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how does one talk to women? there's a really cute girl that i like, and she wants to talk with me, but i literally have nothing to say. i often leave her on read, or just sit it silence and agree with whatever she's talking about without adding much to the conversation. i enjoy it when we sit together and i don't have to say anything, but i know i need to be interesting if i want this going. how the hell am i supposed to manage this?
I wish I knew. You can use what they said to ask a new question. Like if they said they love dogs. Ask them what their favorite dog is.
But beyond that basic technique, I don't know.
nhmhm i also heard about this. i think i sort of do it. like, just now, she said she was feeling a little down and i suggested she should make herself some soup to feel better. she said she doesn't like it. i had absolutely nothing to respond to this with and it got her upset. should i have asked "well then what do you like" or "then what do you do when you feel sick" or something?
>i need to be interesting
...you only have three options
(1) pretend to be someone else and be miserable inside once you tire of the charade. but hey, at least you secure that sweet gf am i rite?
(2) stop being immature and just grow out of that little shell already. even if she eventually leaves you, you'll have grown as a person and will be better equipped to find a real companion
(3) just be yourself and hope she finds your crippling autism endearing
if you have nothing to talk to her about, why are you interested in her? you have nothing to lose so just state your own opinions, bring up things you like, bee yourself and then have a conversation about the things you want to talk about. if she doesn't like who you are then there's no point in being with her
the only realistic and good option is the option 2, and i do want to do that, but i just fail. "just have something to say" isn't working very consistently, and i'm afraid to say something dumb for the sake of having said something. what should i do to improve myself?
i think she does and would like who i am, and my problem isn't specific to her. i never have anything to say and i like to just listen people talk, but i want to change this because she's actually interested in me and wants to have a real conversation and i fail to do that.
pretend she's a dude and talk to her like you do the guys. Joke around a bit. Seriously, women love it when a guy treats them like one of the boys. It shows confidence, acceptance of her as a person, and a mild lack of romantic interest.
Chicks eat that stuff up.
this is good advice, but dont talk about your dick and nuts and gross shit like that, i think thats a bad idea
If it’s not your soul mate then use your brain.
yes she wouldn't like that i reckon
sounds like it would work, but i think part of the reason she enjoys talking to me in the first place is i am not really treating her like a regular friend. she mentioned she forces herself to be nicer and more polite when talking to me (not towards me, in general. she uses swear words when she's with other people, but not when she is with me, for instance. she acts more properly in general).
do you think treating her more like a regular friend will actually do good? or, how can i treat her more like a friend while also not make her see me like a regular friend?
my brain has failed me so far
>do you think treating her more like a regular friend will actually do good?
no, that sounds like you're in the right zone already. You don't want her to be too comfortable with you if you want to get romantic. You're mysterious, and she's a little afraid of what you think. That's perfect.

treating her like a guy just helps with the flow of conversation, but conversation isn't really the way to get laid.
okay, that's good to hear, but what should i do now? do i just keep what i am doing as it's clearly somehow working? no need to change anything?
how about you tell her that you want to talk to her but don't know what to say?

I think this emotion is very clearly transmitted physically, your problem is with the digital format. go meet up; leisurely, not for an activity

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