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Princess Tummy Edition!

>What is Fish Tank?

>Who is this thread about?
Letty and her princess tummy!

>Thread Rules
No revenge porn
No Bettyposting until she apologizes to Letty

>Letty's accounts:

Previous: >>20737152
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HD letty clips from s2.5
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A Letty ad was playing on the television, and we're supposed to believe that Ben "accidentally" let the treadmill slam into the TV, breaking it.
The image of princess must've drove a foul creature like Ben crazy...
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There's gotta be a Princess Feet edition one day.
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You should bake the next one anon.
Good God was she anorexic then. On second thought, we should have a Princess Curves edition instead.
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i love this webm because it's cute, funny and sexy
I have the sound version lol. I'm glad princess is a good sport and has a sense of humor.
You nerds are worse than the Josie posters.

Letty is a ho. Like legitimately a whore. But she still wouldn't sleep with any of you. She probably wouldn't even talk to you. I live near her in Alberta. I will report in after I have successfully fucked Letty.


She doesn’t even live in Alberta
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She was pretty skinny, but the cameras also made it look worse. About half way through S1 she gained enough weight for it to be noticeable.
Ana letty was still cute desu
I wasn't all that attracted to Letty at first, it was only when she gained more weight that I began to think she was hot. That and when she started getting more and more vicious and competitive lol. I like me a dangerous woman.
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Letty is a princess!
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Quite a mischievous princess at that! Imagine taking her to dinner and she plays a little footsie under the table!
nigger nina is a drugged up cutter whore that can only take hold of worthless mentally ill wiggers!
that would be nice..
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Unbelievably so! I'd be tempted to skip dessert and just nibble on her instead, I bet she tastes so sweet!
i love her so!
Damn, Lettychuds really won after all.
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lets all post our first letty image or webm we saved. this is mine, i saved it on april 19th at 5:06pm.
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First Webm, happy princess is cutest princess!
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First image. Barefoot princess is hottest princess!
She just took of her socks off footbro.
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>open up stream
>send a positive TTS to Letty
>main website chat goes completely apeshit because apparently it was a solemn moment for Dave and he was in a monologue or something

I just wanted to send princess some support...
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>I just wanted to send princess some support...
She deserves it.
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letty is a 10 to me
Claire is super banal. Literally every popular girl from high school. Yawn.
your waifu is going to fuck fat jimbo
She’s a whore with zero self respect
It's obviously a bit lol. When he left the room for a bit she told Oddbod that she doesn't know if she can do this for much longer.

If they did get together.....well, if Jimmy wasn't violent, I'd ship it.
POST the one where she ASKS JIMMY to cum for her
she already fucked half of production you fucking idiot she has no standards at all
Jimmy is a new low
its his turn lol
He’s a literal lolcow subhuman
and letty is #notacow i know.. i know..
What does this even mean
it means that she's an epic selfharmer/femcel and def not a cringey cow
That’s different from a lolcow
imagine blowing raspberries on Letty's tummy..
you obviously don't browse /baphomet/ lmfao
bad news boys I heard letty is banging jimmy
It was a bit you retards.

This literally proves it wasn’t
>2.5 was different
Yeah because she was still with tacx so she could be less open about being into Jimmy
hi abi!
How come none of lettys girl friends give her any advice for relationships
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Letty owes Jimmy sex
she doesn't but its good news for jimmy that they're friends. this will give him credibility to bang other fishtank orbiting girls though.
Nah he’s already in with letty, it’s over
letty is looking for a husband. someone who can support her and children easily financially. that's not jimmy
No she’s just delusional and says random shit, she’s fucked up in the head
She was never into Jimmy. This was basically the Airsoftfatty bit from S1 where Sam told her to flirt with him and act like she's into him. I also don't think Jimmy is particularly attracted to her, she was the one initiating all the "flirting".
Jimmy is attracted to any woman and he said he’s attracted to her on 2.5. This is also completely different flirting compared to airsoftfatty, she would not be keeping this up while he’s gone if it were just a bit
Nobody is this thread knows enough about women to see this obnoxiously obvious fact. I know at least 5 girls with the exact Letty phenotype and they are all gigasluts all with that identical feigned personality
Cope niggers. As soon as Letty heard about the bwc it was over. Jimmy is getting in those stinky, brown, fart filled guts as soon as they're alone together.
What are there @s?
And they say men will fuck anything
Most painful moment of this year, only because I haven't watched since
When even was this? I don’t remember this
Right before jimmy was "leaving" and he was giving his faggy word salad goodbye speech. It was her first grossly obvious gesture towards him
So fucking disgusting, he literally made her cry in the woods for hours no more than 2 weeks ago and she just falls for this violent subhuman. It’s so tiring man
Ur acting like him being violent and making her cry would be a turn off or something. She is literally the (((1488 trad waifu))) that you were warned of NUMBSKULL.

When Johann Sebastian Bach was 36, he married his second wife who was 20 and they had 13 children together. I have confidence that by the time theyre of breeding age, there will be a significantly larger portion of white gen alpha girls who arent whores compared to the current breeding age white girls. Just don't get attached to any broads until you find an actual trad gen alpha mate. Yes there is a low chance that her mother won't be blacked but hopefully your genes will be strong enough to wipe away the residue
She’s not the 1488 tradwife. It’s just funny how she postures about hating how violent men are and then you see the men she chooses lol
Ok ur brown
It's just why are you seemingly so taken aback by her. It's literally textbook whore nature
Idk it’s just sad
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I just read that there will be no season 2.5 archive
Make sure not to delete any of your raw files anons no matter how useless, others might need them someday to make Letty clips!
Women who have strong opinions about male degeneracy are universally covering up for the fact that they are totally roasted whores.
They will call out male porn addiction and belittle guys who by all accounts are out of their league but jump on a flea infested donkey if they saw it get erect.

Find a quite girl who doesnt have any strong opinions and cherish her.
Letty doesn’t have strong opinions but it’s funny how she somehow thinks the guys she likes/is with haven’t/don’t watch porn. She’s a horrible judge of character
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Looking forward to many catfights on Bitchtank! Princess will be the alpha-bitch, naturally.
has the rest of the cast been announced? i wanna try and figure out who letty will work with and hassle best.
Abi and Claire are in, but I assume there will be more. Tayleigh has streams coming up so I doubt she's in, also don't think Trish will be in. I'm guessing there will be a few new faces.
such a kissable forehead..
kill yourself nigger nina. just do it. your 'intrusive' thoughts are your real thoughts. youre nothing but trash, just take yourself out already
post a webm of letty after she supposedly had sex and i can tell you if she did to a great degree of accuracy
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I support and endorse this man's scientific endeavours
Purely for research of course
Those kind of webms of her don’t exist
built for Jimmy
haley doesn’t stand a chance. this is going to be an easy letty w.
Apparently Letty won't be on BT. I wonder why.

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Probably just burnt out, she kept saying she was and had now energy yesterday
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if you actually believed that you're a very stupid man
She’s production though right?
Letty is 5’5 and 107.5 pounds
Seems like Letty will be part of production this season. Disappointed she won't be in the show proper, but stoked regardless.

Ideal woman height. Not too tall, not too short.
princess tummy is quite soft..
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so true
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i wanna blow raspberries on her supple tummy..
imagine rubbing small circles on her tummy..
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Princess is too OP.

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so pretty and perfect!
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very pretty
and trad now also!
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I haven’t been watching
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I'm loving her hair! Quite lady-like!
i love her so!
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so pretty and perfect!, i love her so!
wtf, when was this?
Two or three days ago in the cell, they had to make outfits out of random stuff and model them
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So fucking hot
she did an awesome job with a garbage bag
Yeah she should’ve won
Looks like a chick you'd meet at a club in Bulgaria. Very Slavic princess.
I agree, but they gotta nerf Letty hard so the others can stand a chance. We can't have Fishtank being like Melee, where it's either Fox or nothing.
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Glowing princess. She should run for president.
nigger nina needs to get beaten. i want to hear her cry begging for me to stop as i kick her in the stomach.
What are you thoughts on lettys stomach aside from the violent thoughts
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My thought is that her tummy is great, but her feet are better! Imagine waking up to go to work in the morning and seeing trad wife Letty sound asleep, and you bend down and take a nibble off her big toe with her knowing!
dont really have any. i guess its a stomach?
Do you like fishtank?
its ok
i want to fling nigger ninas head into the wall. shes a piece of shit
Who do you like from the show
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The only correct answer is Letty. Letty now and forever. Maximum Lettiness.
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i don't care for the show it doesn't have much substance just sort of a "vibe"

People who can sit for hours and watch streamers probably think it's better than I do
best letty webm post 2.5
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She's not feeling well it seems.
I figured.
She bailed in the middle of Shadi's interview saying she needed a glass of water. Then for the next couple of minutes as Shadi and Oddbod was doing small talk in the Cell you could hear a woman's voice coughing loudly from the direction of the hallway. Finally Bex came in and said the interview was off because Letty got bored.
Damn, I hope she feels better.
i like all the tards, jon jimmy damiel tj
imagine punching her stomach until she vomits blood, itd be so nice to watch
She mentioned being sick in the interim between 2.5 and The Cell. Hope princess recovers. Imagine spoon feeding her chicken noodle soup as she lays in bed, and giving her foot rubs to brighten up her day!
Yea I remember that but I thought she would be feeling better by now. Guess the living conditions at the mansion aren't that great but that's no surprise.
Has Letty been seen after she left to vomit?

Guessing she was given the day off to recover.
letty back! (she did a liquor delivery just now)
i hope her tummy is feeling ok..
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Same. She and Tai still have to make that rap about her feet!
i want to break her feet and watch as she tries to get up reflexively. the pain (mental and physical) thatll show up on her face as she realizes she cant walk would be so fucking beautiful.
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No foot massaging privileges for you!
Looks like Letty walked out again, this time while they were in the middle of picking who gets to sleep in the cell for the night. I don't think she's feeling too hot.
Yea I saw that as well...
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two best girls. how do we get bliccy in the mix?
such an energetic princess!
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And a highly caffeinated one at that! Imagine having espresso with her in the morning while on honeymoon in Italy, in a boutique hotel overlooking a river!
that would be very nice..
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Not as nice as spending the day with her at the beach or river bank, though!
any lettys today? I only saw her doing the disstrack challenge
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i love her so!
i want to kill the soft little light thats still flickering in her soul. the tiny last bit of light thats still in her eyes, i want to kill it in the worst way. i want to nurture it, keep it warm, build it back up until she thinks its all going to be ok, until she thinks its possible to see the world in color again, and right when that happens im going to snuff the light out forever. theres going to be nothing left of nina.
sounds like an acid bath lyric..
just imagine her eyes with no light in them, alive but dead at the same time
imagine blowing raspberries on her supple and perfect princess tummy..
imagine her screaming from a failed suicide attempt. the horror in her eyes as she realizes shes still alive after jumping. unable to move because everythings broken, and the only thing she can do is scream and scream and scream. wouldnt it be beautiful?
that might hurt her tummy..
isnt it beautiful?
her tummy is quite nice..
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Imagine taking a sunset stroll through the woods when, suddenly, you spot Letty approaching from the opposite direction on the trail.

Instead of passing by, she stops right in front of you. And without a word, she reaches into her shoulder pouch and pulls out a mysterious paper scroll. With a mischievous grin on her face, she unfurls it, holding it up so that only her googly eyes peek over the top.

In bold, handwritten letters, the scroll reads: "Tickle Explosion."
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I would pull out my counter-spell, inflicting tickles on her instead. Then I rip her shoes and socks off and go at it with her soles!
Mean Letty is back on the menu, boys!
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Silly princess
Anyone clip Letty dancing on the insta live?
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No, but someone posted this on /tv/
so pretty and perfect..
Not to mention curvy!
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what a dumb bitch
such garbage, hope she kills herself
>Jet jumps the gun and gives her money when she hasn't agreed to anything
>Instructor keeps the money despite not giving any service
Letty did nothing wrong
Yeah, at the end of the day, Jet should be overseeing this and have the final word.
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letty boob physics
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quite a perfect and pretty princess!
i dont mind the other girls really, but she's just so much better than all of them
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And people say she has implants lol. Implants don't jiggle.
Letty is leagues above them. Especially now that she's at a good weight, is doing her hair, dressing more sophisticated, and seems to maturing into quite the little lady!
nigger nina is subhuman filth, she deserves to be damaged.
Okay this show is getting good
No she deserves good things
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Great things, to hell with "good". Imagine walking in on princess alone and forlorn in her room, and you surprise her with flowers and chocolate, brightening up her day!
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i miss bloodgames
>Imagine walking in on princess alone and forlorn in her room, and you surprise her with flowers and chocolate, brightening up her day!
Anyone clip this on the room cam by any chance?
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Princess smiles can light up a whole city!
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Fixed and merged the Letty dancing webms
making nigger nina feel a bit of warmth and love and then abusing her! its like eating something sweet and then something salty, it makes the pain
worse! i want to punch her in the stomach!
that might hurt her tummy..
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anyone have the full vid? i want to deepfake nigger ninas face onto it
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That might hurt her tummy...

Have a sultry Letty instead!
quite the Letty..
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Imagine coming home from work to find horny Letty awaiting! What a tradwife she'd make!
Imagine Letty wishing you a happy birthday and giving you a big smooch on the cheek.
claire won
letty confirms on twitter that she'll stream again!
That'd be so cool.
Imagine being sick in bed and Letty comes in with chicken noodle soup! I'd feel better right away!
She might be going home soon?
right after bitchtank, most likely. her original plan was to be one week in the cell. she must be so burnt out
She mentioned during the cell wanting to go to Germany with her father at the end of the month, so I wonder if she'll choose to stay and finish Bitchtank, or just head home in a couple of days.
You guys are such fucking losers lmao sadder than the josieposters
ohhh yeah you are right. we'll see i guess. at least we know she'll try streaming again
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That sounds so sweet! Hopefully princess clears her head of all the things bothering her and starts her life anew!
letty is so good at this
OP are you one of those fat fucks who jerks off to her everyday?
stubbly pits
Jeremy's been violating his parole it seems and posted on this on /tv/. Possibly new never-seen-before selfie?
yeah ive never seen it before
This was also posted ITT
seen that before
jeremy hasn't posted a new leak in almost a year tbqh.
princess tummy..
this is new>>20855157 he constantly posts new stuff
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how come letty never posts in these threads like bitty posts her in threads?
such a kissable forehead..
because shes not retarded

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