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>35 years old
>ugly charismaless nofriends beta male
>have boring wfh job
>no woman attracted to me ever
>never even flirted with a woman
>went to university, had many jobs - still not the slightest hint of pussy
>no friends since school
>lifted weights for years

In school I was probably much more of a loser than I realised, even though I had friends. I was never invited to any of the parties. I didn't go to the school prom and I still remember playing a video game on that night.

In university I had zero friends or social acquaintances. I remember the first week I was there, there were all these social events and I never attended any of them. It felt like university was a huge party for all normies, which I wasn't invited to.

I remember I had a crush on this girl during my first year at university in my class, and one time the fire alarm went off during a smaller class. We went outside and then were led to a building by the lecturer to shield ourselves from the weather before going back in. I realised the girl was standing right next to me as we milled about in the building, and I didn't turn to look at her. I just read this noticeboard repeatedly for around 10 minutes.

Tinder became popular when I was at university but I was already sucked punched twice by the r9kpill and then incel blackpill. After the latter, I spent the following year in a near-daze, with my loserdom totally explained.

I become the ugly loser nobody talks to within a day of all my jobs. I once worked at this shopping mall store during university, which probably had the most attractive girls per square feet of anywhere outside of university. I talked to no one, obviously.

I lived in London for a while for work and nothing changed. It was demoralising walking past busy pubs on my way home during evenings.

The idea of talking to a woman with the aim of any relationship seems insane, unrealistic, and reeking of desperation.
Same, but not emotionally distraught over it like you. Pussy.

Maybe cuz I’m making lots of money
Do you have autogynephilia by any chance?
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I know that exact feel
Shut up you nigger Indian faggot.

Anglos are the Supreme rulers of this planet.
We take what we want.
And our genes become even more turbo charged in Australia, where everything wants to kill you.

Women have to be worthy of me, not the other way around.
t. fit successful charismatic Anglo chad.
Opposite for me. I'm turning 35 late this month. Things started goimg up for me at 30. Don't give up, mate. Motivational speeches are lame, but you need to improve yourself
Even for a abbonigger Munda Indian like me, your comment reeks of untouchability and gayness. And btw Australia is ours :)
why are you whiny? what is it that you want? lots of friends? lots of sex? WHY?
learn to enjoy life within yourself, not all these exterior things you can't truly control. do you like to cry all the time?
Become the new ripper or something you Paki faggot.
Sounds like you're your own worst enemy man. Practice doing some social exercises, even as simple as practicing small talk. Go out with the sole purpose of talking with 10 people. Go on meetup.com and pick something that interests you and meet some people. Most friends are met through other friends. Start today.
Get a diary faggot.
well better start living today 'cause it's not gonna get any better by bitching about it on 4chins. seize the day like in your japanese animes
at the very least just remember that you are not alone.
> Tinder became popular when I was at university but I was already sucked punched twice by the r9kpill and then incel blackpill. After the latter, I spent the following year in a near-daze, with my loserdom totally explained.
I hope you realize that this is all in your head because of this. Are you actually ugly? You say you work out and you have a wfh job, so presumably good.
This is all because of your actions. Even ugly people can talk to girls instead of looking at a board for 10 minutes.
Welcome to the club brother
Are you brown or white? If you’re brown, then just get an arranged marriage in India, fucking dumbass. You can rape your wife for free and she will say nothing except clean the house.
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Stop watching Blade Runner and maybe you won't be a fucking loser
Go watch a family movie

Yes, I deleted my previous post just to add a PogO image.
I also added a reddit line. That's what you deserve, idiot.
But worst of all.

>I remember I had a crush on this girl during my first year at university in my class, and one time the fire alarm went off during a smaller class. We went outside and then were led to a building by the lecturer to shield ourselves from the weather before going back in. I realised the girl was standing right next to me as we milled about in the building, and I didn't turn to look at her. I just read this noticeboard repeatedly for around 10 minutes.
You do realize "shooting le shot" as an ugly man improves nothing except your odds of a rape accusation. Don't ruminate over imaginary missed chances unless the hole is showing interest
with that attitude, Anon...
Would you willing allow a thief into your home?
If yes...with that attitude, Anon.
If no, why would you entertain those thoughts?
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There is literally nothing wrong with becoming batshit insane radicalized
> school prom
You didn't miss out by not going to a lame British prom.
> 35 years old.
This is fine. You are a man, not a woman.
> no woman attracted to me ever, never even flirted with a woman
Sounds like you are autistic and have no social skills. Or if you aren't autistic you've created a lifestyle that makes you effectively autistic. First thing you need to do is rebuild your social skills with other men first. Go to your local rec/leisure center and look for a sports club, casual football evening etc. Volunteer somewhere on the weekends. Join a hiking group some bollocks like that. Get used to talking to people, men will be more forgiving than women for your lack of social skills.
> lifted weights for years
Good, keep doing this. Likely your aren't ugly, just awkward and socially retarded.
>It felt like university was a huge party for all normies, which I wasn't invited to.
It was. You had the opportunity to join in. But you stayed in your room playing vidya. Move on.
> I realised the girl was standing right next to me as we milled about in the building, and I didn't turn to look at her.
Please understand how insane this is that your anecdote boils down to "i stood next to a girl once". Stop this, women find shit like this creepy.
> I lived in London for a while for work and nothing changed. It was demoralising walking past busy pubs on my way home during evenings.
You could walk in and stand at the bar, have a bar. Most of those people you were jealous of were just work colleagues heading for a cheeky pint after work.
>The idea of talking to a woman with the aim of any relationship seems insane, unrealistic, and reeking of desperation.
You need to fix yourself first. You need to build your social skills bit by bit. It's not too late, but you won't even find a girlfriend and a social group of friends by staying indoors.
The truth is woyimen are deprecate and aren't worth the effort nowadays.
I'm not saying you should go the way of the gay.
Just that the women archetype today doesn't make any sense. Not even a reproductive sense.
I'd rather look for a female that think like a man or a male feminine enough if the relationship is based in love and trust and not in social influence.
Women here like intelligent and calm men, NOT bragging smart-arses, and if you took a bartender job in a pub in Copenhagen, you would be busy and thus relaxed - instead of feeling insecure being just a pub guest sitting and hoping for contact and yet afraid to look at women.

As a busy bartender you only have time for brief, polite phrases and thus you don’t get stuck in a conversation and suddenly can’t come up with more to say - it will be a safe and excellent training for naturally becoming more and more used to talk to women. And it’s always the customers who have to catch the bartender’s attention, so you won’t feel it’s you ‘bothering’ the women.

You have absolutely nothing to fear, so think about it.

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