we lift our sails
Money flows like ocean gales
Angry voices on the shore
Minor troubles we ignore

[Verse 2]
American dreams up high we go
Fortunes climb as breezes blow
While the Germans curse and frown
We just laugh and count our crown

To the moon we lift our sails
Money flows like ocean gales
Angry voices on the shore
Minor troubles we ignore

Wind and waves both on our side
Through the stormy seas we glide
Treasure waits with gleam and glow
As the markets upward flow

To the moon we lift our sails
Money flows like ocean gales
Angry voices on the shore
Minor troubles we ignore

Now here's a sing I can have a little bit of Chicken Fry and a Cold Beer on a Friday night too.
hehe calm down here's your (you)
One need not Will to establish enemy, to Will to lines. In the Will to a line, one finds by default an opposition, an anti. Some opposition likely Wills to be your enemy, perhaps in err. What Will you?
I come to you today because I want to become a profitable trader and I need advice from all of you, my friends. For context, I trade the NQ on the 1 minute time frame following price action. It can be profitable but only when I engage in a trade with a giant green or red candle, but the thing is that the stop loss has to be big and sometimes, when the trend has picked up, it will go against me and I'll just end up losing money. I wonder if any one here has a better set up for the opening range breakout?

I think my biggest problem is my psychology, I experience max pain when I lose, specially since I've gone from a sim account to trying to pass the topstep challenge account. I was in profit for 1000 some bucks last Friday because I my small profits, but yesterday I revenge traded and I dug myself a hole of -1000 bucks. So all my hard work from last week is gone. Does anybody here have a one minute based strategy I can test out and master for this month? I know this is a process, and one should put process Infront of profits... I just need guidance from someone who knows mores than me in this aspect.
Did the kikes import Muslims to /pol/ too?
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My Niggervideo stock is being short ladder attacked by the hedgies
I want this to, to be able to become a full time monk.
There are people posting in this thread rn who really thought TSLA was going to $100 lol
lmao even
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Please help, whoever is an experienced trader. I know my psychology is utter trash, and that's my biggest problem, but I would also like to know some other strategy that actually works besides intuition to be consistently profitable.
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>TQQQ breaks through 76
You actually can't tell anymore if they are pumping because the JOLT data was better than expected (good). Or because the previous release was revised down and they expect the same thing for this report (bad).
As in
>Good = pump
>bad = pump
I'd like to at least know if they think today was bad or good. But I don't even know that with this release.
Nah. /pol/ was always shit. It just had a good moment between 2015-2017 after that it fell into hyper faggotry.

They claim it's because every agency is after them. But it's really just because they are easily trolled and became /b/ 3.0
I heard NVDA’s going to $40.
cant speak for 1 min chart trading but al brooks has 3 books on trading SPY using the 5 min chart and i agree with his idea that 5 min chart is as low as you can go as a human in order to properly process what the ticker is doing
i'm not shilling him as i think he is a bit full of himself and selling books / courses is probably how he makes a decent chunk of his money instead of day trading but maybe pirate them to check them out
trading price action trends
trading price action trading ranges
trading price action reversals
there are a lot of charts in those books
you need to sell nigvideo AI isn't even real just a dumbo chatbot and its all jsut the dotcom bubble 2.0 all over again.
Thanks for the Vaporware edit. BANGING, not like the trash original.

I have to assume the version that is being played nowadays is also an edit. The original seems faster. Too fast to comfortably sing the magic words along.

idk man i trade off of levels and vol not 1 min candles.
NYCB announced reverse split, date unset, mid July. Reduced voters equals more board control?
Buy, Hold, Sell?
Thank you. I have seen that price action on the 5 minute chart is very clean, and I can bet that when a green giant candle prints, over the 89 EMA, it has a high chance of being a good trade. I think the majority of the people in this field survive on courses and selling information. I like to listen to trader tom, since I think he has the right course to start you out on a trading career... This is all mind, if your emotional and mental fortitude isn't there, then there's very little chance of making it in this field.

>Captcha: N08S
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market makers toyed with me today
Volume is terrible on the 1 minute timeframe. What levels? I'm still very new on levels but every day, when I mark the high and low of the London session and Asia session, price will go there to revisit that price, flawlessly.
Who's the Turk?
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Damn, remember when they froze trading at $2 for an hour, made a deal to bail them out and then resumed trading for a quick $1B profit. It was so fair that I couldn't buy at sub $2, but billionaires could make a deal to bail out the bank.
ruh roh raggy
Nope. Was that a market freeze or a bank ordered halt?
nice tracker.
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NYSE halted trading right as the stock dumped to record lows, the deal was made at record lows, when trading resumed the stock was up like ~100% (they made a quick billion dollars whilst no one else could buy). Land of the free home of the brave I guess heh...
unrelated to NYCB but check out SPCE, they did a reverse split to stay listed on the NYSE and have just continued dumping kek
It is Thursday, March 28th, in the year 2000. The turn of the millennium has brought a wave of excitement and possibilities, and today, you find yourself riding the crest of that wave. You've finally made it. Your carefully leveraged Nasdaq portfolio has soared, gaining more than 25%. The sleek, glowing screen of your computer reflects the triumphant numbers, each one a testament to your strategic prowess in this new digital age.

As you reach for the phone to call your broker, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The ringtone blends with the ambient hum of your modern office, a space filled with the latest tech gadgets and the faint scent of freshly brewed coffee. You lean back in your ergonomic chair, contemplating your next move in this exhilarating financial landscape.

The dot-com boom has created a new frontier, a Wild West of virtual possibilities. Your mind races with thoughts of emerging tech giants, innovative startups, and the boundless potential of the internet. Perhaps you'll reinvest in a promising new e-commerce platform, or maybe diversify into cutting-edge biotech firms. The possibilities seem endless, each one more enticing than the last.

Outside your window, the city pulses with the energy of a new era. Skyscrapers adorned with neon lights stand as monuments to progress, while people on the streets below navigate their daily lives, oblivious to the monumental shifts occurring in the world of finance. The future feels closer than ever, a tantalizing blend of risk and reward that beckons you to seize the moment.

With a confident smile, you lift the receiver and dial your broker's number, ready to take your place among the visionaries and pioneers of the new millennium. The journey has just begun, and the future is yours to shape.
>Imagine being confused about who is the foreigner, cause the foreigner states that the edited version of the song that is being hijacked by nationalists is better.
>Imagine somebody couldn't think the song itself is fine, just because people sing anti-foreigner paroles along the beat.
>That's like saying Hitler's art is shit, because he was shit

Hitler's art was actually not that great though.
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So you're pissed at the trade halt? Or that someone took advantage of a low price to buy direct?
SPCE is a Virgin airlines advertisement and sex-bait toy for Sir Richard. Don't get me wrong, they're doing legit engineering, but the success of the model depends on more flights than they've been doing, or actual transit. The latter of which they don't seem to either have permission to complete, or maybe capacity, I dunno.
>context of a contextual is contexting into contexts, as contexts context.
i don't think that SPCE has any future since this was released
Shares of Virgin Galactic, the space tourism venture founded by Richard Branson, are plunging after the British billionaire said he has no plans to invest more money in the company as he says it has “sufficient funds” already.

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>So you're pissed at the trade halt? Or that someone took advantage of a low price to buy direct?
Bro idk if you're dense or some shit, but It was a planned dump halt bailout pump, so only a few could profit and no one else.
This is the book?
Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar: The Technical Analysis of Price Action for the Serious Trader
Book by Al Brooks
How do you trade, brother?
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intraday/intraweek highs and lows, VWAP, any level with a lot of trading volume, high volume icebergs on bookmap, 5/20/50/100/200 day averages, big round numbers (5000,5500, etc), or just any spot where there was a big reversal or failed breakout.
Many of these end up being the same numbers. I just go with whatever the vibe for the day seems to be and only make a big trade if it makes sense. Otherwise I fuck around with a few micros.
That made me think about if there is one of these memes

with the "Chud" in the mid and the several keypoints around him with the ironic twist immediately following
>Hedges all positions
>loses on both
>so only a few could profit and no one else.
who profited?
Shit; I meant if there is a version of this with context
>Asks about context
that is his first book and he later released these 3
Trading Price Action Trends: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader
Trading Price Action Trading Ranges: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader
Trading Price Action Reversals: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader
i read them and what i tried to follow for a while but got tired of looking at charts all day every day so now just day trade on big news days
>it was a planned dump
Like when people short things?
>so only a few could profit
NYC has alot of people. there's nearly 9k employees in NYCB. Even rich people are allowed to want to see businesses succeed.
>Bank gets $1 billion ‘lifeline’ from former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s company
A commie.
>whatever the vibe for the day
Ah, this is the thing that makes or breaks a trade, seriously. I try not to complicate it too much since I like to keep it simple. I think I'm gonna have to return to the micros instead of trading one contract on NQ
He must live in TX
I see. I try to trade from open to 11 am. In 4 days my win rate was profitable 60% but yesterday blew out all my hard work.
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>i-its fake goy!
>kike babies aren't getting herpes from degenerate kike rabbis at all!!
>i-its from /pol/
I can't stress enough, deport every single kike back to hell
It could have been worse. I was in a chat where traders were bragging about getting in short just before the $2 halt. Little did they know..
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>Even rich people are allowed to want to see businesses succeed.
So what you're saying is, there's nothing wrong with the average person not being able to acquire a share in a company at record low prices, while a few billionaires get so acquire as much equity as they want. Idk how you're unable to see the issues here.
>Little did they know..
They literally fucked everyone over, they could not exit the shorts for 2 hours.
>pissed about trade halts
Ok, so you don't trade on the NYSE or the NASDAQ anymore. I get it. Thanks for the cheapies.
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You just might be dense after all. Unlucky, better luck next life.
i just need nvidia to tap 123 today at some point
listen you arrogant fuck-wit. unless you're not trading NYSE and NASDAQ, which are the sources of Trade Halts, you're a fucking insecure hypocritical nigger.
That's what I thought. FUD nigger.
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everytime a kike in /pol/ tells me kike traditions are fake, I discover how real they are. Kikes are wild bro.
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OPTT bros they didn't believe us when we said it was our time
>VZ nears 42
>immediately shids and fards
How many times is this gonna happen, the channel can't go on forever
It's ok, I don't care about the babydicksucking. I posted the Kalergiplanthing. Not like any other cultures aren't doing other retarded shit too.
>male circumcision
>even worse, female circumcision
Hell no, women aren't the reason for initercourse. >Me Grog, Me Orgasm.
Women orgasming is an afterthought.
Total crab victory
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>It's ok, I don't care about the babydicksucking
fuck you German kike, gave that amerikike a cope out you fucking pussy - but baby dick sucking is okay, slit your wrists faggot
You're a sub-human retard defending billionaires, that plan trade halts to fuck everyone over and make themselves the sole profiteers from a situation, shame you have an American flag (probably a taliban immigrant). Hope you're just a kid, otherwise check urself probably have a syndrome or two you dense fucktard.
>Yeah dood just ban urself from the largest capital market (monopoly) in the world, because like dood it's hypocritical to make money using people you disagree with.
I'll make money wherever I can, at least I'm capable of understanding the issues with planned trade halts that fuck over everyone but a few.
Mr. Projection over here is playing commie with a business deal to bail out a troubled bank. More than that, he's denying any value in the bank, because of an ownership deal, worth less than 10% of the company.
I should probably get rid of RR and BAE before elections, huh.
>Implying americans aren't the turbocapitalists
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deport all kikes back to hell, nosy German kike faggots can either mind their fucking business or join them
No, it's not ok. But it's not my problem.
Idc about the deal to bail out the bank, problem is no one can buy or sell at record lows while they do the deal. The issue isn't the bailout, the issue is people shorted and got fucked, people couldn't long and they missed out on 140% gain. Do you understand the issue or is it too hard to penetrate your thick skull?
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then the next time I'm dropping facts on a kike, mind your faggot business instead of helping them push some fucking lies you stupid bitch
>Implying americans aren't the turbocapitalists
America is Fascist for like 100 years now. That's why the standard of living for the average joe has been in decline for decades.
>$70k cash advance from bank at special 2% offer for 1 year
>buy treasuries and bonds for 5-6%
>easy $2k on the spread
What's the catch?
>fucking up and not paying the 70k back before the cash advance turns to 25% apr
>it's a pointless effort since the strategy isn't repeatable, only $2k before tax
Should be easy to avoid fucking it up and it's not much work, 1-2 hours max including turning on my pc and logging into the brokerage.
Yeah, I'm looking at NYCB as a business, not an event. If you don't like that events like that can happen, avoid them. If you can't describe what made this happen, you're blaming NYSE and NASDAQ. Apparently, you're very upset with the monopoly you claimed, and want to blame me for making money. Nigger, you want abuse.
Kalergiplan though is still wrong. And that first babydicksuckingpic looks weirdly edited

I swear, I just wanted to greentext
>free market
and now you come at with me
If Americans were fascists there wouldn't be any jews, Mexicans, or blacks here.
sounds sexy i'd do it.
i guess bonds have rate risk but I don't see jpow raising rates and fucking you over.
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shut the fuck up you retarded kike faggot, you wanted to jump in and talk shit and high five your little kike faggot friend that shit is fake, and now here you defending some random kikes lie, he got you like a fucking bitch
fascism is an economic construct first. national fascism might be racialist.
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>If you can't describe what made this happen,
I literally described it 10 times already. A few well connected people (former us treasury secretary), fudded the stock, halted trading at record lows for like 2 hours, did a deal and everyone else but them got fucked. I really do not understand how anyone could defend such behavior, It's was a literal scheme. Bail out the bank, but do not halt trading at record lows to make a quick $1B of the news.
Fascist as in the economic model, not the ideology.
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I might actually have to filter the word kike because you guys won't stop going on these autistic tard spam rages every fucking thread.
Is this some samefagging?
Hey can you not shit up the general with your horrible opinions? Thankies
has anyone noticed that the line going up isn't going up at the rate that it was going up at? what is causing this? did putin nuke london already?!
That's where your projection is killing you, nigger. I said the bank NYCB has value, you said that believing such a thing is agreeing with someone else's moves.
You are going to go back to growing fruits and vegetables, because everything else is involving yourself where criminals are making money too.
the line is being lined up to dump
>rabbis sucking baby dicks aren't real, it's a pol psyop my fellow kike!
>oh wait, it is real
>me being a fucking retard isn't the problem, you're samefagging!
kill yourself kike cuck
you don't know shit faggot
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>bought another $100 of VT and $50 of BNDW today
>HR lady says interview on tuesday at 10
>later emails me to reschedule it to 2:30
>later emails me to reschedule it to NEXT tuesday at 11 AM
>3 hours ago she calls me and doesn't leave a message even though she RESCHEDULED IT TWICE ALREADY
>she is black
Why is the hiring apparatus entire economy in the hands of retarded people?
Humiliation ritual. You WILL put up with it wagie
You have to be cut.
if it is this crazy to even get an interview you may not want to work there anon.
idk, he sounds very smart. why don't you listen to him? you sound stupid not listening to a smart person, stupid.
Maybe you are not going to speak to her, but somebody else. And the other person is telling her to reschedule it. Thus her only being the messenger.
Congrats, what's the job?
You're willing to push lies for kikes, shut the fuck up damage control faggot
So which stocks are you in today Anon?
Is this the same nigger you've been dealing with for like a month now?
>I said the bank NYCB has value
When did I deny NYCB has value?I was literally looking to buy the stock sub $2, but I couldn't because as soon as it dropped they halted trading for 2 hours. I am arguing why this particular trade halt is a scheme that benefits a few at the expense of the many. Also I never said that I disassociate with legal or physical entities that are criminal, I only acknowledge the crimes, and I will profit from wherever I can, but I won't lose my sense of right and wrong (something you've clearly lost), heck I'd even profit from a nigger like you if an opportunity presents itself.
i did the same with troon and tranny long time ago. its just not worth the time when 90% of these posts is the lowest quality offtopic rage garbage
>eminem releases new song
>S&P 500 10th day of crab
>Also I never said that I disassociate with legal or physical entities that are criminal, I only acknowledge the crimes, and I will profit from wherever I can, but I won't lose my sense of right and wrong (something you've clearly lost)

Am I missing the meaning of Cognitive dissonance, or is this literally exemplar?
You have no idea how I trade, and you're admitting to profiting from crimes.
I really hope you're 12 or some shit, fuck you're dense.
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they're right, you're a fucking schizoid if you dont' see what you actually just admitted about you.
You guys realize the picture in OP is an oxymoron right?

First depicting Jesus as "Chad" (Chad in itself being a completely hedonistic, narcissistic, egotistical and vain concept), having him talk about Love but then spreading hatred and chauvinistic, racist resentment with the rest of the pic. What even is the point of this picture.

Imagine Jesus being like I forgive you for all of your sins and love you for being you but if you're Chinese FUCK YOU you fucking dog eating ricenigger, your ancestors were commies and killed millions of innocent men or something, NOT COOL. Don't you guys not see the complete hypocrisy and retardation in this? You cannot be christian without being apologetic. You're just a larper at that point. If you're a Nazi this is not the religion for you, stop LARPing to fit in, not only is it pathetic, it is an insult to your own self to be in a state of such contradictory moral belief. Follow your "Chad" leaders and be a Positive Christian at least and stop making a mockery of both yourself and Christianity.
ANUS bros we won
*ANVS my apologies to the familes of ANVS holders at this time
>oil companies don't pump when oil pumps
>but they go down when oil goes down
>no, you're not allowed to make an attractive idealized male
there's certainly idolatry at risk, which probably was all you needed to say.
Something something whatever makes you stronger makes your enemy weaker. Either way you completely missed the point.
based. Even a money-hungry jew could repent and believe in order to be saved. For the record Greece bro, Most /pol/acks are atheist from what I can tell.
You need an enema.
Sounds like something you'd practice.
*checks what kind of business*
*its bio science*

Every single time.

Has anyone else noticed that bio science has the most volatile stocks. Why has no one made a meme about this yet?
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Sucking 500 dicks.
That sounds like asymmetric risk/reward, which is really good
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Tickers for this feel?
Because that's the nature of the sector/industry and you would know that if you did your DD?
A lot of these shitcos are speculative research shells, and they are literally make-or-break pending a successful drug. If they fail, the price drops 95% and the company is effectively dead
>Has anyone else noticed that bio science has the most volatile stocks
Followed closely by solar and SaaS microcap shitcos. Always have your shorts ready when those pump
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Man, if this wasn't by my grandpa, I'd be selling it. (maybe wait for gold to go a little higher).

I simply don't believe in him.
are you familiar with martin shrekli?
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What was he planning?
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Morning stock market run for TQQQ lfg
your grandfather is rolling in his grave watching you defend kikes lie about not chewing foreskins
Sell it and do what?
Just tell them you’re not interested anymore. You just know they’re going to reject you and you might as well come out on top while you can
No it just means energy is fucked and will only pump once I sell.
Something /pol hates rapefugees for but still has 10 threads about women loving rape and them threatenign rape and thinking and dreaming about rape.
How are continuous budget deficits anything other than inflationary?
Why does virtually no one broach this subject when inflation comes up?
Cost-push inflation my ass.
Women love rape when it’s someone attractive that’s doing it
is something finally happening on the S&P 500
you don't know shit about pol you fucking faggot
Short the market, kek
Is that a jew or christian thing? Either way, you should sell it because it's just a piece of gold.
Yeah Peter Lynch even talks about it in the 90s.
how do I decipher this options trading info? Just tell me what you made.
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Ah yes, sure.
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>when normies learn that /pol/ contains all kinds of different ideologies.
Is he still /ourguy/? He was done and in jail by the time I found /biz/. What a legacy

I have a Knights of Colombus ceremonial sword that my uncle found at a yard sale 15 years ago. Its worth about $400 on ebay, but I'd rather keep it as a curiosity / very alt collectable/investment
Yeah, like we haven't seen this a thousand times before.

It's gonna end +or- 0.01%
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We are facing a total collapse of the financial system.
No he's another e/acc neoliberal.
wait your turn after 4th of july bobo
That sounds like something you can collect. And something that you could present in a collection if you were some kind of collector.
>job sucking 500 dicks
Thank goodness you're overqualified.
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Dead market. Posting one of mu waifus to help it stay alive.
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>VIX under 12
Dumbass, make a notary of the ownership chain, from your grandfather to you. It's a priceless artifact, have it insured for half a million long enough to get the insurance note proving value. Then borrow against the assets of your estate.
Your grandfather was a craftsman, and you're holding history.
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Fuck it I guess I'll do it.
One other downside I just read about is that it hurts your (((credit score))) but I don't care about that.
>its a priceless artifact

anon, I think that's enough marijuana for one day
Good advice wasted on a stupid lying faggot
sounds a little too good to be true. which bank is offering that? make sure there isn't an early repayment penalty
you have no idea what you are saying. he's literally holding the sweat of an elder, who will never return, and it's a rare item from a craftsman. there's a treasure in the story of the treasure, and you'd advise telling him to forget he has family at all, take the $2000, and run.
I'm telling him to bilk that shit for what it should be worth.
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Also nto sure if he wants to troll me. It's just gold. But it shines nice, I have to say. Stronger than my other cross. Which somebody said is a Wehrmachtscross (likely also as a joke)
oh you missed out when 30pbtid German kike decided to team up with the american kike to push the idea rabbis sucking bloody baby dicks isn't real
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I have a new boss at work who is some lip smacking nigger and its infuriating. She asked me the other day if I was the one who created the .net framework. No. No I was not.
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never forget he's some shitskin refugee or as he would put it an "invader"
You'd be at 31, if you weren't switching ID
ANUS halted up. What happens next bros?
Bank of America
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Up 0.91% so far today
With leverage, financial boredom is a thing of the past!
Lmao, you actually interpreted it that way. How illiterate are you burgers?

Also, wrong screenshot. I said the word in another screenshot you might have taken.
dei working as intended. Maybe you'll flip out, cause a scene, and make the right wing look even worse in the public's eyes. (All according to plan).
what was the news that sent it?
Not even shitting you everyone is updating their resume's
>5 hours ago7/2/2024, 8:00:00 AMGlobe Newswire
>Annovis Bio Announces New Data from Phase III Parkinson's Study Highlighting Improvements in Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) and Cognition after Treatment with Buntanetap
and you'd have foreskin if you didn't get kiked
Just saw this on /reddit/
>I had a friend who did something similar, except he put the loan money (36k at 0% interest) in a savings account (0.5% interest) for “free money”. He ended up having to pay 15% interest instead of 0% because a single sentence in the agreement he signed said if he made any taxable money off the loan he would have to pay 15% as of the start date of the investment.
>He got the first bill right after his 2nd year having the loan when he reported his interest on his taxes. He ended up having to pay about 8k just to earn that $180 free money
Not sure if that applies to my offer or not. Probably worth focusing my energy elsewhere desu.
What's the saying
>with ___ you lose
Only in the US you're getting kiked, sorry. And South Korea, which I found out recently. Did you know they are also performing circumcision? Good job America, you've done it.
Big reason I will never attempt to get a loan of any amount. I'll just assume the jews are going to sneak in some fuck me clause in there
Also on /r/
>BOA has a 3% fee paid up front. The cash transfer was done extremely quickly.
Ok well it was nice to dream about beating them at their own game
extra long straddle or strangle, imo. all reports tend to be given as wonderful no matter. they need to put reports on side-effects, organ failure, etc. etc. It needs review. If you've been watching, and feel comfortable, heavy call. Pharma testing comes and goes. They have to get it approved and/or sold.
How do i profit from this
considering the bank could get tbills at over 5% I don't know why they would give out a 2% loan unless there was some jewish fine print
>He ended up having to pay 15% interest instead of 0% because a single sentence in the agreement he signed said if he made any taxable money off the loan he would have to pay 15% as of the start date of the investment.
>You can't act like a bank
thx for the details, now i wont bother looking into it
Holy cow TSLA is keeping my entire portfolio in the green.
you said it was fake like kalergiplan you German kike

How do i profit from this?
The reason I don't believe in Christ, is cause he likely is a kike. So stfu.
you're arguing with brown hands
be rich and own a company that'll profit from cheap labour that you can't outsource to china... or just don't be a fucking bus driver
I take it back, you're arguing with muslim brown hands
>cheap labor in china
vietnam is where you want to be today, those chinks think they got rights nowadays
Immigrants do not work.
I like Mexico for that angle. Latam has a lot of growth potential imo. Happily buying the dip on EWW and EWZ
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I've been called kike and now muslim too. While posting crosses. This is just a slightly financerelated offbranch of /pol.
Anyway everyone profits from immigration. This thread proves it. We have already 1/5 of all posts getting done by immigrant labor. No end in sight. Thanks to immigrants /smg/ is growing again.
lmao, they really are a dumb piece of shit. Thoroughly enjoyed catching the kikes lie about kike culture and try to pass it off as pol conspiracies.
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rate my upcoming investment
i agree with LATAM being a good place for future growth
i want africa to show some stability and potential but niggers can't stop killing each other

no head. No calves or feet. no arms. I would not buy this.
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F tier
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>Daily portfolio change: -0.01%
I only want tits and pussy tho
financially speaking
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>He ended up having to pay about 8k just to earn that $180 free money
There truly is no way to outJew a Jew
>/pol/ bogeyman
begone discord tranny
How are you fucking up so bad? +0.83 here
What if instead of using a stoploss, you change it to a limit sell, so that if the price softens into a downtrend, you open a new short position?

I remember seeing a /pol/ cap from about 10 years ago that said China tried to civilize Africa, but their language was too complicated for nigs to learn
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We are different. I would need my doll to look like a girl.
How the fuck is that enforced or even legal? You loaned the money, you don't get to call the shots.
>get another phone call
>it's from a spam caller
>they left a message
Funny country we live in where only scammers have the decency to leave a fucking message.
Yo faggot, I thought you'd be blocking my flag. Just big talk.
Wow GOY, that's super antisemetic of you, those term loans have never existed. You're actually repeating hurtful false rhetoric from /pol/, the same place where kalergiplan came from. You are anti-semetic and unintelligent GOY. Why are you muslim???
you're only started shitting up this thread a few weeks ago
you'll eventually get bored and leave

on that subject I wonder how laughing korean fag is
china is trying to buy all of the natural resources they can from africa which is smart by them as its so so much money
if anyone can educate the nigs and get factories that provide stable jobs they'll probably make a fuck ton of money too
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>if anyone can educate the nigs
It took me a while to figure it out but a lot of the engineering work I did at my first job was design stuff made of US parts that got (supposedly) assembled in Mexico.
I say supposedly because our fulfillment people essentially had to redo QA for them.
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reddit tier post
There's a ton of cartel, PMC, political instability, and artisinal mining in Africa. It's a shitshow, even in the most developed places.
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Biden has the immunity to declare Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States of America, whom would then have the immunity to certify her Presidency. There is *nothing* you can do about it, bucko.
i am just dreaming of having billions and being able to invest in that shithole to make my children hopefully trillionaires off of the back of poorly paid niggers, like our european bros in the past did
too poor to do it though
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The Moon rises LUNR bros.
And we are going there.
ANVS paying out nicely on wash out longs today. Holy shit I've never traded something this easy. Literary just buy every big pullback
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Never say never, Czechbro.
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When is the black swan?
This is taking way too long.
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bobo on life alert
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I’ll y a deux semaines mon frère
>Microchip technology carrying the entire market

I don't like this.
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>President Joe Biden To Sit Down With ABC News For First Interview Since Presidential Debate; Will Address Calls To Drop Out; Interview With George Stephanopoulos To Air On "World News Tonight" July 5, With Extended Portions On "Good Morning America" And "This Week" July 7
Biden Damage Control Tour getting underway soon
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>powell: sorry guys, turns out im a bitch. i lack the necessary confidence cut the federal rates.
/OJ bros were being squeezed
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there's going to be such a faggy pullback tomorrow. Or maybe even today.
i always see this as a pepe
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gap fill bros, we have a gap on the spx 5 min chart that has not been filled
we have much lower to go
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is there a reason to cut before 2%? I like how strong the dollar is
>>20686777 (checked)
Time to juice some trades

Also I notice $EVZ is above 9, right now's a good time to trade forex, good volatility
too soon ;_;
>OJ getting squeezed
Based Edwige appreciator
you wont like how strong the dollar becomes because of what is means for it to become that strong
Absolutely insane market.
She told me it was a mistake and I'm still scheduled for tuesday, but that also means she could have just interviewed me today since that time was free for her but she's completely disorganized.
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The market is always irrationally rational, and rationally irrational, and rationally rational, and irrationally irrational, all at once. Once you come to understand this, you will come to understand everything.
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w-what does it mean anon?
>is there a reason to cut before 2%?
Yes. An honest day's work for an honest day's pay is a hellish prospect to the parasitic, and so the day's pay must be reduced to nothing while whatever the work accomplished both retains and increases in value while belonging securely to con men.
Unfortunately, school teaches young and impressionable children that a good job is what matters, so most people are operating on bad information from the start.
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A large part of my anal cavity is filled with tensor cores
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>an honest day's pay
who decides?
given that wages haven't come close to keeping up with inflation, you can imagine who decided.
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i got shaken out of my weeklies today. think im done trading for the week to celebrate MERICA
He's a bitch for not increasing it. Too many shitty companies have been limping along on endless cheap debt.
demand for us bonds
war bonds
Dump into close then..
>nvidia is just down day after day after day
okay bobo, you win.
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I've finally given up. I just liquidated all my small cap shitcos (and LEAPs on those shitcos) that I was placing all of my hopes and dreams in. I have put the proceeds into an off-brand large cap 500 fund (STRV, run by Vivek Ramascammy).

You win, Mr. Market. You win. I can't beat you.
we will never see a red day EVER AGAIN
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>war bonds
nothing ever happens
As someone who holds AT&T, JPM and KHC I think that the market is not even overvalued. I'm sorry bobo, you should come back once S&P hits 7-8k
just curious, why did you pick STRV instead of VOO for example?
Is the market pumping because Biden needs a strong market to win

or because Trump's chances increased?
sorry i bought
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>Fast food inflation


How many more chains will declare bankruptcy? Red Lobster, Hooters and Arby's are on the way out kek
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A few years ago my dad gave me some money to invest with, I thought I was quite clever. Spent the past 5 years taking a 50% haircut trading gay-ass short term bobo options and the like. I've repented. Lost a lot of money but learned a valuable lesson about not being a faggot bear.

Bears sound smart and bulls make money. Remember that.
short US trading week so they're getting their fix while they can
its all fake and gay
imagine how amazing it would be for biden if the market closes at an ATH just before the 4th of july
pretty fake and gay if you ask me and i'd vote for biden over trump
I was asking for memereply, not the truth!
4th of July pump
It was in that one screencap that keeps getting posted
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>Job openings spike, over 170k

>All government shit


Bros is this bearish?
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better late than never. Personally I missed out on tons of gains by being caucious and trying to time corrections.
The truth is, the sooner you pull the trigger and start boggleheading, the bigger will be your longterm gains thanks to compounding.
I own an S&P 500 fund in my IRA, so in my taxable account I wanted a fund I could tax loss harvest with. STRV tracks a different index (Bloomberg 500) than the S&P 500, but is virtually identical performance-wise. Did this since the general conensus is it fine to tax loss harvest index funds as long as they track different indices, and you can't sell for a loss in a taxable account and the go and buy that same fund in your IRA.
middle class and small business is struggling. Corporations will fill this void and buy up bankrupt middle class assets for pennies.
it always pump on july 4 week
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I feel fucking sick
I'm making money, but I was too much of a pussy to buy the dip. I'm such a fucking failure
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First off, fuck yo' LONGS and the CALLS you claim
SHORTside when we ride, come equipped with game
You claim to be a player, but I fucked your wife
We bust on BAD BULLS, MUMUS fucked for life
Plus, JANNY tryna see me, weak hearts I rip
MUMU Smalls and Junior TRADER., some mark-ass bitches
The age of Bogle and consistent yearly gains is on the precipice of extinction
Sounds bullish. Whatever is bad for the middle class and consumer is good for the markets and business
It's because the Supreme Court overturned Chevron so now they have to hire actually competent people for jobs because if you sue them for discriminatory hiring they will lose because there is no mandate saying "Just make up your own rules lmao and make it sound legal kek!"

The fact that was ever considered legal is baffling.


Fucking stupid.
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>it always pump on july 4 week
It was foretold
i bought the NVDA dip and then got shaken out around 11am when it kept failing to break above the VWAP. meanwhile SPY and QQQ have been trading way above the VWAP all day. NVDA market makers are shaking retail out of their premiums today
fuck this is the top
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Zoom out.
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Bobo is such a NIGGER.
We are in the middle of the golden bull and we still have RETARDED NIGGER bears talking shit
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>S&P 500 5500
its coming mumu bros
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Another free money trade courtesy of the ANVS market makers
Short ladder attack on the VIX
Alright, i'm buying more TQQQ

ALSO I want the yen to go so low that I can fly to Japan and do this with a virgin high school girl.

Does this mean full auto AKs are coming back because the ATF is gay?
Hey, this is going to sound weird, but why don't we all hop on an anarchy beta Minecraft server for /smg/ sometime? It can be like once a month or something.
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Imagine not just having a permanent Vix futures short running at all time that you roll every month to collect free money
>nothing ever happens
nothing ever happens
I'm not installing minecraft again. They fucked the launcher up and it's a pain in the ass now.
Also I think they deleted my account or something? It got stuck in some limbo state after they bought Mojang and I couldn't fully migrate it.
sorry cant hear you mumu, too busy loading up more shorts
I read an article about how the experts™ have been selling nvda and semiconductors en masse since june.
So, are we near the end?
Sadly no, since the NFA Amendment of 1986 banned all machine guns made after 1986. If you want a full auto, you gotta get a tax stamp and register it.
Bump stocks and Pistol rifles should be affected, since ATF was trying to make all AR and AK pistols defined as short-barreled rifles.
do you mean (((experts)))?
I'm in until Pelosi sells
Technically, (((they))) own the trademark.
They want my shares for cheap, but they're not gonna get 'em
for anyone wondering. Beta minecraft is free and does not require an account.
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Reminder that nothing ever happens until something does happen.
Thanks to AMD I am currently beating the market. Thanks to AMD I am making good returns from my investments.
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But compared to the real thing it doesn't rot.
better to spend 2k on a full size
buy PATH?
And the market prices it in and we go back to nothing ever happenening.
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And once again I bought the top
>Open IBKR account like 3 months ago
>Finally get around to putting $150 into it a few weeks ago
>Finally decide that I should probably make a trade to try it
>Try to buy $100 worth of an etf
I literally have $150 USD in the account and I am trying to buy $100 worth of stock. Why the fuck does this think I'm trying to trade on margin
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and just like that NVDA is back at the price i sold at 11:37am
is it possible you selected 100 shares instead of $100 worth of shares?
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I saw a brown woman's butt today.
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That's what I thought too, maybe they only trade in lots of 100 so I tried a bioshit and got the same result
>Clearly says $146 USD in account
>Order should take $86.50 USD, tried both market and limit buy preview
>No luck
Did you apply for a margin account?
i will cover my NVDA short at $95
do you have a margin or a cash account? i've got a cash account and dont remember seeing that message
it doesnt make sense for your margin requirements to be important here seeing how you have the cash in the account to make the trade but ibkr is a little jank
I am sorry
have you tried asking IBKR customer service instead of /smg/
why the fuck would he do that?
Nevermind figured it out. Turns out my account was denominated in CAD and had $200 balance, despite showing an equivalent $146 USD. Just swapped it over and I think it's good
Gotta say, I quite enjoy exercising fx trades on MT4/5 than this web UI with them
this market
You probably applied for margin and got it at some point so they want you to have $2k or whatever in your account before you do anything.

Be careful with that. A lot of things that seem normal can trigger margin (like holding worthless options to expiry. Often these can get exercised automatically if the underlying dips into the money right at close and you can end up long/short $xxk worth of shares regardless of how much cash you have.)
>says increasingly nervous german bobonigger for the 4th time today
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Why is my broker crashed I wanted to buy more UPRO and TMF
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trading as a non america just feels like torture
like those danes getting taxed on unrealized gains
Actually it looks like it is still denominated in USD as my base account currency but it didn't automatically kick it over from CAD like I thought it would. It's only $200, this is to mostly test and fuck around with IBKR.
SPY is going to test the $550 high
if you can check out the IBKR TWS desktop app, i think it is pretty good with the amount of data you can see and i really like how you can customize the layout
ibkr web and mobile are fine for what they are but TWS has a lot more data
haven't tested their new desktop app but its still early verions so i expect it to be buggier than anything else
>trading fx
>with $150
its going to crash after market. Stupid non-market hours trading.

captcha: VAAX
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lower your tone
I figured out that the 5-day average is the most important indicator. "They" have to make the market make a new high every 5 days or there will be a huge dump.
you can use a paper account in IBKR instead of mesing around with real cash FYI
on the mobile app for android you can change to paper trading on the log page if you click the 3 dots in the top right corner and select login to paper trading
you can set the balance of the paper account to any amount you want but it takes like a day to update
>check out the IBKR TWS desktop app
Doesn't work on Windows 7, haha
I'm planning to upgrade it in the next 2-3 months

You've misunderstood, but I wasn't very clear either.
I have a completely separate FX account on MT5 (on 100:1 leverage, which started with $350). I found MT5's interface to be more agreeable than IBKR, in general.
I put $200 into IBKR for stonk trades, but only a small amount to test them out
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>Tesla 10% up
But remember, it's an Nvidia bubble.
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>I have a completely separate FX account on MT5
gotcha. you prefer trading fx? right now i prpetty much stick to equity options
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Parce, Domine, parce populo tuo:
ne in aeternum irascaris nobis.
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I'm very disappointed about this summer so far. It has been cold and rainy and sucks. Where is the HEAT? I want to feel like I'm being broiled alive for at least two weeks out of the year so as to balance for the two weeks the temperature drops below -25 C every winter.
why the fuck is BOIL so low?
>everyone is in the green except for me
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God I want some hot bbw milf with a huge shoe size(12 and up) to put her toes in my mouth and rub my face with her meaty soft soles
all you had to do was buy the damn SPY, CJ
That's what happens when you're not in the SVQ club.

(SPY/VOO/QQQ) (very exclusive club, must be based and trad to enter)
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This is why index funds with leverage are your fren. I quit trading individual companies and commodities specifically because I was sick of days where whole market was green meanwhile my portfolio was doing nothing or red. And I was losing to the market overall as well.
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This is a bubble greater than 1999-2000
What's with these pictures? Are they complaining about dating women like these?
Don't seriously date them then.
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do what you want in the last 10 minutes
im all cash
>did nothing
>up $150
What about weekly UPRO calls?
Nothing, I only went through my folder and realized that the left picture is a reallife depiction of right.
I just bought 150k of SSO

maybe a good time for you niggers to sell
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>spx call down 1k after 2 days from theta
>check how 1 week longer dated would have performed - only 500 down
>1 month dte only 400 down
dont be dumb like me bros
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I understand the mechanics of everything and the importance of risk management, I'm just really bad at making money.
Like options are cool because you can see what the market is pricing in and when (straddle BEs or 25 delta), and you can choose exactly what your exposure/risk is and where you make your money from (price, volatility, time).
I like fx because the market is open 24/5 (24/7 for crypto) and it's more based around price action and raw numbers, rather than fundamentals.
So far the only thing I've consistently made money on is buying short-dated bonds. I have a few winners and losers and I'd say I've made modest profits this year, but down 20-30% over the last 5 years
Yeah bro just repump the whole friday+monday dump in one session
>job I applied to 6 weeks ago is still open
>it's a time sensitive, 6 month contract
>they need to fill it ASAP
>they are still just fondling their balls trying to find "the perfect candidate" even if it is costing them
Why is every organization like this
Why can't anyone cost-benefit analysis that they are losing out by not just fucking filling the spot and starting the important work that needs to be done in 5 months.
*and tuesday premarket
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When will it finally pop? In 2 more weeks or...?
SPX options at least are tradeable 24/5 too
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How did it go today?!
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i made too much money
>new ATH CLOSURE on S&P 500
we rallying bros
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Not sure anymore.. they’re not cutting rates this year. Robots are insane.
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My Niggervidya position dragged me down a lil bit
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I fucked up.
idk why i did this to myself.
+1.08% (+0.26% if including uninvested cash)
I bought some more TQQQ today
comfy 2.41% day. line goes up and to the right bros
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>smart enough to realize these valuations are backed by nothing but AI hopium
>not smart enough to profit from the market's retardation
Being a midwit is suffering.
1.92%, makes me nervous.
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I sold the bottom
Not fucking bad.
How could I forget the line only goes up?
+0.32% I love INTCel
+2% scalping PLUG, I will buy if It goes under $2.20
I bought some MCD but It ended up even, let's see tomorrow if It decides to move
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>How did it go today?!
Another day of almost an heroing for not buying more FNGU
the generational bottom
in fact, this may be a multi-generational bottom
nvda should be worth a quadrillion dollars in no time
I should have leveraged years ago Jesus Christ this is like drugs. I can't wait to get obliterated next and be truly cemented into the Stockholm syndrome like permabears and become completely broke.
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>Bobo my child, what answer do you seek?
it’s 12% twitter, 12% tesla, 18% china tech, and 100% garbage
just buy TQQQ, you nigger
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I’m up $4k, +1.24%
but I bought a shitload of SSO, so I should see more volatility in the future
I like FNGU because I win either way. If it goes up forever I'll be rich. If it finally crashes and burns that means globohomo tech finally met its downfall. Given the choice between filthy rich beyond my wildest dreams and the latter, I'd take the latter any day. More likely I get the former which will make my sadness and depression a bit easier to deal with
>If it finally crashes and burns that means globohomo tech finally met its downfall

>Option C
China rug pull or Elon gets fucked while the tech trannies stagnate or keep winning

You can literally have the upside without the China and Space Karen exposure, it’s fucking called TQQQ
I'm catching up scoops. You used to have 6x my money. Now it's about 2x.
Do you ever yearn?
the first $100k is easiest, imo
I also have another $150k moving out of my RSU account rn
Yes, I yearn for 1Million. When I get there, I can retire.
This meme will never not make me laugh.
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+$230.90 (+0.36%)
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>World's largest alternative asset management company Blackstone just dropped $1.7 BILLION on a Japanese e-manga platform.
Why's the buying power so low? You're using all your margin? And buying leveraged funds?
They're really been pushing at Japan lately. Mexico got a kikess PM, too.
I'm not sure how to play this.
is this meme doesn't convince you that America is the great satan, then nothing will
Oh for fuck's sake, is nothing sacred anymore?
I originally read this as "the great Asian" and was really confused lol.
Not when the feminazi states of industrymerica is involved
Bull trap if I've ever seen one
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Follow the trend and have a 10% stop loss ready.
Yeah idk how to make money off this. Anime will get worse but way more popular in the mean time and then implode so I guess by calls on related public companies (but don't touch the shares?)
1) jews expanding the globalhomo
2) jews realizing america is literally on fire and moving overseas slowly
>moving overseas slowly

The only thing that moving overseas slowly is physical industry. What did you mean by this?
What was /smg/s response when Egypt sued America for putting a nigger in that egyptian Netflix show?
50% is in SSO
I’d flip the SSO for QLD/TQQQ/SPXL if we get another 20% down any time soon
Taco Tuesday, small ya later herbs
for me, it's always been like this
Not bad at all.

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