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what was her problem
Lack of beatings
says so in the filename. dumb bitch ( (you) not her)
>Am I in America right now
Yes. And it's only going to get more American.
literal child brain
why are the adverts in chinese?
While they arrest her for vaping because they know she has the money to bail out and pay fines I can't imagine the number of rapes that are taking place.
Imagine uppercutting her with all of your force.
rare instance where woman doesn't get away with anything
what country is this
what a demonic cunt
push it onto the tracks
we have areas that are dedicated to chinks because they self segregate, as do most races.
ADHD and severe nicotine addiction
Black cop made her wet. You can see the vaginal gush saturating her pants. Very hot to imagine these two clapping sex tools.
is that thing a woman or woman in name only
i can comfy her
A spic and a nigger decided to rape her and she got upset. It is hard to pity her when she kept demanding that they be added to every institution we have.
glycerin vapor isn't smoke though?
Has never been told no in her whole life.
ya except you know, Germans and Russians and the like. why is it only spics and chinks get to segregate themselves?
Where the fuck is this?
In Asia?
throwing tantrums have worked her entire life
Why is this even a fucking law? Fuck those cops, I hate hysterical women, but fuck anyone that says you cant stand outside and smoke. I'm not following your gay ass nigger rules, I'll do the time.
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What the fuck you can't even smoke on a train platform now, in the public?
World has truly gone insane.
Meanwhile trannies can flap their dicks around children in their pride parades.
That is all kosher and based.
Yeah um this is totally why you guys are like incels n will never have qt woman like me. Major ICK on this like this internet page in on right now
California only has laws doe Americans.

Chinks and beans can do what they want. Whites and blacks get cited for vaping and eating sandwiches
But it's not dangerous.
They just want the fine money.
Oh know muh water vapor ahhhhhh.
He touched her bobs, he's fucked.
Politicians are barley sentient.
Don't try to explain shit to them.
That’s unreal we don’t even that here
this right here is truth
don't those golems know who her daddy is?
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this! whites are dumb fucks who’ll comply with the rules and pay fines, shitskins have a free pass, especially from other shitskins. whites are now targeted for any misdemeanor bc of the revenue it will generate. I’m mindful not to transgress any social fineable law
good setup for a porno scene
>Crazy entitled BPD bitch
>Chimps out with cops, gets cuffed

Meh. With the title and the lit-up sign behind her, I was expecting an electrocution or something. 4/10.
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Imagine if you had showed this clip to an American in the 1950s.
>What the fuck is happening here? A wetback and a negro are dressed as the police? Is this a skit?
No it is not, they can really police you in the year 2024. The jews got rid of segregation and also made laws such as Hart-Celler Act that made America non-white.
>Why are they attacking that white woman? Had she committed a crime outside the camera, like a murder?
No, she was smoking...
>So in 2024, smoking is a crime?
>I better stay here in 1950s, then.
Yes, you definitely should. I want to come there too.
For both the woman and the cops




All meth users look the same. Like their body wants to return to the graveyard.
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Get fucked smokey
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>chink sign
>but also english sign in background
>nigger cop
>indeterminate cop
>hysterical white chic
>brown cops
>chink ad in ching chong
What country even is that?
canadian police uniform
I don't understand why they don't just do this
>smoke in public area
>cop comes up
>"Sir, I'm here to tell you that you can't smoke here"
>I put out my cigarette "Oh sorry, didn't notice. Thanks for letting me know, Won't happen again officer!"
>don't get arrested
>English in the background
>advertisement in Chinese?
>pale woman
>negro and asian? cop
What the fuck is going on
Why is there chinese on the screen? Why does it say “xbox” on the sign in the back? It’s like an alternate timeline where the chinks won a war against the US
get gassed, sperg
>Chinese commercial
Canadians police have guns?
many women seem to think laws are for other people, not them, since they as women are naturally innocent. and most cops/judges let them get away with a ton of shit just because they are women, so women get used to that kid gloves treatment
probably in a chinatown station in america
>Brown police officers in asia
lol no
They probably just asked her to stop and she made a tantrum ending with her incarceration.

There's that woman paying a parole in my mother's job, she was paying 4 months because she didn't moved her car and instead said "Who you know who am !? in cop's face".

Sometimes, a bit of diplomacy is enough to take you out of trouble.
>toddler tantrum foot stamp
lmao wahmen, she should be pregnant in a farmhouse somewhere not out in the big wide world
got ya now cracka mayo face
you never know which moose is gonna decide to chimp out
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Because this video (like most vertical tiktok rage/race bait videos) == commie agitprop.
Which is why we are banning tiktok.
I can smoke in my car whenever I want, this is part of why public transit is for faggot slaves, niggers, and criminals.
>We aren’t fascist
>Somebody goes to jail over a cig

death to all smokers and vape fags.
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>the law is the law
>until we need to forget or change the law to make an example or save face for the empire!
There's probably some junkie jerking off in front of kids and shitting on the sidewalk, just down the street. All statists should burn, without exception. Masonic nigger pigs and their sycophants aren't even human.
Europe, huh? The prolly inadvertently saved her from getting gangraped shortly afterwards
Hamas made the floor slippy.
sir sir do not redeeming!!! you are very dumb for the redeem!
that's something only a fag would imagine.
Indoor smoking is degenerate though.
>I can't take two steps to smoke outdoors!
>hurr durr puff puff
>why do the walls feel warm???
Early stages of Karen Syndrome.
It gets progressively worse as the years and fat pile on.
>advertisements in chink
>woman looks white
>south american looking police officer #1
>nigger police officer #2
Yeah, I'm also confused.
There are legit foreign enclaves in every bigger US city. Our "chinatowns" have everything in Chinese over there, including unironic CCP secret police stations. There's also Koreatowns and Japantowns now.
All of those fuckers absolutely REFUSE to learn English and the only way to advertise to them is in their native language.
Honestly it's not too dissimilar from your Muslimtowns.
I liked how she stamped her feet like a toddler having a little hissy fit.
It's AI dude
Get over it
It’s electronic, it isn’t lit. No flammability unless she throws it in the path of the train
I doubt 2 beat cops showed up because someone was vaping. There's more to the story here.
It's not her, it's 99.9 percent of modern humans. There's not enough pain, and people are too stupid to conceptualize pain they haven't experienced first hand.
It's NYC, Looks like an Long Island Rail Road platform. Could be near one of the three Chinatowns in the city.
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Go suck more cop dick
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>If only you knew
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>glycerin vapor
yeah everyone is just vaping glycerin vapor not nicotene or thc or heavy metal heating elements or synthetic drugs. all that stuff is trash. i roll my own for when i have to go out otherwise just water bong natural tobacoo.
Dude you should see Boston MA. It was like walking in China.
Nu United States of Weimerica
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>imagine the smell
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I didn't know people actually stomped their feet like that unironically and found it distrubing tbhonestly
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>women are adults

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