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File: mariaudc8.jpg (42 KB, 720x712)
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Who is gonna make a man think twice before fighting or disrespecting
6ft6 skinny guy or a 5ft8manlet full of muscle
Weight, as long as you're not a literal midget and have some reach. 5'8'' muscle manlet is scarier than a weak lanklet.
The power hobbit will give me more pause than the lanklet tower. However, it's important to be cautious about skinnyfat tall men. You will not have an accurate gauge of their strength or speed from their appearance alone.
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Would you rather fight Mike Tyson...
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Or Ian Maxtone-Graham
There is nothing to fear at all about anyone shorter than you.
Why? Simple: if things go south, you can easily outrun their pathetic tiny legs.
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oh nonononono
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Height is all show
What do women love?
A good show

However, most men are thankfully taller than women, so as long as you have a solid 6 inches on them, you're good

So, with that said
Anything over 6'0" is a meme

Slow, clumsy and not to mention the back pain from constantly bending over or having to duck down to get inside of shit
A man walk will tell you more then height or muscle mass.
>everyone in moldova is 5'8
>has to post picture of a cartoon to prove his point
He's a real man. The cartoon is inspired by him.
just carry a 9mm like a normal person for fucks sake
Iā€™m 6ā€™5ā€ 190 pounds. Total lankie, right? Wrong. I can fuck any manlet up even if they weigh more than me.
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Sure you can bro.
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POV: Any man dub 6 foot "male" talking about how height doesn't matter

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