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If you watch and talk about "football" you should honestly have your eyeballs rot inside your skull and tongue cut off with the dullest knife possible.
If you are Romanian you don't even deserve to talk, shut the fuck up and stay in your shithole like the mutt that you are

You don't even do sports, technically speaking you're the one rotting away
I actually talk about football on reddit how subhuman am I?
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Ah, the reddit spacing... Should I even say more? Now go watch ngubu chase that ball for 90 minutes while yelling at the TV each time he misses a goal or some shit like the niggerish ape you are.
Don't forget to mention to every possible person you come across tomorrow "the game" from last night.
sounds like something a lad who's got no mates would say MDRRRRRRRR
It's funni cause footy fans are the most unhealthy, fat and unfit people you usually come across.
Actual cattle brainwashing program.

I'm not even on Reddit, that's called a line break and you learn that in school you subhuman low IQ third world country nigger

Get back in school that's probably the only thing that's missing to win that other low IQ heart
touch grass


lmao shut the fuck up and stay on Twitter you absolute bougnoule
I agree football is gay. Basketball if kino tho
It's funni cause all the cattle act the same way when you insult their favourite "sport". And I mean the exact same way. It's as if the brainwashing turns you into the same copy pasted soulless husk... Funny.
yoooo ronaldo itt TSUUUUUUU
line breaks aren't necessary for 2 sentences thoughie
I found this place from /tttt/ takes on twitter in 2020 ehehe :3

They are, it's not because you spent all your time in segpa that you know any better

No one takes you seriously, you're on 4chan for hells sake
good opinion


Says the French

lmao you'd be drooling at my 18cm cock you closeted homosexual
Allow people to have le fun chudcel
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STFU don't insult him he's right

He's pretending to be just like you just so he can hook you up

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Thank you for making me really laugh for the first time in quite a while

I'm serious though
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You're so fucking retarded.... but you know what? It's okay because I know you're not fat and disgusting

What am i retarded for then ?

I'm all ears
You're not he's just a queer
lol 0-3
looks like charlotte kinda
niche kinoanime
don't you tire of playing this irritable persona?
rom had good set ups the first 20min but their offense kept losing the ball
what a sad way to go man...

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