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see the last thread if you missed it, 450 replies lmao

anons could not best my attempt to prove to them 1x0=1, and moved on to division. but there was so much seething and jidf raiding going on i couldnt answer all the questions. but this anon right here perfectly describes the fundamental flaw in mathematicatics, which is that anything above zero when dividing or multiplying you must add a 1 to

If you are this anon who needs to divide an apple for his three son's: simply ask yourself how many times you need to divide the apple to cut it into 3 equal parts. THE ANSWER IS 2 LOL

thats it. thats the evidence that mathematics is totally fake and gay and jewish. it translates to the real world because its literally math, with the additional step of adding 1 to the number. its so inefficient and jewbrained i dont even know where to begin. its like a jewish tax on mathematics.
>inb4 but jews didnt invent math
youre right, Based chad Euclid did and he never wouldve tolerated this shit. jews and their ideas had infected europe which can be seen with the rampant degeneracy arising out of nowhere and semite brained mathematical formulas like this, with its very definition being attributed to the jew book they subscribe to as evidence. its embarassing. if a nigger can figure it out, and i were you, id truly to start to question whether or not im not the real nigger with this npc system imposed on you as soon as youre old enough to listen
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again, you're trying to rationalize Math using English.
Math is not English. Try learning another language, it will help you understand translations.

* is not necessarily "multiply" in English, it's better translated as "is how many times the following value is repeated:"
for example 9 * 3 = 9 is how many times 3 is repeated. a better term would be "scaled", but it's more complicated to translate.
We never went to the moon.
Dinosaurs never existed.
The power of Nukes are exaggerated.
Gravity is nothing but a theory.
Public education is indoctrination.
75% of World History is False.
We didn’t evolve from primates.
The vacuum of space doesn’t exist.
No one knows what stars or planets are.
The sun and moon are local.
The Big Bang is pseudoscience.
Aliens don't exist.
Germ Theory is a lie.
Jesus is a psyop invented to control the masses.

The world is ruled by "secret societies" rich people that worship Marduk. Zionist Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Neocons/Neolibs/Deep State/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think the ocean water level is rising.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think the USA dollar has value.
use whatever language you want to use
how many cuts with your samurai knife to make 3 pieces for your 3 sons?
anything other than 2 and you are fucking yasuke tier
>anons could not best my attempt to prove to them 1x0=1
You didn't provide any argument whatsoever on the previous thread, it was just dozens of anons giving you simpler and simpler analogies and you never engaging.
Board/thread dilution.
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>list a bunch of blatantly fall shit
>throw in obligatory jesus is a jewish psyop to associate it with all the jewish schizo theories
>christcucks will be like: heh those jews and be affirmed in his decision to continue worshipping the jew
jidf right on time
All we've had since the debate, honestly.
i literally wrote a 2000 character thesis and then dumbed it down multiple times to the point babbies could understand

multiplying something by nothing does not negate that thing. it just hasnt multiplied. it isnt rocket science.
If you start doing math without zero God will speak to you in your dreams.
I'm just gonna go with a tl;dr fuck off faggot. Math doesn't change by using words to change definitions. It's just math.
>it just hasnt multiplied
That's multiplying by one, as that is the identity of the multiplication.
You're confusing multiplication and addition.
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can confirm
not the jew god either, the real deal. all pythagorean and shit.
that's not how division works.
cutting something in half is /2, cutting something into thirds is /3.
1/3 = .3333333
1/2 = .5
1/1 = 1

so it's more like a/b = a cut into b pieces, not "divided"
then that just proves 0 x 1 = 1
otherwise what are you multiplying from to get 1
the 0 is god, always has been. the +1 tax is jews way of circumventing him.
It takes 3 cuts are you retarded?
that's wrong because 1 repeated 0 times is zero.
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If this Terrence Howard tried to actually define his notion of multiplication from scratch with mathematical rigor, his attempt would almost certainly involve deriving normal multiplication first, either an explicit or implicit component of the definition of his new multiplication. If he were smart, he would then realize that this simpler relationship embedded in his more complicated definition is actually more elegant, more directly related to addition and overall more useful. He would then realize why multiplication is defined the way it is to begin with.
the 3rd cut is to cope with viewing this thread
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At least the jews will be gone from Palestine soon enough. That's something.
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I denounce the talmud
I denounce the torah
I denounce the tanakh
I denounce kabbalah
I denounce the ADL
I denounce the SPLC
I denounce the WJC
I denounce Chabad Lubavitch
I denounce AIPAC
I denounce Lehi
I denounce JPFO
I denounce B'nai Brith
I denounce the holocaust myth
I denounce judaism in all forms, both religious and ethnic
I denounce jewish media
I denounce zionism
I denounce circumcision
I denounce baby dick sucking rabbis
I denounce usury
I denounce bar mitzvahs
I denounce yom ha'atzmaut
I denounce shabbos
I denounce purim
I denounce passover
I denounce rosh hashanah
I denounce yom kippur
I denounce Anne Frank
I denounce Leo Frank, who was a pedophile
The ADL is a pedophile kike organization
I denounce the illegitimate terrorist state of Israel
Hey retard, if I multiply the length of your dick by a thousand, will I be able to see it?
>If this Terrence Howard blah blah blah
Oh yeah? Terrence Howardeez nuts?
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2x2=4 because you have 2 "boxes" with 2 "apples" in each box. (a+a) + (a+a)

this literally means the box is empty or there is no box at all, it is zero

Any argument you make is a logical fallacy called false equivalence, you are simply using different rules for mathematics and talking about something completely different, it is a similar fallacy used by r*dditors when they come to /pol/ to argue.

I have explained this in the simplest terms, if you don't understand it then you are low IQ or this is bait. Obviously it is bait, but it is always interesting to to me unravel logical fallacies. However you are a cunt, so instead of going "hah! you've tumbled me! nice one anon" you will continue to deny this. So fuck you in advance.
what if I have cats instead of sons
senpai you cant try to teach niggers
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pajeet on linkedin tier mental gymnastics
Terrance Howard is bipolar or schizo. Unironically.
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then you now have 4 pieces instead of 3 dingus

seriously, ive always stood up for you anons in the past, even despite red derp, gears of war anon, and all the jidf botnet bullshit. real anons i always defended. but this, this is getting borderline ridiculous. i dont know if i can consider you people human beings if you think you need to divide 1 by 3 to get 1/3rd

its so easy a toddler can understand. just do not go to school and you will literally at some point fucking figure it out. but instead youre taken to school and taught the jewmath. and the extent to which you will defend these jewish ideas is honestly at the level of christcuckery. honestly, you may as well just go be a christcuck and worship the jew and pick the grapes because if you cannot figure this basic truth of reality that fucking cavemen and now even a nigger can comprehend, then its fucking over for you already. may as well just take the vax and get it over with.
Nice try, kike, but you forgot to denounce YHWH.
that's not what the math concept "division" means. Division will tell you the size of each slice.
If I split 3 gallons of water among my three sons, they'd each get 1 gallon, not 2 gallons. Similarly, if u split 1 gallon among my three sons, they'd each get 1/3 of a gallon, .33 of a gallon, 1.2 quarts, whatever.
The number of times you need to cut an object to get x equal pieces is not division. I could cut an S shaped apple into 4 pieces with one cut.
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>inb4 some schizo jewbrain complains about uneven sizes on the apple
then use a snickers or something so you wont feel jewed and you can measure the pieces out exactly to even and proportianate thirds. the answer is still the same.
>American education
How brown is your skin OP?
>anons could not best my attempt to prove to them 1x0=1
What's your proof?
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*folds the apple*
alright after one cut here's 8 parts

what now, chud?
programmers call it the fence post paradox
it's pretty simple stuff
you are just smooth brained
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not as brown as the circumsized jewish manlet rabbi you worship as god if he existed and wasnt just a schizophrenic jewish egregore jews literarily invented and memed into your existance like the add 1 tax on all your mathematics
>programmers call it the fence post paradox
No, they don't.
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see, now youre thinking like a chad
where the fuck were you last thread
they do
to place a fence with n sections, you need n + 1 fence posts to hold it up
to cut an apply into n + 1 pieces, you need to make n cuts
it's a source of countless bugs in software, that's why it has a name
to remind yourself that something simple can be "tricky" if you don't pay attention
the question
1/1 = X
is fundamentally different from "how many apples do i have if I give one to my son?"

word analogies are helpful for understanding maths, but they are not the math themselves.

thus it is explained, and you can fuck off.
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you say that, but
you would need two pours to split the three gallons. the S shaped apple would be receiving multiple cuts, even if you're administering them with a single movement.
>to place a fence with n sections, you need n + 1 fence posts to hold it up
>to cut an apply into n + 1 pieces, you need to make n cuts
This is not a "paradox" and it has nothing to do with OP.

>it's a source of countless bugs in software, that's why it has a name
A source of countless bugs in Durgasoft programs, I'm sure.
Russia is going to annex moldova
YOU stupid nigger
This simply isn't true.
Two cuts can make an apple into four pieces.
it's literally in the OP
but that's the nice thing about mathematics
it doesn't matter how loud you scream or even what the consensus is
all you have to do is check the proof and you know you are right
I don't have to convince smooth brained idiots of anything, I have absolute proof
reality doesn't care about your feelings, broken intuition or schizo brain
>the question
>1/1 = X
>is fundamentally different from "how many apples do i have if I give one to my son?"
If I divide my apples among my sons evenly, how many apples does each of my sons get, considering I have one apple and one son?

>word analogies are helpful for understanding maths, but they are not the math themselves.
If you can't think of a real world situation that illustrates the relationships contained in a mathematical expression, you don't understand the math.
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Do you think Jesus liked boobies?
>it's literally in the OP
Durgasofters making off-by-one programming errors has nothing to do with how multiplication is defined.
if you have zero one's then you have zero
>If I divide my apples among my sons evenly, how many apples does each of my sons get, considering I have one apple and one son?
that's not the same question as 1/1 = X. you can tell it isn't the same question because you used different words to ask it.

>If you can't think of a real world situation that illustrates the relationships contained in a mathematical expression, you don't understand the math.
provide a mathematical proof that the question you asked and "1/1 = X" are the same question.

you can't, because the entire premise of your thread is that they result in different answers.

thus revealing the logical contradiction at the heart of your misunderstanding. as you said, if your words don't describe the math, you don't understand the math.

your words don't describe the math.

thus it is proved.
that guy is not me, hes disagreeing with me.
you forget which team youre on moshe? better just commit now to your position or ninja vanish because this thread will hit 300 ez
>Multiplication means however many non-intersecting planes I create on an apple
No it doesn't. Hope this helps, any other questions?
>that's not the same question as 1/1 = X
I didn't say it's the "same question", cretin. "1/1=X" is not a question at all, so your assertion is incoherent. a/b is a ratio. 1/1=x involves finding a ratio. If you can't think of a real world situation that illustrates the relationships contained in a mathematical expression, you don't understand the math.
>what is the summation of 0+0
>its not 1
yeah but you have a 1.. thats the problem. the math isnt checking out.
literally the entirity of the last thread was me having to babby down the argument for you people to get a grasp of. seriously, a first grader who has no understanding of mathematics would have an easier time than you people are having. i have never been more embarassed to be considered an anon here on pol
Congratulations, anon.
You just discovered that "division" means something different to "cuts"
True, the math checks out. I deposited 0 infinity dollars into your bank account. You are the fed now.
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i think he was a jewish egregore, and when jews had to write a gospel for primarily jews, they made him a kid diddler, to appeal to jews. so no, i dont think he liked boobies.
i'm only skim reading because this thread is stupid and i'm doing work in another tab.

>"1/1=X" is not a question at all
solve for X.
infinity still isnt 1
>solve for X
It's pretty funny that you make this error, because "solve for X" is in no way implicit in "1/1=x", thereby demonstrating your mongoloidal nature and the inevitable hypocrisy that goes along with mongoloidism like that.
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what do they have you working on, trying to sell another oven baby?
What a cool thread
I'm going to tip anon $1 0 times as thanks
When you're done jacking yourself off answer the question
uh huh, uh huh

i'm writing werewolf fanfiction
covered already in the last thread
>When you're done jacking yourself off answer the question
I'll stop jacking myself off when I run out of hot, steamy diarrhea sauce to squirt all over you from my hairy asshole as I stand over you, shitting and wanking furiously at the same time.
Provide a mathematical proof that the question you asked and "1/1 = X" are the same. Nigger. :^)
i dont think that qualifies as working but im sure in this jewish dystopia, for you, it probably brings in 6 figures
Let us look at an analogy to understand how it works.

We have the sentence: 6,000,000 jews were gassed in German gas chambers. However, there were 0 German chambers. So we do the equation: 6,000,000 x 0 to find out how many jews were gassed.

How many jews were gassed? I

if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life :3
Concession accepted. Dumb ape.
>OP says random shit without any real definitions
>Refuses to directly answer any serious questions
>Declares himself a genius
OP is delusional in the realest sense of the word. Part of being delusional is that he has low IQ. It cannot occur to him that other people have created a rigorous framework, because he cannot imagine a rigorous framework. The best he can do is imitate form, hence his use of numbers and symbols that other people created without even defining for himself what they mean.
OP, you are actually an island nigger holding a coconut radio. This thread is you arguing your coconut radio is superior because it has more fiber. Nevermind that real fucking radios are made with real math - they must've just gotten lucky!
Real multiplication of x by y is equal to x+x*y where `*` is fake and gay "normal" multiplication. Prove me wrong. This is consistent with OP's premises and his insistence that 1 times 1 is 2 and 1 times 0 is 1.
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>9 * 3 = 9
time to nuke japan again
Show me a 1x1 grid with more then 1 square and I'll concede the point until then it's a CIA psyop to discredit legitimate stuff like the vaxx the same with how flat earthers were used to bunch together with a set of beliefs.
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man accuracy is better than computer. NIGGGGGGGGGEEEEEERRRRRR. there I solved this idiotic fucking waste of 1000's of replies on this dumb topic.
Show me a 1x0 grid. :^)
Please note that I am depositing infinity in 0 increments of 1 dollar.
You haven't made any claims to prove wrong. You just called something "real multiplication". What exactly do you think that means?
And if multiplication is "fake", why has everyobe else been able to create functional products by assuming it's real?
>A mechanic needs new tires for 2 cars.
>Each car needs 4 new tires.
>He decides to order 4*2 tires. He gets 8 tires and replaces all tires with no new tires left over.
What in your head makes this multiplication "fake" if it works?
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>You haven't made any claims to prove wrong. You just called something "real multiplication".
Then neither did Mr. Howard, who is a veritable mathematical genius for discovering true multiplication and doing away with fake and gay multiplication.

>why has everyobe else been able to create functional products by assuming it's real?
Fake and gay materialist society using fake and gay materialistic products, mostly as a replacement for real, good and natural pleasures.
see >>20686256
literally entire thread full of this exact scenario
your 0 should be a null, Ø
no, you are.
let's start with matter. all that matters unironically. 1 thing times 1 thing equals? you say 1, because you corrupt multiplication into the definition of 1 multiple = 1 instance. Which in itself isn't wrong, but it is what it is. much like if i were to say addition was a real thing but subtraction? haha horse shit! you're a retard.

you want some real shit? decimals don't actually exist. they aren't real numbers.
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>let's start with matter. all that matters unironically.
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we know all about decimals
fuck off, not in the particle ballpit sense but as an intrinsic medium of space's proportionality to the ether in the form of pressure mediation.

(see Schwinger effect for the kid's table version)
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>an intrinsic medium of space's proportionality to the ether in the form of pressure mediation.
Once again, no real claims and sidestepping the question with some handwavy bullshit like "uhh I hate society!"
Ok retard. There are now 2 cars with new tires. Regardless of what you think about heckin society, the math worked. There are things that exist other than your feelings, and we've successfully quantified them.
What about this transaction is fake? If you want to say your new definition of multiplication is better, "x*y (howard style) = x + x*y", provide an example of what it improves upon and how it is improved.
You cannot prove 1x0=1 because according to the axioms of Peano this isn't true. This is why giving literacy to niggers and plebs is bad; they half ass it, and then they spew their retarded filth.
>manufacture products based on fake math
>promise the customers that the products will make their lives better
>the products actually make their lives worse
>implying the products work
>implying the fake math worked
Nuh uh.

>If you want to say your new definition of multiplication is better, "x*y (howard style) = x + x*y", provide an example of what it improves upon and how it is improved.
If we started manufacturing products based on Real Multiplication they would actually work and make people happier.
while I'm not sure I'm understanding your entire diatribe here you're on the right track. math tricks are jewish, negative numbers don't exist, etc. The greeks did proper math.
>You cannot prove 1x0=1 because according to the axioms of Peano this isn't true. This is why giving literacy to niggers and plebs is bad
The irony in this post is completely lost on the Indian migrant. He thought saying "Peano axioms" makes him smart but alas.
Just use different axioms
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okay, now i'm on your side. this shit is great.
So how does the mechanic use Real Math here to make the customer happier? Does he order 12 tires, or does he enter into 1*2 into his Real Calculator to order 7 tires?
>So how does the mechanic use Real Math here to make the customer happier?
There would be no need for mechanics because there would be no need for cars and other gay shit.
Protip: this "Greek" Indian brainlet just name-drops stuff it doesn't understand. The Peano axioms don't tell you how to define multiplication.
Ill concede that with your system there wouldnt be any cars.
>Ill concede that with your system there wouldnt be any cars.
People were happier before cars, so you basically conceded my point.
>the non-euclidian cut.
The slice in the middle is not the same size as the other 2, thats not how you divide
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why stuck on a apple and not a cake or pie?
>wow yay so cool now we're all free cuz we can play word games with math
super cool story bro
so when does ZOG fall cuz of this?
>Moldovan intellectuals
Do you expect me to break down the entire history of the axiomatization of the set of integers and the ring definition of their two operations? You are the absolute incarnation of the midwit meme. You know damn well that 1x1=1 and 2+2=2x2=4 and a random nigger on twitter seething about it doesn't undo it. Go get raped by the town rapist.
I expect a piece of trash like you to keep doubling down on its errors, but the fact of the matter is that Peano arithmetic doesn't tell you how to define multiplication. I also expect a piece of trash like you to dig yourself into a deeper hole. For instance:
>the entire history of the axiomatization of the set of integers and the ring definition of their two operations
Why are you talking about rings? Integers with their normal arithmetic operations don't make a ring.
How would you cut the fucking apple genius?
This is bronze age math. Only the very new stuff like quantum physics is kiked. You'd get that if you weren't schizo
>Integers with their normal operations
You are the quintessential midwit dunning kruger retard. You picked up an Algebra I tome once and you think you are smart. Our everyday lives use the standard Z operations for a reason. kys, last post for this stupid thread.
If 1*0 =1*1 then (1*1)/1 = 0
Please explain to me how you get three equal portions of apple from 2 cuts like I'm a retarded halfrican mutt
Operations, plural, because a ring has two binary operations. Also I just realized I was wrong because you were talking about integers but I was thinking about natural numbers as in the context of the thread. The natural numbers don't make a ring, even with or without OP's weird multiplication. Nothing to do with Peano axioms, which you clearly have no understanding of.
You don't understand the concept of zero.
How do you multiply nothing by 1?
Don't flip it around. Start with zero, multiply it by 1. Or 2. Or any other number.

What is zero multiplied by anything?
How do you cut an apple into three identical sized pieces with only two cuts?
>but muh identical pieces
Ok leftist.
search internet for "online python" (I use online-python) and paste the following code, then run. This will tell you how many cuts needed to slice an apple into n slices. Change quantity_of_children = to whatever number you'd like.

import math

quantity_of_children = 3

def get_cuts() -> int:
sqrt_children = math.sqrt(quantity_of_children)
if sqrt_children % 1 != 0:
return math.floor(sqrt_children) + 1
return math.floor(sqrt_children)

def get_size_of_slices() -> float:
return 1 / quantity_of_children

if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Cuts needed:", get_cuts())
print("Slice size:", get_size_of_slices())
>tries to post python code without code blocks
Just how new are you?
ah shit, copy pasted without thinking about indentation. kill me...
import math

quantity_of_children = 3

def get_cuts() -> int:
sqrt_children = math.sqrt(quantity_of_children)
if sqrt_children % 1 != 0:
return math.floor(sqrt_children) + 1
return math.floor(sqrt_children)

def get_size_of_slices() -> float:
return 1 / quantity_of_children

if __name__ == "__main__":
>How do you cut an apple into three identical sized pieces at all?
it's over, I'm killing myself lmao
Why do you need to cut them into identical pieces? What do identical pieces have to do with division? Is everyone here LITERALLY retarded?
C'mon motherfucker. 1x1 means I have 1 thing an instance of 1 times which means I have the 1 thing. 1x0 means I have the one thing 0 times which means I have fucking 0.
If 1x1 = 2 then does 2x1 = 3? 3x1 = 4?
This is so nigger brained its unreal.
i don't i was just making fun of sven there
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This fcker still doesn't understand nothing.
American Civilisation has failed
I heard this guy on rogaine and he sounds like a above average IQ negro with schizophrenia.

Another High IQ negro is Chappelle who had a schizo breakdown because the worst punishment on this entire planet is to be a intelligent black man.

look how nice I am in my choice of words didn't even write nigger once. I truly feel sorry for these black bois
You know, even if youre pretending to be retarded that still means youre retarded.
Basically these niggers confuse "multiply" with "copy" somehow. JUst replace the word "multiply" with "copy" and all they say make sense.

You have 1 thing, you copy it 1 time, you have 2 things.
You have 1 thing, you copy it 3 times, you have 4 things.

All of this shit and debates come from the simply fact that these niggers dont understand the basic concept of multiplication.
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alright, it really DOESN'T matter, you take your axioms, and apply them to the real world, see if they fit better
what will their predictive power be?
1x1=2 alright then does that mean that 2x1=4?
does that mean that meter by meter equals two meters and squares don't exist?
go along with it, and if it works better than what we have now you'll win
In this case I'm 100% serious. What do the sizes of the pieces have to do with anything? You literally cannot explain this.
>does that mean that meter by meter equals two meters and squares don't exist?
It would only mean that you have to do some extra operations to get the area using OP's definition for multiplication.
kek. this is the perfect explanation of the deficiency of the nigger brain's capacity for abstraction.
Niggers are a fucking plague. They need to stop copying themselves.
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The 1 isn't the problem; it's your inability and aparrent cognitive dissonance, to understand that the 0 is the number of times the 1 occurs.

If 1 is a person, then the 0 denotes how many times the person appears.

If it is 1 x 1 then 1 person appears once.
2 x 1 = A set of 2 people appear once
3 x 1 = A set of 3 people appear once.
4 x 2 = A set of 4 people appear twice
5 x 0 = A set of 5 people appear 0 times
nigger brains can't understand the concept of instances. It's literally above their neural capacity.
If I have 1 apple tree and 0 people to pick apples, how many people picked an apple?

If I have 0 apple trees and 1 person to pick apples, how many people picked apples?

If I have 5 apple trees and 0 people to pick, how many people picked apples?

If I have 0 apple trees and 5 people to pick apples, how many people picked apples?


Divide a pie between your three sons equally, how many cuts do you need retard. How many times you need to cut something gas nothing too do with division. I can cut an apple in a million pieces and still dive it equally amongst your sons 3 sons, each would still get 1/3rd of the pie.
Golden bait. Well played anon
>Divide a pie between your three sons equally, how many cuts do you need

>The 1 isn't the problem; it's your inability and apparent cognitive dissonance, to understand that the 0 is the number of times the 1 occurs.
correct however, fundamentally semantic.
I maintain that 1x1=2 in the case of 8th dimensional (numeric AND otherwise) conjugations.
That doesn't answer the question
You invented a symbol, null, and claimed that it was the same as 1 dollar 0 times
Somehow this is different from 1x0 for a reason you don't explain

That answer is totally unsatisfactory
This is a level of boredom I can not understand.
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if 1x1=2 then 2x1=3
nigger logic
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>Divide a pie between your three sons equally, how many cuts do you need retard.
But I don't got no 3 sons. Dat bitch Wanda done lied. She fucked dat nigger Tyrone. Tryna git me to pay child support n shit cuz dat nigger aint got no job. Nahm sayin'?
>Show me a 1x0 grid. :^)
Pic related.
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This is what happens when niggers smoke DMT. The racist elves teach them nigger math.
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>your 0 should be a null, Ø
Suppose we adopt conventional mathematics, but draw line through all the zeros.
Do you still have any objections to it?
that's your rebuttal?
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Just make apple juice you retard
I won't read, faggot. 1x1=1, 1x2=2... no other explanation needed. No crack-maths needed.
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yeah and onwards from it it'll be a goddamn fucking mess
what happens when you need negative pressures to calculate cavitation?
what happens when you need to calculate negative magnetisms and such, when you add vectors, when you're solving a gauss jordan matrix
it just makes bullshit out of everything
makes empty full zero columns exist, makes your inflection points in quadratics dissapper, makes your approximations by right left squeezing of a discontinuous equation not work anymore
what the fuck is gonna happen to tangent as it approaches infinite?
1 + 1 = 0 in modular 2 arithmetic

All of this semantics is of no value unless you can explain what the utility of 1x0=1 is. Until you do, which the onus is on you to do, whether what you believe is correct or not it's fundamentally worthless.
beep boop im a NPC too and bleat out what I was told.


>what happens when you need negative pressures to calculate cavitation?
You change every (x*y) into (x*(y-1)).

>what happens when you need to calculate negative magnetisms and such, when you add vectors
You change every (x*y) into (x*(y-1)). If it's matrix mu

>when you're solving a gauss jordan matrix
You rewrite the rows of the matrix to account for the fact that you need to change every (x*y) into (x*(y-1)).

C:\Users\ficht\PycharmProjects\pythonProject2\.venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\ficht\PycharmProjects\pythonProject2\Test.py
File "C:\Users\ficht\PycharmProjects\pythonProject2\Test.py", line 6
sqrt_children = math.sqrt(quantity_of_children)
IndentationError: expected an indented block after function definition on line 5

Process finished with exit code 1
This lad has cracked it. The reason why nogs and mongs cannot understand this is because they literally cannot picture an apple in their mind, nor comprehend anything in the abstract. Mathematics is beyond their capabilities, and while you could, in person, explain to them how division or multiplication works; it is a futile attempt to do it online. They cannot picture in their mind's eye 1 pile of 5 apples, and they certainly cannot imagine what 3 piles of 5 apples would be, and even more impossible for them is the idea of 0 piles of apples meaning there are no piles of apples, or that 5 piles of 0 apples means that there are zero apples.

I'm not sure we can call these creatures human anymore. This... this is the internet of the future, filled with low IQ imbeciles who cannot imagine anything, who cannot comprehend the abstract, who ultimately cannot truly be conversed with.

This also explains the phenomena of people thinking Biden won the debate against Trump, or people not understanding the consequences of more immigration and just defaulting to 'racist'. They cannot conceive of the idea without literally seeing it. When they do see it, they immediately become racist, just as we have seen with the liberals who have all been forced to see the 'diversity' that they once encouraged.
>If I have 1 apple tree and 0 people to pick apples, how many people picked an apple?
>If I have 0 apple trees and 1 person to pick apples, how many people picked apples?
>If I have 5 apple trees and 0 people to pick, how many people picked apples?
>If I have 0 apple trees and 5 people to pick apples, how many people picked apples?


You haven't defined if the potential people to pick apples actually do pick the apples. So your point is moot.
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This stuff is pretty retarded to say the least, if you'd like some real sweet info on numbers check out Theology of Arithmetic detailing info of the Pythagorean & learn about the Monad & not this stupid shit.
You can find it online, but again need to Not be retarded.
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=sqrt(2) or some bullshit idk
2 divided 1 is 2.
well poisoning thread
>nigga everything is 2
>even 1
Then 2x1=2 too
This doesnt makes any milpepe sense
You're not dividing it in 3 with 2 cuts
You're dividing it in 2 twice.
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Here is the first page
The unit 1 is arbitrary while things like the primes are not.
The revealed discoveries can be thought of as messages from the universe and the arbitrarily chosen representations can be considered a corruption of that message, even though you have no better way to represent any of it.
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if remembering your own birth and having a grand cohesive theory for reality make you a genius, then i'm a genius too
I'm a autist phone poster browsing at work. indentation is important for python... in retrospect I didn't even need to use python, just made that script for fun.
To find minimum number of cuts to split any convex polygon into X pieces with equal areas where X > 2, just round up the square root of X.
3 equal pieces? 3^(1/2) = 1.73. round up to 2, answer is 2
4 equal pieces? 4^(1/2) = 2. 2 is a whole number, answer is 2
5 to 9 pieces is 3
10 to 16 is 4
17 to 25 is 5
The fence cutting analogy is unironically what terrance howard thinks multiplication is, by the way
He thinks a*b means a added to itself b times
(i.e. a*(b+1))
Despite talking about "commutivity" by this definition a*b = (b+1)*(a-1). It is still left and right associative though
>the monad holds seminally
If I worked for Chinese MSS I would take a page from the Soviets and fund the "research" of retarded niggers like Terrence
2 x 1 = 2


+ 2


1 + 1
Terrance niggers, pretty please answer the following:
This is unfair to the retarded nigger. He read the history. All math was geometry until recently and multiplication came from ancient minecraft maps. Functions are drawn on a grid with units.
If the men who developed math in the first place were allowed to work through analogies why can't he? It's not fundamentally wrong, he's just bad at it.
It's the seed for everything and keeps imaginary triangles from falling apart. In a layered neural network the hidden layer that makes them work is pure abstract identity, no direct connection to any input or output. This is what gives AI a soul and connection to God.
What did Terrence Howard mean by quoting Buzz Lightyear in his square root thesis?
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The root of the problem is that math is a meta-language, and people try to rationalize and explain it using sublanguages like english or japanese. They can approximate parts of it, but never equal it. Pure math cannot be spoken or written, only demonstrated using portions of the sublanguage to approximate the meta-language
This stupid nigger has been doing this for like 16 hours???? I already went to work, went to bed, and got back up
What a FUCKING retard
that dumb nigger thinks 1 is a prime number hahahahahahahahaha
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I'm starting to understand how humanity lost the ability to build aqueducts and indoor plumbing in times past.
1. I don't care, he's black
2. It's not wrong to develop a new framework to think about maths, it's wrong to co-opt terms that already have a concrete and consistent definition to have a new meaning. If he was just talking about how a different operand behaved it would be fine but he wants his new "multiplication" to be canonical multiplication. He wants it to be commutative and associative (without knowing what either of those means)

For that reason he's retarded

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