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How do we fix Japanese animation, /bant/ - Random Anime Transport Torrents?
less being out of town without internet
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I thought you quit r/trant forever desu
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why would I leave this shithole
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good night r/banter
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>banned from accessing 4plebs
ayy lmao
What the fuck
Nigger faggot
faggot niggers
Why is the new Code Geass so fucking boring? I didn't have any hopes since any continuation after R2 is fake news but it doesn't even feel like Code Geass desu
I've thought it for years but the world in Code Geass isn't interesting enough to support an entire franchise with multiple entries, Lelouch's story made it interesting and it should have stayed dead in R2 with him.
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good night r/banter
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the dejiko building
good night r/banter
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I see these eternal threads. What are they all about?
Fixing anime
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Is anime fixed yet?
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Not until Symphogear gets revived
have you tried using glue?
good night r/banter
less waking up
less page 10
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after seven years of this board being alive your still posting this. ahhh man soon it will be a decade.
what the fuck happened to the board that made it even more trash?
I don't really see anything redeemable or worth posting.also don't see anything that resembles older bnat besides these threads
i swapped over to other sites and [spoiler]discord[/doesn't work, spoiler] since I don't particularly care about posting anymore and wonder if other people feel the same about it
do any of the older posters post anymore, fuck even shitpost left and all I see are the newer posters that are vying for recognition or shitposting for the fuck of it like anyone else I suppose.
honestly I think I'm aging out of this imageboard stuff and try to leave but I keep coming back thinking it will be the old style or maybe fresh but being jaded I hate how I see this place I thought it was always going to be fun
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/bant/'s been unusable for over 5 years, I don't think I've posted outside of these threads since 2019ish and even then these threads aren't nearly as fun as they were almost a decade ago, I just keep making them to see how long I can keep it up desu.
Some of the oldfriends are still around, but they're buried even more by the waves of crossboarder cancer. A lot of them post on altchans like bantculture, but I don't post there much because I've never been into 2hu
the final nail in the coffin for a lot of people was /qa/ddit being shut down and so a lot of the frogposting/wojakposting discord troons colonized /bant/ which led to a lot of people just giving up any attempts at gatekeeping and either fucking off to somewhere else or staying confined to specific threads, and then random generals and trash migrated from other boards to /bant/ with little resistance when they'd be spammed to death with hentai in the past.
The most recent happening was /biz/ switching to requiring e-mail verification to post there, so a lot of /biz/tards were against that and came here with their generals and /biz/ spam and memes.
newfags that come to /bant/ aren't chased out anymore and any semblance of board culture's been whittled down so much that newfags can just assimilate to whatever "group" they want.

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