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It's OK if I already have 2 white kids, right?
Just get a house maid
That was supposed to say "wife" but the autocorrect messed it up
Sorry but you will never have a jap wife
christ imagine being this fucking seamonkey bumping slide threads and shilling japanese women at the same time
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Two wife kids? You lucky bastard.
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>Not sharing your cute Asian maid with your wife
Trust me, you won't. They become insufferable. They complain about western food, complain about western culture, complain about fucking everything. Wait until they start eating shit like dried quid. You can only eat sashimi a handful of times before you begin to get annoyed. Only thing thats redeeming is nutting on their face and seeing the slants caked in your cum
i have a filipina wife
and a hapa son. hes the cutest child on this planet
all of that sounds kinda ideal desu
Nip wife is an aryan choicce
>They complain about western food, complain about western culture, complain about fucking everything
Wow, literally me
OP said Asian.
Go to a chink massage parlor

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