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Time for your daily dose of chocolate
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>2 hours 13 minutes
>no replies

but there's a reply just above yours
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owari wednesday
NEED dark skinned horn mommy :(
lightweights, the lot of you
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Built for my tiny white pecker
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rate my new cat
dark chocolate...
niggerlover 4incher minimum wage wagie thread
my new wife
dear anzu,
just take the bbc up the ass and get it our of your system already.

sincerely, /bant/
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dear tiny white clitty hitlers,

drop fucking dead already. Everyone knows that you will never have sex ever with any female, not ever with a white woman, not ever with an asian woman, not even with a black woman.

kill yourself

sincerely, /bant/
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not dear tiny black clitty mandela,

stop using your mom's credit card to buy proxies pretend you're more than one person

kill yourself

sincerely, /bant/
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brown anime girls are their own race desu, most of the time they don't resemble any one ethnic group
she's got a nice shade of brown there
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