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Anxiety, depression and autism aren't real, those are just signs of being a weak bitch and retard.
That's, like, way disrespectful, dude.
Nah I think all the microplastics, metals, food preservatives and other various pollutants are the cause for all the mental health problems many suffer from. Ppl usually brush these things off because they think "well everyone else is getting contaminated and they're all fine! (They aren't*) so it must be some unique problem with me!" But they're wrong, these pollutants fucking us all up need to get more attention because ppl civilizations hundreds of years ago pre-industrialized society didn't have all these problems.
Even primitive tribes excluded from modern industrialized society in today's time that have been studied don't have half of the health issues as us "1st" worlders
He’s right you know
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being a bitch made retard is enough of an excuse to leech off your government so...
Anxiety and depression are psy ops by the drugs companies. Autism is by product of the drug companies vaccines.
Anxiety, depression, autism and all mental illnesses do not exist, they are to make pharmaceutical companies rich.

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