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Redpill me on why Flat-earthers still exist in 2024. Are they just people with low IQ's or is it mental illness? Are they being exploited for financial gain?
Why do race denialists exist? It's because people can be misled into believing things that are clearly false. In the case of flat earth by other idiots and racial equality by Jews.
Because the earth is flat
But in the case of flat-earth, to what end? What do they hope to accomplish by convincing people of a flat earth? Financial incentive?
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It's a cult
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Once they believe in the cult of conspiracy, there is no getting out
There is no correction mechanism in their thought process
Meme flag does not know what trolling is.
Earth is flat is the funniest troll that exists.
Also rockets don't wörk in space lel
They are just trolling on another level.
Really funny I love it
There is no way to prove the Earth is round and it is easy to prove it is not round. Simple as. Flatpill is the final pill.
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On the September 2017 Equinox, 23 amateurs from 9 countries measured the shadows cast by a vertical pole at solar noon
They gave their data, photos of the measurements, and their positions to a Youtuber called Sly Sparkane
All the photos and GPS locations are is shown in the video

He mapped them onto a flat plane and saw no correlation indicating a close local Sun
Then he mapped them onto a sphere and saw all angles fall within one degree of parallel

This is what Eratosthenes did over 2000 years ago, but he did it with many more data points
The Flat Earth is thus disproven by sticks and shadows
Because jews push it to humiliate the goyim
They're jews.
jews lost control over the narrative in >475550988'
Don't forget the 24 hour sun at the south pole which flattards have no answer to. Flat earth is a meme that retards fell for.
lmao you would liken flat earthers with the racial realists then? because according to you, both are nonsense and illogical. so we're all the same then?
Doesn't exist, and it can't be proven because if you try to go to the south pole they will remove you with force.
>That's what he interpreted from my reply
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>if you try to go to the south pole they will remove you with force.
There are commercial tours to the south pole and you can witness the 24 hour sunlight in many other countries.
What is NOT a cult on /pol/?
>look we let them go to this one tiny spot during this one time of year under conditions which were incredibly strict that we determined.
Yeah, now try and make an unscheduled tour to Antarctica and tell me how it goes.
Watch him say that's fake and that they actually take you to a government site with a fake sky
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Hope those goalposts weren't too heavy, flerfs
Explain the 24 hour sunlight in nordic countries. You have to be trolling though.
The question you should be asking is what do they accomplish by convincing people that the earth is global and so are all of the planets and the cosmic and all this fantasy.
>What is NOT a cult on /pol/?
I've been wracking my brain and I can't think of a single thing
I admit defeat - /pol/ is nothing but cultists annoying other cultists
>Doesn't exist
To you because it debunks your model.
Lol there are webcams from the south pole you can watch anytime and you will see 24/7 Night or 24/7 Day
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>24 hour sunlight in nordic countries
any questions?
>.gov webcams
lol okay
>Dodges the question entirely
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To be totally fair, the North Pole 24-hour sun works on the retard's "model"
It's the South Pole that is completely illogical and makes no sense
Also they have different "models" for each phenomenon like the seasons, eclipses, daylight, tides, etc.
All those models contradict each other, and sometimes contradict themselves
Here's a brain experiment. If the "retard model" was the truth, what would the day/night schedule of the south pole look like?
The funny thing is that I found places that do expeditions in the South pole for up to 66 days. So his specific conditions model doesn't even work there.
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Today I found out that we don't actually breathe air but actually plexiglass, because it's what their horseshit model demands
I notice he doesn't try to show daylight on the Southern Hemisphere at the Solstice, which would have to look like this
The sunlight magically stops and wraps around the dark area to illuminate the edges
There are also webcams of ships that sometimes visit the south pole and they show you the 24 hour night or day.
>24 hour night or day
And just in case anybody was wondering, here's a time lapse of 5 days of 24 hour sun in Antarctica
To stop this flat earth shit it's cult leaders like Eric Dubay should visit the south pole but that will never happen because Eric is either afraid of being wrong or he's a fake flat earther using it to make some quick cash.
It is some Freemasonic grift to make people retarded by believing obvious lies, in the same way people believed sacrificing their child to some stupid ugly statue pleased the rain gods or whatever the fuck those ancient mystical pedoniggers came up with at that time, it's similar to mud floods and tartaria, which is literally a cultural imperialist psyop promoted by China to make westerners lose sight of their history as great civilization builders.
Here's a video relating to this, this channel also has videos refuting the tartaria myth.
How does GPS work if the earth is flat and satellites are fake?
Get and fake
because stupid people will believe what they're told and the average IQ is barely 100
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Fake ISS
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Round earthwrs literally beleive that light refracts around the curvature and simultaneously claim that curvature is visible
they just want to feel special by acting retarded
your mom is like a brick flat on both sides and gets laid by mexicans
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It's a bullshit psyop to make actual conspiracy theories look crazier by comparison
Nobody in their right mind would believe flat earth, 5G vaccines, QAnon, and shit like that
But what do normies talk about anytime the topic of conspiracies come up?
The only actual 'conspiracy' is that questioning the narrative is being suppressed by bullshit
>image is always a flat topped object floating in space
I can't believe even tribal retards have better imaginations
They lied to you about literally everything else. Why wouldn't they lie about the earth's shape too? Answer me that for a change. I'm not even a flat earther, but I'm not necessarily a round earther either. To be honest, I couldn't care less about the shape of the world.
>Are they just people with low IQ's or is it mental illness?
neither, they are individuals who examined the propositions of globe earth theory
none of them stand the test of even the tiniest scrutiny
>Are they being exploited for financial gain?
no, the people who believe in globular earth theory are
one needs only to see the overwhelming amount of $$$ that entities like NASA get annually for making cartoons and having actors like Neil Tyson talk scientism blabber to see how profitable the indoctrination of globe earth really is
In terms of incentive my guess is that flat earthers tend to be schizos which is the opposite of exploitation for financial gain. Schizos try to understand the truth past all the lies and bullshit but sometimes it goes too far (pattern recognition misfiring); looking for something that isn't there. In this case they believe it's possible this world is bigger than the government lets us believe. That there is unexplored territory outside the "Ice Wall" and the governments of the world are just keeping us trapped in this little circle like a big prison to keep control over people.
There's also a sense of "tradition" or a natural worldview among flat earthers because for most of human civilization people believed the earth is flat.

TLDR; they're lying to themselves because they really want to adventure to unexplored lands. It's honestly not too different from a Star Trek nerd that thinks one day a "warp drive" will be invented and humans will explore unknown worlds and make contact with aliens.
I have a hard time believing there's a relevant portion of idiots who believe this. I'd suggest it's more probably that a bunch of conmen and divide-et-impera types spread this theory to further divide society and detract it from dealing with real problems (like ZOG).
More land outside our realm and beyond the ice wall, that's the entire reason for the treaty. Aliens live out there and don't want to be disturbed.

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