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health code violation edition

>Season 2 is over now

>Who Won?
TJ won after beating Shinji in a boxing match

>Will there be season 3?
Yes after mini-season 2.5

>What is Fish Tank?
Fishtank is an online reality show, directed and produced by Jet Neptune and Samuel W. Hyde. A smart house is monitored 24/7 & broadcast live to the world. All bedrooms have cameras, common spaces are monitored via video and audio surveillance. When the lights go out, the IR comes on. The Fishtank house is always on.

>Tayleigh diss track


>Final S2 tierlist

>Missed the show and the previous season?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

Previous >>20683593
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Good evening, I hate Tayleigh
>Tay: let me waste our green gas and burn a plastic doll in a plastic sandbox and make Ben put it out
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Was Tayleigh joking when she mentioned that /bant/ drove her to meth use? She's normally too autistic to be sarcastic, but that's an insane thing to publicly admit so casually.
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It's satisfying to watch her deteriorate
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Oh shit guys, the show is getting interesting, someone tell Tay so she can come in and ruin it.
breaking news
the guy who bought the BEE plushie has unfollowed Tayleigh on twitter
half of me thinks she's joking the other half dead serious
kek this copypasta is so good
Reminder that Tayleigh sold her pussy and destroyed her fan base for $50 from a 20yo bisexual stoner who lives with his grandma and can't even keep a fast food job.

Literally less than what an actual Backpage prostitute charges. It's funny how she's so anti-OF when Jordan's probably going to make her start doing it to pay for their drugs.
Probably but she shouldn't be joking about that given meth users probably make a large percentage of Jordan's family.
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TJ here
To all the fat faggot incel (ex LOL) taytriots here, I just wanted you to know: I won.
post the clip
it's funny because that looks exactly like Taylor too
>Reminder that Tayleigh sold her pussy
you are unwell
Tayleigh sold her bony disgusting pussy to a 20 year old kid who came inside her and now she's pregnant
This town ain't big enough for the two of us
BASED TEEJ!!! You get some Tayleigh crack whore pussy too? She's open for business.
>Jon correctly sussing out that tayleigh is only using Jimmy
LOL @ sam making tayleigh move the bike.
I bet that apple bottom tts was from wes lol
can I get a quick rundown of EVERYTHING that's happened up to now
Tay lied. Taytriots died. Jordan (and apparently TJ) creampied.
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Tay is evil for manipulating jimmy
everyone's always taking advantage of poor jimbo. genuinely bums me out
evil bitch
That’s a dude
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very impressive
we all know Taylor's teeth aren't that white
good try
Is Jimmy based or unbased for this anti-Jew rant?
Does anyone have "The Tayleigh Manifesto"? Need to include that in my Tayhate folder.
Jews are Cancer but exposing your power lever for another jew to make money is not based.Jimmy is just actually retarded.
melinda fucked her shit up
hate this cunt, needs a fat cock shoved down her throat
There's really nothing you can do at that point when your hair is growing back. It's going to look like shit no matter what.
it should be longer than that by now though
Her diet doesn't help
>it should be longer than that by now though
Tay has said that her mom is a hairdresser and she has been cutting and styling her hair, she's not doing like TJ
>Tay has said that her mom is a hairdresser and she has been cutting and styling her hair,
yes.. hence my original comment
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>2024... I am forgotten...
sry didn't read it :O
Tay comes running for daddy sam fucking kek
lmao I wish they would have forced her more
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Tayleigh said she's going to mod her chat from now on. Benleaks always saying how she should leave this site and being close enough to production made me think that maybe during this month she was away from home she got a long overdue streamer bootcamp from Jet (I am not dismissing the Crackwhore narrative; she could always make a scale between Texas and Rhode Island).
With that said, I believe Jet convinced her to cut ties with /bant/ and 4chan altogether, considering how everyone shuns this site if they want to grow their audience anywhere else online, only that Tay with her love for 'bits', tried to do an elaborate way to deliver the news instead of, say, putting up a letter like Nyanners; not streaming for a while, the way she talked about "being taken" to Xavier and more. Hell, I even believe the wiggers propped her up as MC because they were going to give her a character arc during these two weeks to make her more appealing to Reddit and other groups while giving her a proper sendoff -- maybe make her act insufferable the first week, turn her into a vampire and let her redeem herself by helping the party from the other side, I don't know.
Too bad about the meth head jumping the gun and boasting about bagging her a day before. She probably started doing the Cockbuddy routine for people to follow the crumbs and find out while she was in there, but she kept getting TTS about who her streaming career was over, how she was all alone and the Q bit made her panic and threw everything off, to the point Jet got frustrated and made 2.5 another bout of "production makes a Letty out of everyone by telling them to go at their teammates".
Yes, it is once again coping and I know Tay (and Jimmy) are too dumb to learn from past mistakes and they are doing the same things they did in S2 so far. I just want to think she is being led into the shitshow that has been this past week and it's not all arrogance from her part.
Bitty throwing shade
Rare kikewhore W
>attention BBC whore vs meth head cunt
You're retarded. Production doesn't give a fuck about tayleigh and purposely fucked with her by playing into the q thing. She didn't go to some streamer bootcamp, she was in kentucky or ohio. She is lazy and self destructive.
She looks so fucking unhealthy
lol this
Whose hair is longer? TJs or tays?
what's happening?
I'm watching Interstellar
Q was right about tayleigh being a lolcow btw
Hence the coping part. I was thinking about Jet wanting to capitalize on her unexpected welcome when she began streaming and how she could easily be under his thumb, unlike Trish or Taylor who got the potential but they don't mindlessly follow him like Tay.
It really is over. That's what I get for rooting for the underdog.
The camera just went past Tayleigh during Fatty getting naked and it looked like she wanted to die. She knows we were right lol
she said she was having fun yesterday as a cope
What's she thinking literally right now?
Why does she detest him so
>bant did this, it's their fault.
Structural items
>this is the bitch that mindbroke /bant/

Sometimes I feel a bit bad about all this, but then you remember she looks like this and snap out of it. I thought she had a cool personality, and fun times were had, but it really isn't the end of the world. Parasocial relationships are extremely gay anyways.
I'm fucking dead kek
>Sam just destroyed Tay's gun
How long until Betty come here and pretends she never liked Tayleigh
Second time he's done it btw.
i think she was going to be invited no matter what. It probably didn't matter that she was, note the "was", the most successful streamer post season 2. She is an MDE fan, didn't care about getting raped, is familiar with the fishtank contract, was somewhat popular on season 2, and is a US citizen, of course she was going to get picked. But she completely fumbled her streaming career by trying to take the high road about streamers failing to be transparent to their audience and then going against that principle, also her lazy self destructive ways didn't help either
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>nah dude they like me now they were just joking during s2
she was always in denial about this. it's why we tried to stop her lol
sorry for the spoonfeed request but can someone give me a qrd on what the fuck is going on? just found out about S2.5 and want to get in on it but there's all kinds of characters and quests that i'm out of the loop on.
nigga this isn't /tv/
this is the official ex-taytriot anonymous meeting where we discuss the fall of the tayleigh empire
It looked like she was shielding her eyes because she has a heckin boyfriend now. That or she thought they were gonna make her do things with him
>Sam and Xavier laughing maniacally in each of Tay's ears

Wonder what she was thinking as they were humiliating her?
it comes full circle now
Ponder the aroma. They'll probably reek of piss.
Would be real nice if I could get back into my Fishtank account, Jimmy deserves a cig
she's obviously always been jealous of the attention Tay gets. The angriest she ever got was when someone told her she'll never be /ourgirl/
Stop giving them money
Are you the one that used Q's name?
Her simps will pay extra for the piss soaked ones
didn't they shut down accounts and take tokens for people sending mean tts to tayleigh? if that's true, never give them any money
As soon as she is unbanned
Takes one to know one?
I thought this was common knowledge after S2's shitshow. I don't know how is there people giving them their hard earned dollars after fumbling the ball so many times.
didn't she come on here and start posting all her porn and piss and said "fuck u get pissed on"? lmao
I got banned too for a tay tts, so gay

Betty will never be our girl
post your bans
Yes, she did. Ariel is a grotesque kike whore.
Yeah mine and I saw 2 other people say that happened to them on /tv/
Hey Ariel, we hate Tayleigh now but still hate you, fuck off
Ariel's holes are pristine but she's not scoring points taking fat BBC dildos
leftover tokens from S2
Contact support for a refund and say you need the money for rent or something lol. get that money back bro
thinking about how her life is gonna look for now on
do you think tayleigh will play jimmycraft on her steamdeck?
I cannot wait to shit all over tay if she ever streams
>treeniggers still didn't leave
What the fuck are you doing here
What can Tayleigh do to win our favor back?
so much for leaving
apologize and go away for a bit.
Quit the show and apologize for blaming us
Never have a presence on the internet after this is over.
nothing, it's total war. She declared it yesterday after doubling down.
I'd rather eat out Tay's porcelain meth-stank aids ridden cooter filled with Kentucky Fried Nut than see a single ariel or bettycord adjacent post for the rest of my life
you'll never leave, huh, treenigger?
Nothing, the damage has already been done. It's best for everyone to move on.
I still think we need to mindfuck Tayleigh by giving some other girl the treatment we gave her. Even if we only keep it up for a week or so. Let her feel that burning jealous that Betty feels.

I nominate Blacksmith's wife.
Give the /bant/ ex-taytriots the sex they are owed. Maybe charge $50 each if she wants
>july 2024
>tay is a bigger lolcow than betty
>betty is dancing on her ashes and taking some of her business
i kneel
Bro you're not supposed to be here wtf are you doing
Probably nothing tbqh. She's too two-faced to take any seemingly sincere apology at face value. Maybe completely shitting on Sam and MDE?
fuck i hope she does piss in mine. maybe even squirt hopefully <3 yummy
Q already mindfucked her and destroyed the xayleigh plot for production. I'm satisfied with that.
start an onlyfans
it has to be someone that would make her seethe, like Abi or Betty
Go on a date with Q
She snapped that one one Taylor tts so that might work.
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TAYLOR COMPILATION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoDCfq3vxGA
Taylor is perfect because she's doing everything right and the opposite if Tayleigh in every way
He said he was leaving when betty's ban was up, don't know when that is though.
It's already up
do you think bitty will ever learn how to clear cache and reset router?

tay doesn't want you to see her nudes
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>blacksmiths wife
this is the correct answer, shes so lovely
Someone would just report her for ban evasion
that moneygoblin dude is deranged
She’s already unbanned she just dosent wanna be here with you people
Anyone that wants total Tay annihilation is "deranged" to you
Literally nothing. She's irredeemable
She's probably cost them a lot of time and money having to monitor her TTS/SFX whenever it's all, having to ban people, people doing charge backs. And she wouldn't even play their stupid game with the Xavier stuff. They absolutely hate her guts now.

Jordan S3 status?
>They absolutely hate her guts now.
the funniest part today was Sam and Xavier howling in both her ears at the same time while Sam makes his s o i jak face
I remember, the 1488 girl did declare war
as if she can stay away from /bant/. she hates her discord and has to regulate herself heavily on twitter and twitch.this is one of the spaces she can freely express herself and her madness
it's you lol
Yeah they are absolutely regretting bringing her on. They've surely rejected thousands of dollars worth of tts at this point
I'm waiting for another dildo video except she will probably flip out and actually post one of her riding it
Shut up faggot
Yep total war
Blacksmiths whore more like.
>this is one of the spaces she can freely express herself and her madness
Having frequent mental breakdowns like an unhinged retard and sharing tmi about her personal life is how she freely expresses herself?

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