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File: EBLEXImXsAE5pE9.jpg (62 KB, 828x778)
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>Aint nothin worse then a scum bag who hurts a child!!
I think hurting attractive women aged 16 -- 38 is worse. They have jobs, interests, people they love, people who personally love them, and can comprehend pain better than children. Being able to understand why someone is hurting you makes it worse. Children can not dwell on their mortality like adults can.

>Abortion are a crime againts humanity
Infant mortality was quite high prior to the 21st century. We've developed special coping mechanisms as humans to respond to the death of infants. Fetuses should be grieved over even less. It really is not normal or moral to be this obsessed with the suffering of fetuses, who aren't even sentient, aren't attractive, have no dreams, relationships, hopes, or identities, and won't at least for another ten years.

>What every pedo needs is a bullet to they're head. Their not normal
Tranny deepthroat rimjobs aren't normal either. In fact, most modern sexual behavior is highly abnormal and repulsive. Simulating tying a woman up and strangulating her is arguably worse than an adult having a consensual, loving relationship with a young teenager, because the former puts evil out into the world.

>Moslems are evil goat fuckin pedos
Child marriage was common until the 19th century, and adults could marry children right up until the early 20th century. It wasn't the norm, but it also wasn't regarded as immoral or unlawful. This obsession with the purity of children is an entirely modern phenomenon, akin to drag queens. Neither are traditional.

>Children deserve to be protected because there innocant
Does being innocent, in and of itself, warrant adoration? Inanimate objects are innocent by default, as are people born with anencephaly (the lack of a brain). It beggars belief that people place such value on innocence alone.

Conclusion: the uproar surrounding keeping children safe is largely performance by people who don't truly care about others and who lack a true moral framework.

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