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Does this actually work? Has anyone tried it?
almost did it last week
the anxiety overwhelmed me
Theres bug in there
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touch bush, Tanaka-san
I only really touched grass a lot when I was a kid, but I can confirm I was WAY happier then
I come to /pol/ exactly because I go outside. The situation is fucking depressing. You can't talk to most people because most people don't speak greek. The few locals left have drank the kool aid.
Stay off my fucking grass.
No. The ground is made of death
Dead leaves
Dead bodies
Dead foliage
Dead everything feeds the ground
Everything shits on the ground.
The ground is made up of shit and death
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worship feet my man
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touch feet
My John Deere is the one doing the touching.
>some guy who's not you
Playboy magazines were always solo girls. This is just sad. Watching other men get pleasure
Grass is gay desu.
Boomer here. I assumed touch grass meant touching a girls pussy. Like how people used to say "have sex" before. I didn't think it literally meant touch actual grass.
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I touched grass and filmed it. Wonderful experience, 10/10 would recommend people do.
It's just something urbanites say. I have more grass on my lawn than they have in their whole neighborhoods.
Yeah on the roller coaster Kumba at Busch Gardens Tampa you can touch the grass in the helix if you’re sitting on the right side
Trucks beer and meth
I touched OP's mom dark grass.
I spend a good 6 hours a day outside and I'm still racist
i live in the desert, so the closest to grass is some runner crab grass, and i can confirm, it doesn't work
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>touch grass
>suddenly emotions of protecting nature and having wife intensifies
>but also the hatred towards lefties, sodomites, kikes, christcvcks. niggers, etc.
you just need to touch the right grass
I walked on grass with my naked feet yesterday, it felt better than touching it.
that's how you get butt worms
I definitely wouldn’t touch grass... those stoopid “green grass” yard spray companies soak grass with pesticides. They legally have to put a tiny sign on sprayed yards saying it kills children and animals
But you’re not white
That's a big cat!
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awww sheeeit you got me nigga, go to get muh ebt, chikun and sheeeittt (you have no foreskin)
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Argentina is literally whiter than the US
moved to the country, touched grass, became a gardener, still depressed, but now i have nice homegrown peppers and shit.
It's just a catchphrase, here's a couple of useful ones if you ever neeed to strawman:
Classic, all-purpose
>Touch grass
>Seek sunlight
>Have sex
>Please lose weight
Trap cards, situational
>Nah that's you
>We don't sign our posts here (reply to an insult)
>Huh what you mean? (reply to a long post)
>Nice selfie (reply to a ridiculing image)
last time I tried it, goverment stooges yelled at me for not wearing a magical head garb that was supposed to ward away an invisible ailment that they all said actually existed.

It doesn't work, All it will do is lay bare the totality of clownworld
Shut up poo
Touching grass means going outside and being among people more, coincidentally statistically you're less likely to masturbate then. So touching grass actually means do nofap so you have higher T levels and are confident and outgoing
It's a myth.
shut up Pablo Hernandez
Stay mad Pooblo Herniadez
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It helps
red pill me on grass bros, can I eat it, will it give me special powers
dont touch grass it makes mustard gas
Yeah unironically get off of electronics and purify your scatterred mind
>can't even come up with something original
85 IQ aztec genes kicking in huh
It's incredible. Immediately positive emotions.
Try going out to a nice thick shady lawn on a nice day and sitting in the grass and reading a book. It will make your day guaranteed.

This is also great: >>20686071
its nice but it makes me itchy
It's about getting more oxygen into your brain.
You don't get as much air when sitting inside all the time.
>he didn't like it so it's unoriginal
Lmao, try not to have a heart attack now
Japos are soulless creatures. No, does not work for you
why would I have a heart attack? I don't eat mcdonalds and taco bell all day like you do
Anger, you're clearly angry. Just look how mad you are. Sad really. Meanwhile I'm happy because I eat delicious McDonald's and Taco Bell regularly.
Grass is dirty, there are insects, pee, poo, dirt, bacteria y and other unhealtly things on it.
I live innawoods and I'm still the most racist man on the planet. Haven't seen another human in person for about 2 weeks. I hike all the time and unironically touch grass. Before my self-isolation, I traveled the world. Saw tome, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Dubai, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, northern Africa, Afghanistan, Mexico. I still fucking hate brown people and probably hate them even more after I went to their countries.
Do you ever invite women into your cabin? Wonder if there are women into that shit. Would like to go innawoods myself
I actually do it via van. Doing the meme van-life thing, yea. It's really quite nice in here. Feels like a small studio apartment. White paneled wood inside with a living-wood countertop with running sink, two stovetop and oven. Long couch and even a nearly queen sized bed that pulls out. The interior is actually, truly very nice. Oh and my roof is 8 feet of glass so I can stare at the stars all night in bed. Might post pic soon. But yeah, I invite a lot of girls out with me. Have had, I think, 5 railed out in the van out in the middle of nowhere here in the past year and a half. They dig it. Girls are really into the van-life these days because of Instagram. Actually, I'm out 1,000 miles away from home base to take the summer off my ranch and see a girl in the Midwest.
>I don't like the outside because people don't speak Greek
>so I come to /pol/ to speak English
Least dumb /pol/ak
Ya. I got foot fungus from walking barefoot innawoods, m8
Post-note: it helps to have electricity. You can't let the femoids into a truly off-grid lifestyle. They need their screens. So plenty of solar and battery bank to boot. Anyways staying on topic of OP, yea touching grass doesn't work and I'm really tired of the left saying that stupid shit because I'm more active in nature than any one of them are and I'm still a hardcore Nazi.
Very intriguing. I should go innawoods, get me a van
This is a campaign I can get behind!
I love it. It has given me unparalleled freedom and my life has changed so drastically from office jobs and cubicles to be owning a horse ranch and exploring the US on my four-wheeled home. Never know what a drastic life change might do for you. Take a risk but also wave plenty in advance just in case. Also fuck the mod who moved this. Was /pol/ oriented

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