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Is this absolute bullshit? People are getting tattoos of this bitch, now I've seen some stupid whores say retarded shit on the street but this dumb cunt is being rocketed into fame for talking about sucking dick! Why is she being interviewed?? MERCH? I've never seen some shit like this in all my years where mainstream media goes on a fucking manhunt in search of someone's identity over a fucking meme, they DOXXED her so she would come out of hiding, what in the actual fuck is going on here???
Everyone is praying that Armageddon happens before they get a decade older.
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Absolute insanity
She is rat-like.
amerimutt culture revolves around sex you’re the most sexually driven people
I have no idea who this is but the way you type and the way topic at hand hints that this is some weird culture war shit on tiktok

How about you uninstall that app?
You were probably that guy who had like 20 replies in the last thread
Stop talking about this stupid nothing nonsense
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THREAD THEME https://youtu.be/MdCEPhNBnrM?si=nkvtTZfhw3QE8jvB
Why are jews pushing this degenerate whore ? is this some sort of humiliation ritual , trying to mock goyim?

> look, goys are have turned degenerate just like we wanted,worship this trend goys
Ofc it's a psyop, anything that becomes popular inorganically is a psyop. Thank fuck /pol/ is dying and shills are not spamming as much.
Utterly mid with beady jew eyes, fake blonde, negative A cup tits, unfunny with cringe humor. Just kikes pushing ratchet thot memes on the goys as is typical.

another totally organic redneck smear campaign gee who could it be
I don't know who that is
Bro it's literally all over the fucking news outside of the place, it's the most viral thing happening right now
>Culture war
Not seeing it champ, this is just some good old fashioned whoredom pussy on a pedestal shit
Why is talking about spitting on a dick remotely novel, interesting, or funny? pornstars must do it daily...wtf is wrong with people??
and she shows up immediately after the "kill all redneck" shills showed up here for the first time ever its almost cookie cutter
>sucking dick
No, anon, it was not about sucking dick, rather spitting on a dick for lubrication to aid in vaginal penetration.
I've let uglier bitches than that suck my dick and so would you if any woman ever at all offered to.
only gay retards (women and gen z) care about this shit
>rocketed to fame
never heard o this whore until yesterday and only here maybe try kys.
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Everybody Loves Blowjobs
>also people are retarded parrots
>I bet we can get the hoi polloi to go crazy over a chick that spits on dick
>let's do it
The masses fall for it every time.
Once the pulled off the "toilet paper shortage" at the beginning of Covid, they knew the bigger psyop would be a piece of cake.
>White father looks down into white infant daughter's crib, smiles to himself and says "One day sweet pea, you're going to do great things...like becoming famous for discussing fellatio on the internet."

Modern culture, regardless of where, is cancer.
Why does this stupid white trash shit keep getting posted?
>why is this forced thing being talked about? I'm going to make a thread and talk about it even more
I've literally never heard of whatever the fuck this is either.
At this point I'm not going to look it up or care
Conversing about anything else would be a better use of time, asides from mentioning that this is the most obvious psyop in human history
We need to stop Kony y'all
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You know what Hawk Tuah actually means? It means 4chan is no longer the meme machine of the internet. Nowadays memes are made on tiktok and then slowly find their way to 4chan with a delay of some weeks. We are the facebook boomers now. Gen Z are the new meme creators.
Hey, I got nice quads.
It's a distraction from Biden's terrible performance
Good, as soon as you stop running on that hampster wheel called "current thing", a lot of stress goes away.

I can honestly say I haven't heard a single news broadcast since COVID and haven't looked back.
I hate women so fucking much. It's some "empowering" thing to be slutty as fuck. Gas all american white women.
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Cool meme, Stacy.
didn't need the "american" in there, champ
>cute White girl says something degenerate
>media boosts and astroturfs it so other White girls will see that acting like sexual degenerates on camera will make them instantly famous

Simple as.
>Gas all american white women.

Gas all women. Dicks 4 life
Kek this

With modern communication we are seeing 15 minutes of fame become reality and people need to hop on ephemeral fads headfirst for credibility and sense of belonging. So sure you regret your BLM, George Floyd, Team Pfizer, Biden etc tattoos but what’s a few more souvenirs of when you behaved like a quintessential NPC?

Take away family, community, religion, spirituality, soul and this is what you have: mindless consoomers of material goods and media. The cycles have become more compressed so they peak quickly and higher before disappearing and giving way to the next one.

In 2021 in Canada we had the flags at half mast for 6 months, huge protests, millions of taxpayer dollars given away, people being ashamed of our flag and honestly thinking there were “mass graves” all because of some anomalies picked up by ground penetrating radar. It was THE issue. Until it wasn’t. Now no one wants to talk about it or remember what they said and did. Government even wanted to make questioning residential schools illegal (hate speech). Only one exhumation occurred and they didn’t find anything. No other tribe has put a shovel in the ground because “they need to do it right according to their culture” when in reality they no damn well there is nothing there but they already got their dollars so best to just let it get forgotten.

People are insane and it has gotten noticeably worse since Trump’s candidacy and then COVID and BLM.
Who has the “normies are going to hump” pasta?
Fair. From what i've seen it seems pretty bad in the UK as well.
I havent seen that garbage once and Im proud of it.
Not once.
hyper-socialized, effeminite, conformist, extremely online zoomers are all primed to jump onto 'current things' and anything trendy, and are increasingly malleable to parasocial attachments...because theyre lonely, unhappy, antisocial and their dads are either not there or worse they are big stupid bastard faggots.

there is a big overlap between this archetype and the predatory cancel mob, and opportunistic spiteful mutts who patrol twitter like ethnic mobs down the streets of paris(it starts online and then moves offline)
It's a Project Mockingbird data collection psyop.
there will obviously turn out to be some jewish cultural code in there, she kinda looks it in the profile shot honestly, and that's why she's boosted
i mean media boosted not clot boosted
> A pro woman should suck dick psyop
There have been worse psyops you know.
You can curse our masters all you want but they demonstrate constantly that reality isn't what it seems and you are sharing a planet with biorobots.
Women are the majority of consoomers and it's whatever they want to invest the simps time and money on that becomes the "in-thing" maybe if we didn't have so many simps handing out their hard earned bux to the road house roastie our society would be something more than the next fad.
I have not been able to confirm it, but this is possibly her grandfather. Bet if you look into her parents one or both of them were government contractors just like the parents of all the school shooters
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I feel unfulfilled

Can i restart life?
sad he had a retarded cock sucker of a grand daughter.
this is genius
get NPCs to get prominent tattoos of the political causes they supposedly care about and the people championing them
it's a permanent record for mr goldfish
Thats brazil
low IQ rightoids: everything I don't like is a psyop.
>maybe if we didn't have so many simps handing out their hard earned bux to the road house roastie our society would be something more than the next fad

The most disconcerting thing to me has been seeing conservatives boomers buying "Hawk Tuah 2024" hats and t-shirts.
where are the gematria schizos to run the numbers when you need them
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>I don't like how this is spreading
>Hmm let's make a thread about it
OK so why are you posting this slag here? Are you part of the psyop?
>I was just pretended to be retarded
Same energy
Stop it
She’s a great role model for young women. Stop being so antisemitic.
No tiktok here. Its also around german social media channels.
Nobody will remember her by October
People really are that trashy in this country.
>when you don't think about Rome for the day or decide whether you're camping with a bear or a man
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Let's talk about getting your dick sucked. I got mine sucked by a cute MILF once while she had mints.
It was nice.
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>what in the actual fuck is going on here???

>white girl brags about blowing black guys
gee i wonder why this is being pushed
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She repeated some stupid shit a dumb fat hick she fucked said. She was awful at sucking dick.
Tattoos are the funniest shit NPC's do which reveals their inner nature. No matter what you say, you can never get through to them how retarded it is. They always want to tie you down in a debate about how most tattoos suck but you don't understand how profound and awesome their tattoo is.

It's like if you left a four year old alone in a room and you came back and he was drawing on the wall with crayons, and you took the crayon and said no we don't draw on the walls. And he's like why? And you're like because we just don't. And says oh sorry maybe you don't understand, most wall crayon drawings are stupid, but the tree I just drew is really profound to me, so it's ok. And you're like look don't draw on the wall again or I'll spank you.

At the end of the day, they get tattoos because other people get tattoos. They have no other reason, and there is no other reason. It's just pure monkey see monkey do. These people don't know why they believe any of the things they believe. They are truly just like little children and the aristocracy is like their parents.
>omg, look at this psyop!
>the niggercattle ate it up for two and half days!
>let's give it more oxygen
All fields.
Checked and based
white cunts do it for free, of their own volition
leave the house you fucking troglodyte spergcase
Rent free for life, subhuman
You can't check your own digits. That undoes it.
Pretty much the most disgusting way to lube things up if needed.
Crystal meth
how is he wrong
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idk, bro

let me know when does an onlyfans threesome with the plane lady
why are white whores such TRASH?
Normal people care about the degradation of culture you fucking retard
>and so would you if any woman ever at all offered to.
You are projecting, niggerbrain
>Take away family, community, religion, spirituality, soul and this is what you have: mindless consoomers of material goods and media.
This. These people have no substance or inner self. They are 100% a product of their environment. They are just like social cum rags
It's funny and it's true. Isn't that what you'd want your girl to do for you, OP?
Few days after it became viral, there already was 1000s of memes with this girl, fucking strange. Massively pushed in tik toks and reels. Young girls are watching this shit, with their social conforming brains, furthering the degeneration of society
>they DOXXED her so she would come out of hiding, what in the actual fuck is going on here?
Black incels are extremely desperate for a hot young white slut that's down to play with their cocks.
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>I've never seen some shit like this in all my years where mainstream media goes on a fucking manhunt in search of someone's identity over a fucking meme
You were born yesterday?

Weird because it is all conservative who love this degenerate shit. I don't get it either.
burgernigger reading comprehension
You're literally retarded
Pretty simple - they're not conservatives
Blast the us with nuclear missiles from stratosphere
>acting like sexual degenerates on camera
With, or for, black males. That's a crucial part of it.
who care's she's hot. espeally in this clip. i find her tight dress cute. she can do whatever she wants with me. she can spit on my cock day of the week .
Imagine some nigger coming up to a white girl and starts asking her a bunch of sexual questions and she goes along with it and they don't both get lynched
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Stop projecting, sweetie. U exported it. Check the facts if you got guts:

Your thread is the first I'm hearing of this and I will forget it the moment I close the tab. You need a good long look in the mirror to think about what you've become. Praying for you.
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>buck wild Street nigger "interviewing" random people on the street for his fake YouTube/ tik tok / whatever gay channel
>two street walking 5/10 women wasting their youth being whores
>all questions about sex, nigger hits on the stupid friend and the friend gives him her numerous out of pity and social pressure
>immediately says she misses her ex afterwards
>friend makes the blow job joke

What a gross social dystopia. I don't really understand the meme it's like something a 40 year old mom would find scandalous how are we laughing at this like children.
Distraction, and pulse check. Something to keep attention, and check to see if it's what entertains the masses.
pathetic simps belong in an oven

Don’t get me wrong the hook nosed rat is behind a lot of stuff, but he mostly just exploits and profits off the degeneration our culture allows. The Jew usually just finds degeneracy happening in the dark and puts a spot light on it and try’s to make it seem normal and mainstream (see faggotry, trannies, only fans girls etc, despite what Polcels say it still only a very vocal minority participating in this filth).This meme is going viral because of fucking simps and whore enablers going

> “woooaaaaa doooood! She likes sucking dick!!!!! I am like completely amazed bro!!!!!! I only Have gotten my dick sucked once or twice and never had it heccin spit On like in my heccin pornos!”

Stop being sex obsessed coomer faggots and it takes away the only bargaining chip whores, Jews and women use against you.
If you imagine her as dark haired and look at her face again she may be part of the tribe
>find cute country bumpkin gal
>social engineer her to stardom with a meme
>you now have a hickerbilly influencer
>women are the ultimate subservient followers
>now have "good ole" gal come out against Drumph

It's that shrimple. Dems think women are that retarded (they are) but don't realize it isn't going to work at all because Chad's will just turn on the meme.
Never had fun sex, huh?
>People are getting tattoos
I have some fundamental issues with those words.
>so would you if any woman ever at all offered to
>Dude herpes and STDs are so much fun, you should try i-
No. Shut the fuck up.
Its not even sexy
Its misandrist, maybe
Not everything is a psyop. Are you guys schizos or just retarded faggots?

There isn't anything to this. It was just a fun moment that resonated with people. Someone stuck a mic in a cutie pie's face and she had fun with it in a personable and sexual way.

It blew up because what she was talking about is funny to women and appealing to men, and now she is smartly playing her 15 minutes.

In short, Hawk Tuah 2024
Literally everything is.

Your post is a CIA psyop plzz cia plzz cmon
>just a fun moment that resonated with people
if that's the idea of "fun" that "people" have, then these "people" should get in the ovens.
American culture
Your current president can't even walk in a straight line and your ex president was in the WWE
You virgins really need to lighten up. Cute drunk retarded girls are the best.
I have no idea what the fuck this is.
Either way it's something that's going to be forgotten in about 3 days.
I do like how quickly people take tattoos nowadays about these meaningless flavor of the day memes though.
We can easily identify the worst of the NPC cattle by those retard stamps.
You feds have gotten too obvious. I might order a pizza later if you want to fly in my light, gnat.
100% true. If you ever start abstaining you begin to see it everywhere. It’s pretty animalistic.
shes a cute southern chick talking about sloppy bjs, whats wrong? my wife absolutely bathed my cock in thick throat spit like the day after it came out, she was inspired, love it.
I don’t believe in coincidences anymore, only (((Cohencidences)))
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>Is this absolute bullshit? People are getting tattoos of this bitch, now I've seen some stupid whores say retarded shit on the street but this dumb cunt is being rocketed into fame for talking about sucking dick! Why is she being interviewed?? MERCH? I've never seen some shit like this in all my years where mainstream media goes on a fucking manhunt in search of someone's identity over a fucking meme, they DOXXED her so she would come out of hiding, what in the actual fuck is going on here???

Its the Long Arm of the Left trying to get white men back into the game


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very strange... shes not even attractive.
Gen X degenerate simp
cringe psyop and shes clearly speaking like a nigger. this is kikebart trying to get a viral hit like that dumb lily bitch saying nigga then just showed up to afpac and did shrooms, very forced like jew the plumber back in 2008
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What posses a man to post a 299x168 image in 2024?
about 10 years too young to be gen x and if my wife gagging on my cock like a whore makes me a Degen so be it.
Now shes getting pumped by Shaq. The fuck is evening going on?
please confirm
Oak Ridge is the site of USA's fastest supercomputer
Super glowie destination
god i hope so
rip her pussy to shreds so any baby she might ever have grows up and kills her
No one from 4chan knows who that is.
Probably only children find this funny? I don't think I've seen anyone 20+ reposting it more than once.
He's posting that you live in a sexually obsessed culture in a thread where people are obsessed with a degrading sex practice...
>she was inspired
That's the point, chud. Once upon a time women were inspired to come up with new recipes, not new ways to be a slut for niggers
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You missed one thing, shes talking to a nigger, about sucking nigger cock.

Americans love that shit, their whole culture revolves around it, its disgusting
They call them "viral videos" instead of "HIV media" for PR reasons. But no matter what you call them, they still spread like AIDS.
She followed orders. I wonder if she'll say Trump is a convicted felon
Talking like a nigger too
She gets her 15 minutes of fame and when the attention dries up, she'll start an OF. Such is the life of a roastie

glowniggers control the viralness of videos on kike platforms like tiktok. if they want you talking about a whore slobbing on cock, they will do that to keep you from spreading videos questioning payment of taxes or censorship
this shit was never funny mabye if I was high as balls OR if a hot girl was who I wanted to fuck said that shit
I noticed this too.

Google hawk tuah lady and see the madness.

She "partied" with "Shaq"
I feel extremely proud for not having seen/watched the original video and only read someone describe what it's generally about.
psyop huh, I have literally no idea who this bitch is or what you are referencing, try being more like me.
Then after that it's on to the "MEN ARE LE EBIL" bandwagon as she gets 3 cats to keep her company
She might get a podcast or something higher up, host a reality show if she's a very good goyess
burgernigger reading comprehension
never seen the video not even on video sites
it seems to be only being shilled to alcoholic usa shillberg normies
only witnessed americans reference it
and these references were due to faceberg tier 'memes' so i'd like to strongly advise your viral marketing and take it back to reddlt

What I like most about her is that she is anti-trump.

Hope she gets even bigger.
Same, I actually have no idea who this person is, nor do I care. I use Kakaotalk and Line messenger to talk with friends, that's it for social media. Unless watching 3d modelling tuts on YT also counts.

Never understood social media desu. I'm 30 and a quite social person... I just meet with friends IRL. Why share things with the entire world or be hooked into algorithmic drivel? ok I guess 4chan is my social media lol.
Every media psyop is jewish
>all over the news
I read a decent amount of news, never seen it. I don't read or watch the MSM, though. Maybe you should stop watching MSM and TMZ slop. This person cannot be important.
Same and same. Feels good man.
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kek People who get tattoos are stupid as fuck, so of course they're immortalizing a meme that was funny for a whole day before it got played out and people moved on to the next thing. I've never met a smart person who has tattoos.
>People are getting tattoos of this bitch
And? Let the drones be drones, man. Imagine having to be that person and explaining a meme tattoo of some bitch everyone has completely forgotten about in 3 years, never mind 10. If they were that shallow to sully their skin like that in the irst place, you gain literally and lose literally nothing by interacting or acknowledging their existence. Same goes for this bitch. Its just another distraction from bipedal rodents in tunnels raping kids.
She just said she wouldn't spit on Trump's old-man cock, not necessarily that she wouldn't vote for him. Although she's a single White woman who openly talks about oral sex, so it's safe to assume she probably votes shitlib.
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Its not disgusting, its hot. I hope all white girls suck nigger dicks. Their little white boyfriends can either accept it and watch or they will just do it behind their backs. BNWO isn't going to build itself.
>Hulk Hogan considering running for office
>Blowjob reference is the biggest deal in the media.
Welp, Idiocracy is here.
That was just a regular raunchy joke that every 30+ year old has done. There was nothing outrageous about it.
You are right. It's not clownworld, it's ratworld
Not even funny, not random, not even a sex move either, 0/10 forced meme. Is there anything on earth worse than a white woman
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You live in Idiocracy you dumbass. Could it be anymore obvious?
You think Mike Judge made multiple TV series and a movie warning us about this shit for fun?
Beavis and Butthead
King of the Hill
Office Space
Goode Family

Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding
The cretins cloning and feeding
And I don't even own a TV

Put me in the hospital for nerves and then they had to commit me
You told them all I was crazy
They cut off my legs, now I'm an amputee, goddamn you
Ooohe, ooh
Ooohe, ooh
Hawk Tuah, Makeba, Makeba ma qué bella
Can I get a Hawk Tuah Makeba
Makes my body dance for you
Hawk Tuah, Makeba, Makeba ma qué bella
Can I get a Hawk Tuah" Makeba
Makes my body dance for you
Hawk Tuah Makeba, Makeba ma qué bella
Can I get a Hawk Tuah, Makeba
Makes my body dance for you
Hawk Tuah, Makeba, Makeba ma qué bella
Can I get a Hawk Tuah, Makeba
Makes my body dance for you
Hawk Two
Who gets off to spitting? The opposite.
The only insightful comment in this thread
I get idiocracy but what's special about King of the Hill? Also
It's just terminally online faggots crying because she basically ruined their gay anal pride month, by talking about how women should be sucking their mans dick, you're overthinking retarded normie trends that die in a month anon
He also shit heavily on tech bro culture with Silicon Valley.
Everyone likes it, I get it, but sucking dick is kind of degenerate.
It's mostly that they pushed the most degenerate form of roastie level sucking dick there can be.
They pushed it so the women would think they needed to do it this way to be popular and made all the guy jealous that their normal, non-roastie girlfriend or wife wasn't spitting on their dicks like a common porn whore.
In other words, just more degenerate jew shit to keep us from talking about the leader of the free world being a brain dead nursing home patient.
All of this started when Biden was overseas at the summit and D day stuff.
It was to keep the news cycle full of nonsense.
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>my name is ADIS HOT IVANKOVIC. I'm a muslim balkan turkroach yugoslave rapebaby immigrant invader and I MUST rape german children bestial and sadistically to death and I NEVER got caught with it. I let my victims eat my poop on public streets and much worse. I rape my victims, the children, over years. I destroy lives of my victims family and I even would never think bad about it, if I would. It is the exact opposite, I feel very strong for that and I like it. I also like homosexuality, and incest, if the others are the ones who suffering their whole life until death. I do also like to torture pets alive (or dead) and torturing them with a passion to death.

>my criminal turkroach "father" was also in prison for many many years, but he is a good goy and dindu nuffin, just like me! I've learned sooo much from him, masallah! my "mother" knows what I'am doing and is also proud of me, of a multiple child rapist and murderer of german children. she supports me, loves me and my money from the germans.

>all of my turkroach yugoslave friends are criminals aswell of course, and we go further; we wont stop it! ("say, how could you tell?") I'am a criminal millionaire and proud muslim because of all that and it's my business!

>we dont like niggers, gypsys or jews in our countries because we are the good guys. we are not like "those" subhumans.

pic related.
What would /pol/, you, do, if this "object" did this to your children multiple times ?
Some girl on Tiktok responded to some question about spitting on a dick (“Hawk Tuah”) and it became a meme among NPCs for some reason
Death to all NPCs
>two and a half days
Bro I wish, but it’s still going on. The girl just appeared at some big grand opening event for a new bar on Nashville’s Broadway.
Are you serious? I just learned who she was from this thread. So this is what normies watch on social media? A white woman who speaks like a nigger makes a joke/sound about spitting on nigger shitdick, and normies lose their minds obsessing about it for weeks? huh??? God I hate normies.
>but what's special about King of the Hill?
Portraying constant dumbass shit that modern society does to make itself worse.

The man is a physicist and mechanical engineer. He knows how the physical world works, and having worked on a farm as a young dude knows how the physical world plays on the mental state of human society.
When you know actual science, you can easily see how stupid the "tech bros" really are. Ted Kaczynski knew this too, but he was so crazy it ate his mind up and he lost his shit. Mike Judge is like Ted Kaczynski with sanity. His manifesto is Idiocracy and Beavis & Butthead. And he is completely right.
Yeah, I don’t get it, and for some reason people were churning out merchandise and the like before she was unmasked. Death to all NPCs.
>God I hate normies.
this is why nothing will change outside of having a dictatorship
normies are too fuckin stupid
Yup, I worked in SV at the time the show came out, the first two seasons were hilarious and mirrored my daily experiences. Was a fan of Judge since I saw Office Space and KotH as a kid. One correction, though, is Uncle Ted wasn't crazy. People should stop saying he was crazy. He was completely sane. Seeking to bomb a civvie airplane was over the top, and he even openly admitted that he went too far on that one.
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A guy I know in bumfuck ohio is making 3d printed lamps with this shit now
Yes. Voting should only work at the local level, where everyone has skin in the game and where people can evaluate candidates who address the direct needs of the community. Leadership professionally bubbles up from there. The PRC uses this system. Combine local voting with continual focus on the mass line principle, and you end up with a damn good blend of the people having a voice while simultaneously being firmly guided through long term utilitarian plans.
I agree
there's millions of clips exactly like this one but somehow this is the one girl that gets on the news everywhere, with slogan and merch ready to sell??
if you use the internet you know clips like this appear every day in millions

I never even saw anyone talk about it outside of the articles of how people supposedly cannot stop talking about her, without linking to any posts of people talking about her just other articles about people who cannot stop talking about her

it doesn't feel like something new in 2024 either, it feels like something that would go "viral" 10-15 years ago and be already long forgotten
it doesnt offer any new shock value since everyone sees women talk about much more filthy shit, like few weeks ago there was that clip of NFL players wife talking about how she fucked his friend to get him jelous and beg her to stay, that was way more shocking and didn't get so many articles as this "girl admits she gives blowjobs" phenom

I feel like it's some secret marketing trying to see how big their reach is, just flexing how far they can get without any public support or established industry connections.
He was crazy, by definition. He lost control of his mind. That's why he moved out into the middle of nowhere, to flee from the things making him insane. He had the self-awareness to know society was making him nuts, that his knowledge and skills were the antithesis of modern humanity. His manifesto isn't taken seriously by most people that know it because he used violence and looked like an oaf. That's the difference between sanity and insanity. Judge knows the same shit, but he has control(the force of will) over his mind and knowledge. So his manifesto is beloved by those that have seen it.

Losing control of your mind is the pure definition of crazy.
The merchandise part is probably the most surprising. Not only that it was ready to go, but that people would purchase it.
maybe the social medias personality cult thing went to far
>Its also around german social media channels.

Because you're an US colony
On the French internet no one cares about American e-celebs
White and arabs are too busy hating on each others and bracing for th upcoming racial civil war.
This is the type of population you get when the same whores sleep with the same pedostache greasy haired Hawaiian shirt faggots from the other thread. These whores on apps don’t realize they’re all fucking the same guy.
Fuck. You’re right.
كن مع الحق ولو كنت وحدك
This. Not sure if part of the humor is supposed to be the creation of a new onomatopoeia, but “hock” already exists and it’s supposed to be disgusting much like this degenerate culture, “street interview” content, and the retched clips that come from it. To your point, the braindead liberal masses also can’t spell “whoa” correctly. When I see it spelt “woah” (even in official movie/tv subtitles now), i know exactly what kind of chronically online retard I’m dealing with.
Personally I’m disgusted if a bitch spits on my dick.

It’s gross and just trashy.
He wasn't crazy, though. You even say yourself that his self-awareness led to stress/conflict with society, and that he logically made the decision to remove himself to his cabin. That isn't crazy. That is a sane person making rational, logical decisions.

I've read nearly everything written by him and his thoughts are methodical and sane.

Also not sure what you mean about people taking one or the other more seriously or not. First, who cares what normies think? If normies say someone is crazy, that does not make it true.

Also Kaczynski provided actionable solutions, whereas Judge merely provides social commentary. I respect both of them, but they are in entirely different classes of people. Judge has no chance in hell of effecting change, but Kaczynski has inspired at least some activists. And if he had had more luck, Ted might have sparked a real movement.
“Memes” that instantly penetrate the normiesphere are psyops, not memes.
it's fucking retarded not every meme in the world were made on 4chan and a dumb whore talking about blackdick doesn really qualify as a meme
jews monetizing the sentence "spit on that thang" and astroturfing utterly retarded behaviors isn a meme
if that prostitute bragging about being a slut on tikthot is a meme well everywhere is a meme
4chan use to be a meme factory now it's a commentary section for socials medias with a whole lot of pedophiles and trannies
You've never had one near you lmao
>everything is a meme*
No idea what this faggotry is. America is a (degenerate) world to itself sometimes.
I’m married. To me spitting on someone is disrespectful no matter the context.
that shit is as grassroot as the catch me outside girl
the US is a Jerry Springer episode who refuse to stop
everything is staged
everyone know it
but they're so fucking dumb they don't cares
You can say all of this, but he still died holed up in Supermax™.
Mike Judge OTOH is respected.

And that's it. The difference between crazy and sane. Same ideas, handled completely different. One guy knows how to make people see his POV by making them laugh, the other guy was psychotic.
It's very easy to say that killing people is fine here on /pol/, to spread a message. I say it, jokingly, because I'm not crazy enough to believe that killing people is actually productive. It's clearly not okay.
I don't understand this post at all. One person wrote solutions to society's ills and acted on them. The other "maked people laugh". And you disrespect the former for being cut down by the powers that be and call him crazy.

How about you look in the mirror and see that you are the illogical moron.
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They seem to be celebrating how big of a gross whore she is. Typical libtard shenanigans.
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>and acted on them.
He killed people. You're not allowed to do that.
If you're a somalian in somalia and you go around killing other somalians, you're going to get got. You go anywhere on the earth, and murder is illegal. Murder has been illegal everywhere since prehistory. People that don't understand this are dangerous.
Even government gets hate for doing this. Rightfully so.

>i don't understand
Are you insane?

I'll read your reply, but I gotta go vacuum the house.
It’s a globohomo remoralization psyop, or at least it’s a distraction from all of the other awful shit happening. They want us to have something to lol about and be distracted over on the 4th. They don’t want us all talking negatively about globohomo and jews at the 4th bbq’s, but we will anyway.
Nobody cares about your retarded shit, nigger. Andrew "midgetniggerjewnochinretard" Tate was on the national news here the last week, though. That's wild and crazy stuff. I shouldn't know who he is either.
That twat getting the yellowstone brand pushed into his chest cavity is still unbeaten.
If she got aids from that it would be hilarious because she’d know how but would never say and also wouldn’t even know who have it to her.
You see shit like this all the time irl. It’s disgusting
umad because you're terminally online
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she's sorta cute and enthusiastic about sucking the dick. What's not to like?
I didn't know who that was until my normalfag family showed me

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