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Redpill me on what esoteric or symbolic insight I can gain by 'flat erf'.
As an actual model that represents the inner mechanical physical working of the universe it is unworkable and leads to the consuming abyss of schizophrenic nothingness. Accepting flat earth is chaos. We live in a snow globe? That is inside a simulation inside an instance of a hypervisor? Satellites are fake? Stars are pixel tracking cameras?
The only coherent worldview of 'flat earf' is that it is a deeply human centered perspective; if you can't see it, touch it, fuck or eat it what use does it have to me and if it doesn't then notmyproblem.bmp
What does a duck care of newtonian models. Flat earth is a rejection of the concerns of the ration mind/eye and an embrace of the intuitive. Is that it?
Flat earth is just cope for God's "existence"
They have no explanation for why the moon looks upside down in the southern hemisphere. None of their models chave any predictive power at all.
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>Flat earth is just cope for God's "existence"
Imagine seeing a flat horizon averywhere you go and somehow believe you're actually on a spinning rock hurling through vast empty space.
Literal troon logic.
why did you leave the last one when they moved it to /bant/? Not enough attention for you, since thats clearly what you crave?
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Clearly the physical Earth is a geodesic ellipsoid. Greeks proved this eons ago with sticks and shadows. So this is not what I'm talking about.
I'm more interested what symbolic or metaphorical insight I can gain form 'flat earth'
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>Imagine seeing a flat horizon averywhere you go
its a symbol for arrogant retards who want to feel special by rejecting something everyone else accepts.
Grown ass man believing in fairy tales like firmament and some supernatural dictator controlling it lol.
I assume it is something like that. A cope for dumb kids that didn't pay attention in grade school, which is almost all of pol or 80%.
They are shocked that whites were slaves in America and blacks owned black slaves. There are alot of reinventing the wheel and shouting for the roof top that it's a conspiracy.
It started as an exercise to see if people could defend the most ridiculous claim. That's all you need to know. Almost all of their arguments come from people merely playing devils' advocate.
Why is there no curve?
Literally all observation proves a curve, especially ships disappearing over the horizon. The response to this is "you can zoom back into them" which is a lie. All flat earthers do is lie. They lie and claim not enough of distant buildings are hidden by the curve, but they take the pic from up on a mountain, ignoring the fact that going up onto a mountain and seeing further proves the curve.

And what did you do? Did you take measurements? Did you create a model that makes predictions about the future, like sunrise, and eclipses? No..... what you did was make the statement "It looks flat"

Well here's a thought exercise for you: Can a sphere look flat from the surface if its large enough? If you say no, you're lying or are stupid. If you say yes then the only question is how big does it need to be in order to appear flat?
And the answer is: This fucking big, asshole. Earth-sized.
maybe it started like that recently but it does have a much longer history than some guys getting it going on the internet. They often look to a book published in the 19th century and that was made by a true believer. There were a few very public wagers made between flat earthers and those arguing against it back in the day and it all appears to have been quite serious.
yo momma ass is phat earfff
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>The response to this is "you can zoom back into them" which is a lie.
Any time they say "you can zoom it back in" the ship is not actually over the horizon
Here are three ships at varying distances clearly showing the effect of the curve on the amount of the ship visible, even after zooming

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>Dick me down on Phat Earf
when you look closely and slowly at the videos they offer as proof that you can zoom back in once over the horizon, you'll tend to notice that they zoom in and out to the boat very quickly so its harder to see that the level of the boat with regard to the water line doesn't change. Instead they rely on making it appear larger or smaller quickly, so that you notice its angular size over anything else.

its all very deceptive of course. as with everything else they do.
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>Imagine seeing a flat horizon averywhere you go and somehow believe you're actually on a spinning rock hurling through vast empty space.
Try climbing out of the cave. "I see flat therefore the entire world is flat"
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>Literally all observation proves a curve
Stating this shows that you are either being intentionally disingenuous or you are never considered the fact that there may be something to claims that frighten you, and have chosen to not look into them, which shows gross ignorance and confuses me as to why you would even engage in this thread. there are indeed a plethora of independent experiments that suggest otherwise, which is what is so alarming. assuming you are capable of higher cognition, this should at the very least puzzle you.
>calls others intentionally disingenuous
>posts this video
Flat earth seem to be of the same stock as people that deny or don't get evolution. I assume if they embrace this worldview for them at least it leads to nihilism and they don't have an answer to climb their way out of this nihilistic hole.
>'If the universe is vast I am insignificant'
>am am a product of random circumstances therfore I am worthless
I assume at the core of these religious copes and thier rejection of 'evolution' are these concerns.
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whats disingenuous about it?
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Veritas did a good job breaking apart those videos and showing that exact thing
He took many of their "proof" videos and showed that zooming did not change the amount of the boat obscured, it just brought them into clearer focus

Yeah pretty much.
Flat earth is a Templar flex.
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>whats disingenuous about it?
There is clearly a lip on that table and a magnifying glass like that has incredible distortion along the edges
Have you never owned a magnifying glass before?
And are you actually this fucking retarded?
>don't get evolution
>fish + turtle = monkey
its not very difficult concept to understand, the challenges with evolution is that its founder was a schizophrenic incestual rapist and there has never been a single piece of evidence to suggest macroevolution has ever occurred
what does a lip have to do with the lensing effect?
So you admit that a lensing effect is distorting the image and that your "proof" video is horseshit
Good to know.
that there is any comparison between that carefully placed lens and the atmospheric effect on light.
im suggesting that lensing effects are powerful. couple this with objects disappearing over the horizon but coming back in focus, and zero curvature at altitude should be a bit confusing. ever heard of the atmospheric lensing effect?
and that you can at no point see the surface of the 'ocean' through the lens. in reality you can of course see lots of ocean 'underneath' the ship as it moves away from you.
And now, once again, the flat earthers will very likely not post again because they are apparently allergic to /bant/
They're bots programmed to post only on /pol/.
some of them seem so realistic
not a flerf to be seen

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