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Why would gay Westerners support fundamentalist savages?
They do know arabs would've publicly executed them if they could, right?
I support Israel by whining on the internet and I want to be railed by a white male
It's not about being pro-Palestine

It's about being anti-Israel and ugly disgusting jews
gay westerners have been supporting the fundamentalists for years, from afghan, to syria.
They see them as fellow oppressed people.
They shouldn't but modern Americans are very susceptible to propaganda.
This whole conflict is a propaganda war. The Palestinians want to claim Hamas is the good guys even though they run C&C in civilian installations, behead women then parade their body around Gaza and attacked civilians. Anyone with any morals would understand the barbarism of these acts. Unfortunately Hamas supporters are committing themselves to spreading lies on social media and running through it like wildfire.
The narrative spin is lie and deny. Every time they talk about Oct 7th they consider it a defensive action, 1948 and the Nahkba as justification and that this is morally just because of the fabricated occupation of Gaza.
This is where Americans come in. Muslims have successfully lied about things like the caliphate and garnered sympathy from Americans ignorant of the history. They've successfully spun the narrative for Americans to forget ISIS, Al Queada, the Taliban, the Houthi rebels and every atrocity these Islamic extremist groups have done over the last 20 years by posturing as the victims even though the whole time Hamas has been in power they've been attacking Israel.
Of course here you're gonna get a lot of anti Isreal sentiment but their reasons are different than the rest of the Americans who support an oppressive despotic regime.
i hate muslims, because they would execute me if they could. i am well aware that they are, in fact, still the enemy. we are enemies for ideological reasons. on the battlefield, ideology isn't everyone's biggest concern.
the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
kids think being antisemitic is cool now and treat it as a fad to gain social status. needless to say, I'm very popular with the younger generation nowadays.
>It's about being anti-Israel and ugly disgusting jews
From the heart of consumeristic, capitalistic culture? sure
>gay westerners have been supporting the fundamentalists for years, from afghan, to syria.
solid point
it's almost like welfare breeds naivety

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