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cringe or na?

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The demiurge won't let us escape that easily
>Plebbit poster
Go back. Read name.
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Edit: Thank you guys so so so much for 1 upvote! It means the world to me. Omg I’m literally freaking out right now. I just got home from school and this absolutely blew up! I didn’t know you guys agreed with me so much. Thank you omg wow. I'll post the rest of the speech later

Edit 2: Huge thanks to u/ThomasThaWankEngine for an upvote. People like this literally change my life. Love you so much, no homo. You’re my hero. I’m freaking out OMGGGGGGG, someone else upvoted my post. You’re an amazing person. Never forget that. Thanks so much! I’m literally freaking out how do I control this?!?! Thank you. So. Much.

Edit 3: OMG!! FIVE UPVOTES?! Seriously guys, I can’t thank you enough. This has literally been the best day of my entire life. I’ll never forget this day. If we can get TEN upvotes, I will literally cry out loud. That would be so amazing. But I’m only dreaming. Actually, one of my dreams already came true. FIVE UPVOTES! God is real and he has granted me five whole upvotes. Thank you, amazing people, for helping me achieve my life long dream. I literally can’t thank you enough.

Edit 4: GUYS? WE HAVE A SEVENTH UPVOTER!!!! u/Nihon_Hanguk is the amazing person this time! They have changed my WHOLE life by pressing the upvote button and I’m sooooooo thankful for nice people like this. Keep doing what you’re doing! Maybe you can change other people’s lives too! I’m like, sooooooo happy right now guys! I CANT CONTROL MY HAPPINESS! Thank you so so so so so so so so so much. You’re amazing.

Edit 5: 15 UPVOTES?! FIFTEEN UPVOTES?! IM LITERALLY CRYING RIGHT NOW!!!! FIFTEEN UPVOTES! FIFTEEN UPVOTES?! Thank you guys so so so much. I love you all. I’m crying irl right now guys. Tears of joy, of course! joysoblaughing Special thanks to u/OverdosingOnMemes for being the THIRTEENTH UPVOTER! It means a lot to me. You’re just an absolutely amazing person. And to all other 14 upvoters, too, you’re so amazing as well. THANK YOU ALL!!!1!
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Death is the natural state of things

>shore leave

No way. Back to your trench, kiddo. :P
What are those? Bowling balls?
> to infinity (and beyond)

Kill him. Kill him now. Let him meet nothing right now.
lot of attention whores in this thread
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Melons, obviously. Might just cure his existential dread.
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Edit 7: Changed color of heart emojis in the above (AMAZING) update.

Edit 8: OOOH, WAIT GUYS. WE HAVE A TWENTY THIRD!! u/shrimpandvegetables thank you SO SO much.

Edit 9: Alright, I’m going to go play some Smash Ultimate. I’ll continue with the updates a bit later. CAN WE GET 30 UPVOTES BY THE TIME IM DONE? Probably not. But it would literally be a dream come true. Sadly, I think I’m just dreaming right now. But we can hope, right?

Edit 10: ... ... ... oh my gosh guys. oh my gosh. GUYS. THIRTY, THREE ZERO UPVOTES. THATS LIKE, GOTTA BE A WORLD RECORD. u/SuperWill93. Thank. You. Soooooo. Much. After getting badly beaten in Smash Ultimate, I felt useless. After seeing such amazing people (especially u/SuperWill93) getting me to THIRTY. THIRTY upvotes, I feel like the most important person ever. I don’t even know what else to say. Just omg. Thank you.
Based intellectually honest nihilistic atheism.
so life is supernatural? checkmate bitch

Yeah I think I did use that EXACT same joke sequence already ...


Are you bored too right now? :)
Sorry. Not an attention whore but you've gotten the attention (You) wanted. Mods: cook this nigga for a week.
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>employee 15,898,317, please stop spreading this hateful disinformation and get back to the wagie cagie. Demoralizing other employees with myths about death can cause serious harm to people's self esteem and self image.
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I just downvoted YOUR comment.

What does this mean?

The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one.

Why did you do this?

There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to:

Rudeness towards other Redditors,

Spreading incorrect information,

Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s.

Am I banned from the Reddit?

No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.
I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?

Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.
How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.
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Edit 12: 69 upvotes. nice.


Edit 14: I was just at 71 upvotes and now I'm at 70! IDIOT

Edit 15: 68 upvotes now? wtf jerks

Edit 16: Wait it's back to 71 upvotes now.
>to infinity (and beyond)
faggot really couldn't write a post without a movie reference, could he?
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Cattle die, Kinsmen die. Every man dies.
I know a thing which never dies and that is the fame of a dead mans deeds.
imagine thinking this proven virtual reality is the end all.
It is what is it. God is just cope for death. God believers kill animals everyday and while eating them they praise God lol that animal wants to live too.
Who cares lol
The truth is that you've already experienced death on multiple occasions.

Or a sort of one.

Are you the little boy you were growing up? No. He turned into a teenager, the death of your childhood. That teenager, turned into a man.

Don't run toward death, but face it with the understanding it is inevitable. Aim to live as that if you were to die today, it would feel a worthy conclusion. There would be no reservations.
>We just die and that's it
This is extremely short sighted and I don't know why people default to this line of thinking. There was already a point where you didn't exist and then suddenly you were here. What's to say that cannot happen again?
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>Can I have uuuuuuh ....

Sir, this is a paper origami board!!
I remember dealing with these thoughts when I was 9...
Weak reddit fag. Death comes for us all no matter what. Part of life. You don't fear the inevitability of the sun going down.
Do you get banned for making an account just to downvote everyone?
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Wanted. Ftfy. ;)
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Babby doesn't about reincarnation
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>ITT a bunch of pseuds haven't grasped the profundity and intensity of Birth
unironically the biggest oversight in western (((thought)))
you were "dead" before you were born too.
14 billions years (and that's just what we can measure) of unknowing void.
and what was your experience of it?
WHOOPS, here you are.
yeah i'm sure that doesn't happen again.
just like everything else in the cosmos, things happen ONCE and ONLY once.
kind of like there's only one tree, and only one star, there's DEFINITELY only one birth and subjective experience.
Look, a gay Reddit screenshot

>no melons

See ...
Most people can't handle that truth
Our souls existed before we were born onto this earth. We made a covenant with Allah acknowledging the He alone is our creator and there’s none to be worshipped but Him. That is why Islam teaches us that we are all born as Muslims and it’s why we all have a natural inclination to believe in Allah (fitra). We will be asked about this life on the day of judgement and it will seem as though it only lasted as long as the blink of an eye (ie. insignificant relative to the next life). This life is just one of many stops to our final destination. When we were just a fetus, our entire existence was in the womb. We did not know about the life beyond that, but it did not mean it didn’t exist. Similarly, many believe this life is our entire existence and there’s nothing beyond that simply because we can’t observe it. It’s time to wake up to reality
I've been saying this too but you don't have to act like a faggot about it.
>Never again to quote Rick and Morty
>Never again to go #1 in Fortnite
What kind of sick joke is life?
The soul is eternal. When we die that's not the end. There is a long bureaucratic process involved with the afterlife. You chose to come here.
I remember having those thoughts when I was 14. Laying in bed at night I started to sob, it was my first existential crisis. I was 14. I think these read-it-tors are in their 20s and 30s having these thoughts for the first time. What has happened to us as a people?
what I'll never understand is the confident, certain atheist. what the fuck is up with that? are they the same people that can't even imagine an apple? they can't even imagine other possibilities? they really think their science knows everything already?
I won't be dead forever, I'll be welcomed into eternal life by my Lord and Savior and my entire bloodline of ancestors. For this reason, i do not fear death.

Reddit is insanely mentally ill. It's honestly sad.
i'm ready to die, i dgaf
This actually makes me angry. I was that kid, because everyone around me was a fucking atheist, and it took me well into my thirties to find God again, through reason and logic, no less. It was absolute hell, believing this nihilistic claptrap. And now faggot OP made me realise for the first time that MILLIONS of kids are going through the same damned process, with no guarantee of coming out the other end intact. I've met old atheists, with very few exceptions they were a very sorry lot.

This isn't funny you faggots. Those kids are still blameless, they had no choice in being born in a profoundly sick and jewed society.
I chose this very life I'm living, I had to pay for the past one
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I had this realization when I was 3 and attempted suicide at 4 because of the dread of the world. Can't believe these redditors are dumber than me when I was 4.
>tfw no big titty central valley watermelon gf

why live?
Based pole.

Millions of kids must be introduced to the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Billions even.
too many medicine balls.
They are not people. The lights are on but no one is home
Edit 17: u/sinisterWraith is our 76th upvoter! You mean the whole world to me. You're just an absolutely amazing person. Thank you so much. You're fantastic.

Edit 18: Guys, we're getting downvotes! Some jerks are just so jealous of my AWESOME day and are just downvoting this post. But thanks to people like u/BlueScreen0fDeath, who was the like third or fourth 71st upvoter, we might not be headed in such a bad direction. People like this are absolutely awesome. Huge thank you to them. YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME! <3

Edit 20: I'm going to stop editing this post now. Bye!

Edit 21: u/MCPhantomX wants a speech! I know I'm done with editing this post but I think they upvoted the post and honestly, that means soooo much to me. People like this are just so kind. Thank you so much!
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I am administering one (1) downvote to your comment.

This is your fault.

If you had not disagreed with me in your comment, I would not have had to administer one (1) downvote to your comment.

Regrettably, however, you have decided to disagree with me in your comment, and as such, following the etiquette I workof Reddit.com (Reddiquette, as my fellow Redditors and I call it), I have been forced to administer one (1) downvote to your comment.

I understand if you are a new user on Reddit.com, but we all have to learn the Reddiquette at some point, and it seems today is your day to learn.

Let it be known, however, that you can also administer one (1) downvote to any comment of your choosing. Personally, I would use this one (1) downvote on someone who is reposting a meme, as that is a well known violation of Reddiquette.
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Reddit is better than this website by miles

The upvote system lets you see the best content first and filters out the rest.

Plus Reddit lets you sort comments by popularity, that way I'm always guaranteed to see nothing but the best content, as chosen by the community.

Here's it's just "first come first serve" like some disgusting rural cafeteria. I want my web content catered and curated, thank you very much.

4chan is just an endless stream of shit by comparison.

You probably all come here because you're failed Redditors who couldn't get any upvotes with their r*cist trash content.

As we speak I have 3 different Reddit threads on the front page of their respective boards, bringing me many thousands of upvotes each hour.

Feels good to be a successful Redditor and not an outcast like you bunch of chuds.
Obviously. These people are retsrd animals. They don't have the most basic concept of logic.
This pic is good insight into how their brains work. A normal person could be told that their comment received 30 "downvotes" and they'd say "so 30 gay niggers downvotes my thing? who gives a shit?" and would go back and tell every last one of those dumb niggers that they're dumb niggers. The redditor however cares what others think about them. Updoots and downdoots are tied to their self esteem and social standing. They can't allow themselves to say anything that the collective would perceive as bad, so they refuse to do or think anything but what the most acceptable propaganda driven idea is in any situation.
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I'd call it "the universe of the Atheist" instead. That's what they think life is, that their entire being can be encompassed in a single spark of light and warmth, and that once they step outside the bounds of the four walls of their current life, everything just... stops. That there's nothing but infinite void in all directions JUST outside the reach of their perception. No really, nothing exists outside this room, you deluded sheep! Clearly, this room is an accident, a cosmic joke, with no cause or reason for being, it just IS, and you're a FOOL for even considering the possibility of anything existing outside of it. After all, you can't see past the walls!
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That begs the question ... is a medicine ball supposed to be bitter? And would it really go down better with a bit of sugar?
If consciousness is nothing more than a local process then going to sleep every night is the equivalent of dying according to what atheists believe.

Your consciousness today is not the same as the consciousness your body will create tomorrow. It is separate new process that starts when you wake up.
Like hitting the reset button on a Sega Genesis
It's a new game.
The old game is gone forever.
Sure the memory or "save state" gets uploaded to the new game, but it's still a new game.
Yea they're waking up to the fact the idea is stupid as hell. You die, you cease to exist, it's like you NEVER EXISTED, so your fate is to one day be like you never existed so what's the point of anything now?
There isn't one.
That's why the idea you blink away when you die is so stupid. Some still insist it's this way, with the grand design of the universe on display and the building blocks of nature, with scientists claiming we're in a kind of simulation.
Sure sure. You just blink out of existence when you die. We're like light bulbs. It's just stupid.
I also never have really considered that you cease to exist when you die my entire life.
Because for all my life, at a somewhat rare rate, I have had VERY INTENSE experiences seeing, hearing, or feeling things that shouldn't be there.
They're not material like we are.
The supernatural is real. I've had plenty.
A lot. And whatever was the cause of all those different experiences was NOT a material living thing. It was something else.
The world beyond? It's around. Not far. Sometimes it says hello.
I don't know what he is talking about, people in hell have full cognition.
Hope he comes to faith in Christ and finds redemption or he is in for a rude awakening.
I love reading and listening to scientists grapple with the new ideas in physics and the data from the Webb telescope, honestly. The actual scientists those poor redditor sods venerate are going through some serious existential crises of their own right now, unless I'm much mistaken. Materialism has been pretty much debunked by their own standards, lmao. It's especially hilarious when they talk of simulations by higher dimensional beings, desperately trying to avoid using the G word.

I would advise against being too smug, however. Plenty of those reddit fucks are, well, fucks, but plenty more are just misled and in need of a helping hand, to get them out of the muck of materialist nihilism.
>still listening to atheists in the current year of our Lord
Its ok anon, Christ won't lose even one of his sheep.
The last creep I had to deal with and I've dealt with a dozen or so, was upstairs in my new house for 3 years walking around. Real loud. Sometimes came halfway down the stairs and then went back up. I ran up there 3 times a day for 3 years with my pistol just checking out the upstairs.
It got real quiet when I went up there and then would start up again.
Day, night, always the walking and moving around sometimes it opens a door and shuts it or it moves a chair a little bit across the wooden floor.
I hear it. Go up there, gets real quiet. Then come downstairs always the walking around upstairs.
Finally I'm laying in bed trying to go to sleep and it's up there walking around above me. Suddenly it JUMPS ON THE FLOOR HARD rattling my ceiling shaking the house. So I go up there and it's quiet again nothing fell over.
And I finally say " IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I BANISH YOU! This is MY HOUSE! You are not invited! I BANISH IN WITH THE POWER OF CHRIST! " and some other stuff and when I finished talking, I could hear it outside kitchen window. It was yelling. It was a woman sounded like an old hag. She was screaming " I WANT TO STAAAAAAAY "
And I ate left over cini sticks from Dominos and just listened to it and looked around nobody was out there but she was screaming outside my window.
And so I went downstairs and went to bed and for 4 months now it's been super real quiet.
No more walking. I hate when I move into a new place and there's something there. I've had to do this another time before.
Not Trump, he will live on for hundreds of years or more rent free in commie minds seething about how he turned America in a better direction
this is someone's son
when did all the threads get shitted up by name niggers? and why are stupid niggers replying to them?
This was me in my mid-20s. I was raised extremely religious, the kind of stupid fuck religious where they don't even teach you evolution in school.

When I first learned about it, it was awe inspiring. I had no inkling idea of how miraculous this universe is to mold something so incomprehensibly beautiful and complex.

Then after a few years of accepting it, the existential dread kicked in. Honestly I never really learned how to come to terms with it. After a few years I just trained myself to not think about it. Wish there was another way.
They really don't understand the implications of infinite time.
>cringe or nah
Not really. Everyone has an existential crisis when they're in their late teens to early 20s. Then you accept it, somewhat, and move on.
>After a few years I just trained myself to not think about it. Wish there was another way.
You could have just not been born at all. Trillions and trillions and trillions of years could have passed, and you would never have even been aware because you would never have been alive. You were gifted sentience to see the universe for a brief window of time. Fretting over your window of time is wasting it. Is it God, is it chance? Who knows? But sitting around being scared of being alive, and living in terror of your experience in and with the world is shit. Like I said, millions of years ago one atom could have shifted a micro inch to the left and you would never have even been born to even have these thoughts.
That's the problem with exoteric religiousness. It just doesn't work for kids with above average intelligence. Time was, people like us had other paths to follow in the overall body of the Church, and our autistic striving for knowledge was satisfied, without putting our souls in jeopardy. But all the esoteric traditions of Christianity were ruthlessly suppressed for centuries. The effects have been dire. In fact, I'd go so far as to venture a hypothesis that the rise of cringe fedora tipping was caused by mainstream, exoteric Christianity taking completely over. The higher, subtler core of the Church has rotten and withered away, leaving its branches unmoored. No wonder so many fall away in the wind.
Islam is literally jewish, no thanks.
> posts the best case scenario
> acts like it the worst case scenario
Definitely cringe.

>something so incomprehensibly beautiful and complex

Still you do not see another way?
Don't worry, one of the 3 desert retard religions will surely save you lmao. Fuckin kikes.
>it took me well into my thirties to find God again, through reason and logic, no less. It was absolute hell, believing this nihilistic claptrap.

same story here bro but actually i needed a sign, i was hardcore rationalist and for some reason one time drunk i demanded God to give me a sign if he exists

well shit 6 months he did, i was in shock but later rationalized it a bit, but the dam was broken, i was took out of materialistic paradigm, took me a while to return to catholicism though.

i have a need to introduce other people, especially atheists, to God. It seems funny because i know EXACTLY how an atheist thinks and how to break the spell
The best thing about death is that it will happen to everyone you hate and they cant avoid it. The coolest thing about death for yourself is that you peace the fuck out and dont have to worry about anything anymore. No more obligations, responsibilities, duties, nothing you owe anymore. Death is as much freedom as it is punishment. It is the ultimate end.
God exist and evolution probably isnt true im not joking
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God exists, a spiritual world exists and you go back there when you die. You don't have to be a young Earth creationist to be a Christian or even to believe in a higher power

Seek and you will find, it will be a long and hard journey but very rewarding

Extremely rigid churches and even heretical cults like Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses will leave high IQ people jaded towards God but also beware of all the hippy new age shit you will hear
>i know EXACTLY how an atheist thinks
Atheist here. Tell me, how do I think?
>he thinks the you of experience is actually yours
God bless you sir.

For Reddit it's more than that, get downvotes and you're no longer able to post and comment. So it becomes a bubble that ONLY reinforces itself with no opposing or deviating opinions or views whatsoever.
Yet, in general they don't see any problem with it, even when they're preaching for diversity, inclusion and tolerance they can't make the link.
For an outsider it looks like a cult where all the members are in a psychosis all at once.
Meanwhile, we give these people a MASSIVE megaphone in our lives. Childless, single generation faggots, troons, and worthless fucks, heavily influencing the world my children and grandchildren will be forced to live in. It's a fucking insult.
You think you're smarter than the religious sheeple, that you've broken free of the control imposed on people by religion, that you're a free thinker guided by logic and reason who is above imaginary friends and superstitions
You're prideful and arrogant

>t. ex-atheist, just like that anon
There is zero evidence of a skydaddy, regardless of whatever else scientists are facing. Certainly nothing coming from the the Webb telescope has anything to do with god.
This. You literally get punished for killing yourself. No one is allowed to quit the game

Wrong end of the telescope it appears then ...
nothing like your childless lesbian sister fighting to have schools hide shit from parents.
They are all the same nigger
What about the kind of atheist who stopped believing in god not through some kind of logical conclusion, but in a more subtle way as one stops believing in other childhood things. I know I believed in god as a child, just like I believed in various other things like santa, but some time later I no longer believed, I never even noticed the transition.
Can you link some of those scientists polish bro? I’m interested, not yet baptised but I’m thinking about it
But its true regardless of what you belive
> kill self
> brain cells harvested and put inside a chip
> spend millenia solving captchas over and over and over to enable scam bots
Most people go church because of social pressure from their parents or spouses. They would experience a negative outcome (socially) if they stopped.
Why are they so self centred? I remember as a child learning about death and being incredibly upset that I would never see my family again or those who had died previously. Why are redditors and atheists so self centred? It’s all me me me my life
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Reincarnation exists, and it is in the form of your progeny and descendants.

The more kids you have, the higher the chances of your "soul" coming back to experience reality.

Ever notice the DNA strand looks like an antennae?

Source: I made it up
Evolution is bullshit. I don't believe in the semitic tales, but evolution still is bullshit, those are independent things.

It is pretty badly explained usually.
Only athiest cucks have anxiety over death, ill be exploring all the realms of the subtle realms and conjure up my own little slice of heaven when im done
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You are pretty decent soldier material, son. Did anyone ever tell you that? :)
your soul was raped by the demons of our world
redeem yourself
But not words. Not books.
Poor sap doesn't realize he's heading straight for hell. Repent and believe
Reincarnation does not require a personal soul to transfer from body to body. Instead, reincarnation simply requires new lifeforms to be born, which will give rise to consciousness. The ending of your personal life does not equal nothingness. The cosmos will continue existing, and life will simply be born again from recycled matter.

Nothingness is the ego's refusal to believe its own death. It's egotistical thinking.

I find this more interesting than a personal soul. If we cause suffering in this world, we hurt ourselves in a kind of way, since we will rise as new lifeforms in the future. Troubles we cause today, we will suffer in the future (punished for our sins) as one lifeform or another.

Keeps the story simple I think, since you don't need to explain the soul etcetera.
hedonism turns your soul inwards
my earliest memory is being carried through a golden wheat field to an old native American man, and he looked down on me and smiled. my parents say it never happened. I'm white. I didn't live near golden wheat fields
shut the fuck up schizo
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>Troubles we cause today, we will suffer in the future

Can mitigate that to a degree by leaving notes behind. Considerate thing to do.
...Native Americans never cultivated wheat.
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You need to have descendants to reincarnate.
>Verification not required.
I get existential dread sometimes but I know that there is a God and existence goes beyond the mortal coil.
Kek man was mkultra’d or is a synth
No but they live in a country full of people that do.
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You are an agent of Yaldabaoth.
explain what that means
You were dead before this and you have no memory of it. Why does it matter?

>Eat dat watermelon, eat dat watermelon, eat dat watermelon! Sho' is good!
I don't mind people trying to cling on whatever hope they have or what makes them go through life but to say to someone that they are stupid because they don't believe in some God is absolute insanity.
In fact, that realization that life is nothing but pure hell makes you actually think about the things that are important.
For one, i would never in my life have a kid just knowing that this is what is in store for them and that the only escape from this misery is putting trust in to some imaginary God.
You simply never saw God as a real thing and only thought it because it was imposed upon you.
God is still real.
This thought never scared me. It sounds nice honestly. Just turn off. End of all sensation. Sounds like the best fucking nap you could ever have.
I legit prayed one time without being forced to do so, seems like I thought god was real.
>seems like I thought god was real.
>and only thought it because it was imposed upon you.
That's what I said. You never believed it.
That is your choice. It's the wrong choice, but its up to you.

But you will be prevented from spreading your spiritual disease to young minds. The tide of history is turning, count on it. And better pray that Christianity will win out in the end, because we'll probably let you lot be, with certain restrictions on spreading your filth. The Muslims will put you under their boot, without hesitation, or just kill you if you resist.

I don't think you're stupid, btw. I think you're diseased, as I mentioned. I feel for you, because I know what it was like. I truly hope you get better. But I also know that debate has exactly zero value here. A rotting spirit cannot be healed by words of man.
you got to play with the pikamons into your 30s and nobody murdered you over it. (mostly)
that's trailblazing shit right there man in the face of all of human history. you're a fucking folk of legend, and we'll never see those high water marks again I reckon. anyway enjoy your digital furbaby progeny.
I was raised in the exact same manner and went through more or less the same experience. By my late 20's I've become more religious and developed authentic feelings of spirituality but I fear I'm always going to have this nagging doubt in my mind that randomly sneaks up and paralyzes me. Raising your kids into this nihilistic shit is unironically child abuse, like a circumcision of the mind and soul.
Dies and wakes up a baby with no tail
must've been after 1777

aw shit
Doubt? Doubt is perfectly normal. Don't listen to Peterson and his bullshit, you don't have to be absolutely 100% certain all the time to call yourself a believer. I'm sure there are some lucky bastards who never entertain doubts about the nature of reality or the validity of their faith, but they're either saints or idiots, possibly both. Are you a saint? Or an idiot? No? Then stop adding to your cross. So you have doubts, big whoop. Don't overcomplicate it, think it through, preferably pray on it. You should at least suspect by now that all logic and reason lead to God anyway, even if in a meandering sort of way.

The journey won't end until we're dead, Anon. I suspect not even then.
"Never to exist again forever"

People who have been duped to think this honestly deserve it. Like what the fuck man this is pathetic. I am so fucking glad I don't think like this or have been influenced to think like this. I feel bad for this Redditor, I'm not going to go out of my way to help them but oh my god... they are missing out on SO MUCH, and even if people tried to show them the light they would probably scoff in return. What a conundrum
Does anybody really know the secret? To the combination for this life or where they keep it? It's kinda sad when you don't know the meaning, but everything happens for a reason.
Lmao, Limp Bizkit was my favourite band when I was like 14. I remember I used it as a soundtrack for playing Deus Ex, for some reason. Bizarre, but it worked.
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>as chosen by the community.
Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and filter my opinion on the opinion of other's opinion.
Wow this is my most upvoted post ever, thanks kind strangers!

Edit 2: Thanks for all the witty replies to my comment as well :)

Edit 3: 274 karma, almost at 275!

Edit 4: 275!!

Edit 5: Down to 273 :/

Edit 6: u/jack333666 has mentioned the edits and I just want to say, I don't see anything wrong with thanking the people that made you successful.

Edit 7: 269 now. I don't understand why I'm getting hate.

Edit 8: Stop bullying me. I'm not going to say it anymore.

Edit 9: u/yetibutton You know what? Post it to 4chud or whatever the hell that lsite is. I promise you will get laughed at and kicked out of there. Just because you're jealous that I'm the king of Reddit doesn't give you the right to attack me!!
Materialism has been disproven a long time ago by the double slit experiment.
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An hour ago, you downvoted me. I poured my heart and soul into writing that comment, and took the risk of revealing my true innermost feelings, only to be viciously attacked and downvoted.

I was so excited when I wrote that comment. I thought it was well thought and honest. I thought people would read it, agree or disagree, and move on. But then..you took my happiness away with the click of a button. I was then told I would not be able to post for 9 minutes. Not only was my dignity taken away, but my ability to write another comment was revoked. I was punished for daring to reveal my soul to the world.

I am literally shaking right now. I don't know how I will move on or survive this incident. My mind will forever be wracked with the painful torment of wondering: who? why? Will there ever be justice?

Some day, I will tell this story to my grandchildren. It will serve as a reminder of just how cruel the world can be. I hope the future generations can build a world that is better than our own, one where nobody has to suffer the extreme pain and torment of being downvoted.

In the mean time, it is going to take a lot of therapy and time to recover from this trauma. I might even need to look into adopting a comfort llama to help me get through every day life. Right now all my mind is capable of focusing on are the horrible flashbacks.
Eh, tbf, we do that naturally. That's exactly why Reddit, Twitter, and unironically this place can be so dangerous. The combination of our natural inclination for groupthink and an online echo chamber is a powderkeg. That's why I deleted twatter some time ago, it was making me absolutely hate everyone and everything. At least with pol I know most of the posts here are made by bots.
Glow Op
>What's to say that cannot happen again?
That's entirely irrational, that's why. You didn't just pop up out of nowhere, you were created by a unique process that can never be repeated.
>If consciousness is nothing more than a local process then going to sleep every night is the equivalent of dying according to what atheists believe.
You are still conscious while asleep, that's what dreams are for. Its just generally wiped upon waking, as its gobblygook.
>Sounds like the best fucking nap
Naps bring relief. Nothingness brings nothing. No relief, no rest, no anything.
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>And what exactly is it that the atheist’s faith buys him? It affords him nothing more than a worldview in which humanity is a cosmic accident, in which life is ultimately meaningless, and in which nothing is for sure save for the cold and inevitable embrace of permanent death. Is it then any wonder why atheism is not a satisfactory or sustainable unbelief system? It is a temporary affair, a filament which can only burn for so long. Much like a burnt-out light bulb, it must be replaced, lest a man linger in darkness.

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