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I need a Steam delivery catgirl ™ in my life
she can do nothing other than wave at you from her scooter 24/7
>double ears
into the trash it goes
get this fraudulent genie out of here
>he wants mutant freak catpeople
>mutant freak catpeople
Better than loldavians.
why are you seething eternally at me, can't you tell its annoying?
Well, if you want I can get a name you can filter. Or you can just ignore me in the first place I dunno.
Or you can filter the entire flag you dumb motherfucker. It's not like anyone else from that shithole ever posts here, but you obviously won't filter shit because all you seem to want is that retard's attention.
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Someone got jealous.
what is going on
uhh so when are you filtering
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Here, special edition for both of you.
Jealous of what? Jealous that i'm not a pathetic loser chasing after the most dull redditor this board has ever known? Even if I were to befriend him I'd probably get bored of him in less than 24 hours, we have absolutely nothing in common.
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Oh nyooo he filtered me!!! I am sooo gonna miss the absolute shit unwanted replies from him... What am I gonna do!!!! ;~;
SURELY this nigger won't be back in less than a week, r-r-right??
steam summer sale
got some nice games
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Pirate them, don't be dumb. Don't waste money on elden slop thinking you'll have someone to play it with.
when did steam start pandering to weebs? I remember they used to ban hentai games and such.
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When they realized that weabs are so dumb they pay for a CHANCE to get tranime JPGs in all those gachashit "games".
I play all fromsoft games coop start to finish with my best friend
pretty sure gachashit games are banned on steam because steam demands a cut of in-game purchases
around the time everything else became DEI
gabe is /our guy/
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I was talking to the Italian, I don't care about you or that you're playing with some "friend".
>they used to ban hentai games
when? i remember they let very controversial games stay up despite most people being mad about it
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for me, it's human ears on top
Double dubs!
They only started letting porn games maybe 5 years ago. They have always been lenient on controversial games like that mass shooter top down 2D game, i forgot the name. But porn is recent.

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