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What's the best way to get rid of a ton of flies?
Combine all possible methods. Use sticky paper, uv light electrocuters and poison spray. All out war is the only answer when insects are concerned.
make it a game thats what I do
>be me
>chilling and human maxxing
>here a buzzing nearby
>Wrath of a thousand angry kindergartners is activated in my heart
>20/20 vision since I'm a big game hunter
>Spot the intruder
>Intruder is now prey
>I am Gods strongest hunter
>Find my weapon
>Handy old melee weapon the way god intended
>Guns for these fools are for the uncultured not for me
> I see him
>cheeky bugger is farther away from me than I'd like
>Patience is the name of the game
>the agony of the wait is what I live for.
>Finally he feels safe
>Sits on my table
>With the energy of 1000 Nagasaki's I land my blow
>With the Force of 1000 Nagasaki's I end his life
>I am Gods Stongest Hunter.

So OP thats the best way to kill flies hopefully this helps.
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Introduce a lot of spiders.
Depending on how bad it is, poison and then venting it out might be your best option. Where are they concentrating?
I have geckos in my windows that eat them
Those fly trap bags work the best but smell the worst
i've seen videos of that weird rotating disk trap but i don't know how good it is
in theory you can put something irresistible like meat in it and it would decimate all the flies

but i find the best way is by luring them via light and windows
i have some screen windows and i find that if i just leave them open by a couple inches, flies will flock to the window to try and get outside but they will instead get inside the are between the glass and the screen and be unable to get back out (but they will eventually given time), so you can trap a lot in there in an hour or two and then close it and they'll die in a day or two depending on the weather, or you can spray them with soapy water from outside and kill them instantly (you will need to rinse the window after or else it;ll look terrible)

but again to the light thing; outside of food, they are very much attracted to bright things, so for example you can set up something like a milk jug with a big bright white funnel on it, with some mixture of different things (i think cooked meat is the most desirable thing to flies) and they'll gladly and easily fly into what appears to be a huge target to them, and they'll be unable to get back out through the small funnel hole (you have a better chance if the bottom side is black or something, they have a hard time seeing dark things)
i haven't tried this method myself, but it should work
i do know they love flying into my room constantly because it has a bright white door that guides them in if it's open

for a more passive approach you can simply dedicate a room in your house, ideally with a window, and keep the light on all day and all night
at night, flies will seek light much like moths do, and if you leave fly tape in that room, eventually they'll fly into that, and the more flies on fly tape, the more are attracted to it
you can do the window trick here too, but mostly they're just attracted to windows, and i believe they can feel the breeze
cant wait until niggers bump this thread for months on end
This but unironically
I wish flies were real.
Have you tried apple cider vinegar? Trap and drown them all with sweetness.
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This is another spam thread. It will repeatedly be bumped and the bump messages will be deleted. It will clog up the board for a long time.

They sell spray just for flies and once you eliminate the reason you got so many you spray that shit in the air and boom no mo flies.
That's a helpful response, but this is purely a spam thread. People are continually bumping it and then deleting the bump message. They will continue doing that for a long time.
i don't see the harm if the thread has good information on how to deal with the fly menace
nor do i see what there is to gain from bumping and deleting, but i'll not contribute to that
Like the ice cream thread?
tsmt but with mosquitoes when i get 30+°C clear skies multiple days in a row after a humid day
As you can see, this is only a spam thread. People repeatedly bump it and delete the bump messages.
I don't remember asking.
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a ton of spiders
You're American so you can own a salt shotgun right
Use a night light next to flypaper.
Get rid of whatever is attracting them. Pro tip, bury the bodies at least fifty meters from your home. Don’t just toss them in the basement.
Are salt shotguns illegal in Japan?
I don't think the cirno is prominent enough in the image to be a necrobump thread
It is, though.
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I guess it really is.
Best way is to burn them however. Unless he's living in a hot climate where people ask questions. Ok nevermind.
Find the source of the flies and get rid of it. Look for a rotten bag of potatoes or something.
Deleting them you stupid cunt. How don't you know how to delete files you retarded bitch?
Fuck how does the cia keep this thread up but Jannies delete every thread I make on aliens?
They do this just to flood the board?
It’s nuts that they get called out but Jannie’s leave this shit up
They force other threads off by keeping this one up
It’s probably designed to stay up longer hope janitors kill any thread worth anything
fuck that thread stayed up for like 6 months
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Get a bug-a-salt. I had the same problem at one time in my life and now I don't have that problem, plus I'm pretty sure I could shoot my way out of a zombie apocalypse now.
why do you guys do these threads?
What flag is this?
We need to fill it up so it dies
Do they hurt if I shoot you with it
Yeah I shot my friend's leg and he said it stings pretty badly.

He asked me to. I'm not the type of person that would shoot my friends unless they asked.
>doesn’t shoot friends until they ask for it
Smart move anon
Fuck off
1 pbtid
Fuck these Jannies
Vietnam. The program that shrank the image must have messed it up.
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>shoots friend with salt
that’s assault (a-salt) brother
Just set a bag of poop out, change daily
Much more likely
Just burn them? Inside?
Yep. Just fill the place with a bug bomb and stay in a hotel or family
That's ancient history. There's no modern country called that.
He is waiting for good feed back
Finally, a cheap and practical solution.
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*North Macedonia
>encyclopedia that anyone can edit
Get a traditional fireplace.
N-word! Stupid N-word!
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Take a shower pissnoid
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Seethe. Cirno thread, Cirno board, Cirno website.
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How about you take a shower first?
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dance for me, frog man
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Oh my toad ass what is that smell?
I might have forgotten to take out the trash again
Oh wait trash can is empty
Well the only logical thing what it could be is pissno

Stanky stanky pissno
You smell like an absolute monkey shit
Like what the actual Fuck
How could you possibly smell that bad?
Looks like a 1,000,000 [s4s] just came in your hairy ass crack
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Both of you two are glowie scum for bumping this thread once a day
This website is a darpa ran honeypot
why are anime and cat posters always faggots and glownigs?
look at this loser. they spend a week on this website bumping this shitty thread? that’s not a real human being
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>the glownigger is back
how’s your morning shift going faggot?
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It's a bit cloudy, but otherwise a nice day like any other. Say, you've been having any thoughts about overthrowing the government or smuggling illegal substances lately?
Damn you’re dedicated
They probably pay you the same as Jannies
Hopefully enough to comfortably kys
Cirno won geg
this is that pedo anime isn’t it? why don’t you guys get a life?
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A videogame, actually. It is definitely a bit weird how most characters are little girls, but I assure you it has nothing to do with p*dophilia.
I'm not paid enough for this.
>pedo glowie trash
fuck off
This website is designed to keep everyone dumb
they pay you to bump these? just to drown out other conversations and thin the content? spending a week on here saving this thread requires some commitment
There is hardly any other conversation in this shithole, frog threads are the ones thinning out actual content because there are tens of them while cirno threads are 3 at most, and most importantly, stop pretending you have a good cause. You're just a selfish, stupid piece of shit.
This is the best thread on the catalog.
Its a fun game.
Cancer thread
What the fuvk is wrong with you retards?
>anime posters devote weeks or months to the same thread
>it’s a game anon
No it’s your life loser, get out there and do something else
They’re fucking psychopaths. But Jannies prune other threads on this board for nothing
So they people who are posting anime like this are adults? You guys don’t feel weird?
End of thread
Now Jannies can delete this
Measuring cup full of vinegar, I think it only works on fruit flies though.
This anon is the real hero
>complains about frog posters on 4chan
Could you glow any brighter?
>Say, you've been having any thoughts about overthrowing the government or smuggling illegal substances lately?
It’s like you read my mind
Very suspicious how op never even came back
>salt guns
Are they illegal in Japan?
based anon
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Wouldn't that smell bad?
>shooting salt all over your house for other bugs to snack on
You two should be shot for bumping this thread when it’s about to die
They bump and delete on this thread when it gets to the bottom of the catalog
They have an alert on this thread that bumps it when it gets low on the catalog
You guys are losers
a ton of frogs
I didn't do that. vYDTkRhR is the main ID to blame.
This anon is right.
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>No it’s your life loser, get out there and do something else
I am a university student and much of my time is spent working, studying, and attending classes. I'm probably one of the few people here who can claim to have something going for them in life. I don't see why this thread upsets you so much.

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