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Furiosa? Isnt that spell from Harry Potter Hermione says?
Very rare movies like this one these days, without any LGBT scenes and niggers.
>whooaaa, femiosa is based! no lgbt themes at all, I love my feminism in previously male lead films!
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>Shit girlboss protagonist
>No mad Max in a mad Max film
The movie sucks and you're a fag
They should have made a sequel to Fury Road and had it strictly focus on Tom Hardy.
she was the lead in fury road too who the fuck cares. Id rather have women leads than niggers and LGBT shit. mad max is a kino series
It's still woke garbage.

>skinny girl takes down 5-6 males before they immobilize her.

Stopped watching after that.

go suck Kevin Sorbo´s dick
>shit girlboss

They actually do a great job balancing her out in this one with an extremely competent and better than her male protagonist. If I'm not mistaken, she also loses every hand to hand with a man that she encounters and the movie does a great job explaining why she isn't just rape meat in this world.

The marketing would lead you to believe it's all "STRONK WOMAN FURIOSA WHO NEEDS MAD MAX?" but the actual movie really fixes her character from Fury Road and makes her likable. It also infuriated all the people that wanted her to be gay.
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I hecking hate le women >:((((
This. Movie looks gay as hell.
if you mean in the beginning it's because she has better food and nutrition while the males have decaying bodies and muscles, which is why they rely on motorcycles.
It's all explained in the books, kind of the whole point of the series.
Though I agree it goes to shit fast in the later parts of the movie
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Just want to say I haven't actually watched the film yet so can't really comment on it, but OP should still fucking kill themselves, k thanks bye
you are mistaken. The scene that made me close the pirated movie was a skinny girl fighting 20 savage guys.
>you don't get it, she was furious, you get it? FURIOUSA

stfu faggot.

>inb4 you hate womeeen in movies incel?

They used to be great up until early 2000's. Now it's forced wokeslop
>mad max movie without max
>muh stronk womyn
im thinking not based
slippery slope fallacy is real
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furiosa is the exact precise opposite of woke, and infact reinforces the absolute fucking necessity (and timeless beauty) of toxic masculinity
Furiosa™ (2024) is one of the best movies to come out in theatres in YEARS

Dementus is furiosa's father
Dementus literally saves little-D multiple times, while teaching her hard, uncomfortable truths about the wasteland
by being a toxically male badass, which little-D learns in time, is how you survive
Furiosas (((mother))) was some random lesbian cultist,
irreparably damaging her life with the vulvulini shit
The teddy bear is furiosas bear, and changes as she grows up. at the end of the movie, the bear only has one arm, like little-D
>(the bear is a SYMBOL OF HOPE, for Dementus, the memory of Little-D).
pretorian-dipshit is the step-dad/boyfriend
at the end, Dementus recognizes her as "little-D" when she tearfully re-takes the bear, seeing that Dementus had *HOPE* all along
lastly, it is directly implied Dementus was the healthy "stag" who was impregnating joes wives
>(joes sons were 'pale genetic abominations, who produced nuke-ruined 3 legged offspring)
Dementus = chad white toxic masculinity (tan, vibrant, long hair, beard, charisma, muscles, height, big-D)
Immortan joe = "immortal jew" (flanked by literal jew, and shabbos goy henchmen)
know the difference^

The end of "Fury Road" is Furiosa becoming Red Dementus/Dark Dementus:
she captures the citadel, and makes the wasteland "a far better place for all of us"
This is the third movie I've seen discussed on this board.
You faggots know there'e a board you can discuss your goyslop propaganda right? It's called /tv/ and is filled with people like you who are paedophiles and go out and vote for the better jew ass kisser thinking it will make a difference. Or better yet go the fuck back to redd*t where this is basically what they discuss 24/7.
I can't even remember that scene. Was it the mom? Because the mom was easily the worst part of the movie.
>better food quality makes someone a superhero despite being anatomically weaker.Fuck your 3-dimensional reality

They weren't skinnier than her and even a skinny dude can take 1 mediumsized woman.
>skinny girl takes down 5-6 males before they immobilize her.
literally does not happen in the movie, not ever
This. If you have sex with women you will eventually end up fucking trannies and even kids or animals. You should stick to sex with muscular men like God intended.
It's literally in the beginning. I deleted the movie after like 20mins.
I refuse to watch any movie with that hideous thing in it. Should have been better at casting, faggots
Sounds Jewish
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movie is actually really good. there wasn't any woke bullshit at all. I think it's more enjoyable than dune
>wahhhhh b-but muh g-girl boss :c
have sex incel
it was pretty good. i went in wanting to hate it because i'm a level 11/10 chud, but i enjoyed it. chris hemsworth and tom burke were both very good. those two really did a great job.
not a bad film, by to days standards. And dementos is pretty good
this, how the fuck did they get away with having no niggers or chinks as main characters?
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Well then know that scene is not representative of the entire flick because I don't even remember it. The worst, most woke thing I can remember is that the mom in the beginning has an "ambiguous" relationship to the other girl that they don't say who it is (might be her daughter). After that it's just a solid action flick with some decent world building.
what the fuck are people talking about? this movie was terrible. It had horrible writing, terrible villain, structural issues and pacing issues from top to bottom, and action sequences and setpieces like a videogame. it looked like a playstation cutscene from even 10 years ago
you better dont watch any other movie from these years then because its 10 times worse
shit was garbage. greenscreen trash
My must see non-poz movies of the year:
>Godzilla Minus One (absolute peak)
>Wonka (great family film, feels like a stage play)
>Furiosa (if you like Kojimbo's video game directing, especially in MGSV, you'll feel right at home)
>IF (fosters home for imaginary friends, but a live action movie that had gotten both theaters I've seen it in to absolutely break down in wailing)
yeah they're also terrible. but this is mad fucking max, and it looks like a marvel movie. the whole movie was basically a CGI cartoon

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