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File: heroin.png (1.28 MB, 708x815)
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Whay # type of heroin is this? Black tar heroin right? Got 2 grams from the gypsies for 9 euros per gram so for the price it must be heavily cut

I smoked 90-100mg of it 45 ago in a crack pipe (I know I should have chasen the dragon), I can feel the warmth for sure and feeling nice and somehow euphoric so for the price as I said it must be cut because that's a big dose for someone with no tolerance like me
mix it how and take it how or are you trolling?

I am going to rehab tomorrow, never tried heroin before, just started to see how it feels like
wtf, you're not smoking a whole gram in a day, throw that shit out if you're serious about getting clean, nigga
read here, I am going to rehab tomorrow (https://www.kethea.gr/en/), I am not going to be a heroin addict, my main concern now is benzo use which is kinda huge and I have to point it out tomorrow in the rehab session to see how I am going to deal with it, I don't want to have either a seizure or withdrawals from benzo use
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First time I tried heroin in my life, it must be heavily cut anyway so it's fine, from opiates and opioids I've tried oxycodone extended release(only 200mg in total), some codeine, tramadol

My favorite ones are pregabalin and carisoprodol, very nice drugs or the cheap heroin I bought is just shitty, who knows

I don't remember how oxycodone extended release was because I used valium that period
heroin is a scary deal, man. if you can't do other drugs within limits, who's to say you'll have any restraint around heroin, one of the most addictive drugs?
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I don't have money to maintain a heroin addiction anyway lol, I won 42k euros starting with 50 euros and 250 free spins without wagering in an illegal gambling casino like 10 days ago and I lost it all under the influence of benzos but mainly because that stupid fucking site had a weekly withdrawal limit of 2k euros so if I didn't gamble a dime of the 42k euros it would take me 106 days to withdraw it all

If it had a daily 2k euro or weekly 5-10k euro withdrawal limit of course I would withdraw almost all of it
so yeah tomorrow I am going to rehab for both drug abuse and gambling
How much benzo do you take? I can advise you
bro, be honest, it's only to get off benzos because you don't wanna die
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I will send a sceenshot of calendar I keep the doses on in a while

just snorted 120mg of this heroin I got now, feeling pretty nice, needed that, I know addiction starts like that but I've seen a shit ton of documentaries about drug addiction and basically hundreds of documentaries on youtube

I also like history and geography, got and a WAIS-IV IQ test with a psychologist which came back as 107 IQ, I would like it if it was 120 IQ but whatever average IQ test in Greece us 90.77

smart man, i'd bet you're doing drugs to numb yourself because you see so accutely the horrific reality you find yourself trapped in.
I mean I got the WAIS-IV IQ test with a psychologist said that the psychiatrist told her would help for the diagnosis of autism because I am 99% I am on the spectrum but the psychiatrist said first I need to stop taking the drugs I take and then proceed with the diagnosis
Do you mean reality in my life is shitty so I do drugs not to go insane?
i don't mean anything, i just assumed.
plus, insanity is doing drugs to stay sane.
Looks like cannabis hash
yes it must be black tar heroin
Nigga you are a fucking junkie. You are never quitting the drugs fag
I guess we will see

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