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File: kyogre.jpg (101 KB, 900x415)
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politically speaking, I would use his power to provide Texas with plenty of cool rain during the summer months. I would then completely flood Louisiana into the depths of the sea, providing Texas with an extended Gulf Coast along the entire Eastern border.
For me it's the MOOOOODS!
i really like Kyogre. shiny Kyogre. pink whale
You can accomplish the same thing with a single Politoed.
>completely flood Louisiana
but where would all the niggers go? Also never forget what niggers became at the new orleans super dome during hurricane katrina. Very interesting social experiment. immediately started raping and killing each other. with plenty of drugs to go around as well.
>but where would all the niggers go?
Gulf of Mexico
I fucking hate jannies. When is there going to be an alternative to 4chan that isn't completely kiked?

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