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It was being discussed in the flat Earth thread but I went to sleep
Its a small town in the okanagan valley in south central British Columbia. its kind of not very nice and probably home to many worshipers of satan.
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this is the real map
flat earth threads get 404d as will this one, its the ultimate redpill, not even hitler threads get 404d like that
many of them stay up for hours and hours before reaching the limit.
>home to many worshipers of satan.
Such is Canada in general.
wrong shill
heres previous one
oh well it appears its gone completely not even archived
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In September 2017 during the Equinox, 23 amateurs from 9 countries measured the shadows cast by a vertical pole at solar noon
They gave their data, including photos of the measurements, to a Youtuber called Sly Sparkane
All of the photos as well as GPS locations for each person is shown in the video

He then mapped them onto a flat plane and saw no correlation indicating a single local Sun
Then he mapped them onto a sphere and saw all angles fell within one degree of parallel
This is what Eratosthenes did over 2000 years ago, but he did it with many more data points

The Flat Earth is thus disproven by sticks and shadows
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Man if that’s how the sun and moon work floating above the contentinets how the hell am I seeing sun sets and moon rises in the mountains where they rise and dip bellow the summit. That would be impossible with this model. Can’t wait to hear the flat earth explanation.
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Not quite. The verb נָשָׂא (/nasa/) actually means lift or carry (or marry). However, the archaic verb נָשָׁא (/nasha/) does mean to deceive, though it is not attested in that form in the Bible, only in derived forms such as נִשָּׁא /nisha/ and הִשִּׁיא /hishi/.
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russian astronaut says earth is flat
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All the same retarded disproven talking points from the retard flerf
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lightning fast bot reply with full definition on hand
>with full definition on hand
Because you retards have zero new things to post
You repeat the same horseshit disproven claims over and over, so it's easy to disprove them all again with premade responses

You are pathetic and your parents are ashamed of you
This is all anyone needs to see. They name their mission to the moon after the Greek devil and use the serpent as their logo. Wake up dummies. NASA is the same Satan.
I'd also like them to explain now people in South American and Australia cannot see Polaris.
its where giants went into hiding after the great purge
>name their mission to the moon after the Greek devil
Apollo was the God of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, among others
There was no "devil" in Greek mythology - not even Hades was considered evil, but instead a natural part of the triumvirate of Earth, Sea, and Underworld.

You have zero knowledge of history or science and nobody will mourn you at your funeral
Yes, this is the easiest debunk of Flat Earth. The path of the sun itself. On the Flat Earth model, what you SHOULD see is the sun appearing as a pinprick of light at a point above the horizon, slowly curve around the horizon, getting slowly bigger, then become absolutely massive overhead, while it continues curving away, receding into the distance, and disappearing into a pinprick of light at a point above the horizon.
It's a CIA disinfo program. I'm amazed that people still don't understand how easy it is to disprove it
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Or, as a visual representation, pic related is how a "small local sun" would appear throughout the day on their "model"
So flat earthers dont believe in half of africa because theres a hole there ahahahahahaha
blue pill me on winterland spammer. you are now stalked
Summerland is where all the Summer Fags go when Summer ends where it's always gay and summer
>Apollo was the God of archery,
first horseman of the apocalypse rides on a white horse (in imitation of christ) and has a bow
>music and dance
the devil is also known to be a master musician
>truth and prophecy, healing and diseases
glowing terms for sorcery
>the Sun and light
lucifer aka the devil aka the light bearer and lucifer is also associated with the sun in theosophy and new age mysticism a la solar logos. Plato also refers to apollo having a throne in the center of the earth to judge the dead (hell). The fact that apollo is at the center of the elusian and delphi mystery cults is too blatant to ignore
>You have zero knowledge of history or science and nobody will mourn you at your funeral
oof. Projecting? its okay we all do it sometimes
I live on the equator?
>If I mix different mythologies and stretch the definition of words I can make my ignorance and stupidity look slightly less stupid and ignorant
Stop wasting time on x-tier schizoshit and learn something useful instead
faggot-apologist who can cut and paste what wiki says. Congrats you a fucking npc
>Retard conspiracy theorist who has no friends and whose parents didn't love him gets mad
No conspiracy. I know who Apollo is. The dumb masses like you don’t know and that’s why they can mock you with naming their mission of lies after their god.
>black sunrays and beebagoogoo magic all-seeing talmudian eye
can you please stop trying to convert people to judaism, thank you.
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Because it destroys the entire globohomo system. But they can not treat it the same way as they treat other topics. They can't say it's "evil" or "racist", no, they have to ridicule it, they have to make it sound dumb and strawman the shit out of it. And shadowban it and soft-remove it, pretending as if it isn't something that bothers them all that much (but it does).
The moment people realize that they actually live in a created world as created beings, they would immediately stop wage slaving, stop giving a shit about The Science™, popculture, and pretty much all of the political theater. God would be in the center of everything again, not "the sun". They can't have that. Even here, they have to pretend this is not a real thing and delete it for "off topic". Even on fucking /x/ where you have total garbage mysteries based on absolutely nothing, even there the provable physical reality of this earth realm is not allowed to discuss and gets ridiculed and deleted. They can't even allow it on a less popular board. They would wipe this topic off the internet if they could, but it's just too innocent of a topic to justify such extreme censorship, so they go with shadowbanning, ridicule, infiltration etc.

Earth MUST be in motion

Del vs Witsit
even /x is banning all flattie flat flat dumbass threads, they are just too stupid to be allowed to exist.
Ah, one of the flerf priest gets mentioned.

Watch as they all avoid questions, deflect, lie, and give zero credible evidence as they are demolished by a former chemistry professor

>Extra credit assignment
https://youtu.be/Car1YSEAeow?t=119 (Witsit again demolished)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh4ze5bWLcI&t=15598s (4:19:58 for Witsit but the whole video is spectacular)
>2017 reproduction of Eratosthenes experiment with 23 people from 8 countries
>Other quality debunkers
What is the all seeing eye in this example?
Why does it care about me/us.
daily reminder only kikes spam flat earth in places they cant censor where people talk about their crimes so their media can call anyone talking about their crimes flat earther
>they are just too stupid to be allowed to exist.
You are proving my point. You people have to say that, which is just absurd given the real physical measurements and proves that flat earthers have. That's why it's growing and growing. The only thing left for you people to say is "haha see it's just soooooo dumb that even /x/ banns it". This is just not how it works logically. IF it really was such a "dumb" topic that is apparently even dumber than Big Foot or Ghosts or what have you, then WHY do you have to ban it? Why do you have to ridicule? Why do you have to follow this subject everywhere? Are we not crystal clear with our conclusions? We are. The reason is, it destroys your garbage globohomo world system. Because, guess what, we actually do live on a level plane earth in physical reality.

"Scientist" Struggles To Defend The Globe
Heliocentric "physics"
Curvature tests
3-Body Problem

Water Level
Air-Plane Level
Balloon Level

>inb4 pruned or deleted
im not wrong because im often in those threads. they get closed sometimes because there happen to be a couple already up, or nobody bothers posting in them in the first place

you want to think flat earth is shut down because that makes you feel special, that its a taboo subject. fact is, its retarded and you all act like fucking idiots.
its about the most easily answered lie you fags always post so dont be surprised if some anons have the simple answer ready to go.

this. they dont like being shown this.
>Waaaah they moved my flat earth thread to /bant/
>So i'll not post itt again
flatties are like little children, crying for attention, and when they get laughed at they cry.
do these dumbass niggas still explain the night day cycle by saying the sun is a laser pointer?
its when they cry about censorship but then disappear if a thread gets moved while staying open. they clearly dont care about the discussion.
all flerfs have gone

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