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Poster Ids edition
Why is it pointless?
bean head
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only 12 mins left for you to have breaky
Wish every thread was like this. Be nice and easy to call out the mongs.
t. mong
Get yer foreign arse out of here mountaincunt
I'm the audit lad.
Mountain Jew obsessed with British posters
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have a go on that big lad x
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First SSM post on the new /britfeel/ and it's lush
he looks rough as shit lately mate dont reckon he will make it to December
He could turn his life around if he'd spend all that gadget money on nice food consistently and ditch the walcohol. No fun in that though I guess.
go back to r9k you fucking normaltroons
mark will never beat the alcohol.
I'm a brit living in Switzerland
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right back to wageslaving

deadpool and wolverine is out so a cinema trip might be on the cards x
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enjoy mister footlad. looking forward to the new aliens film in august and beetlejuice 2 in sept
Alright then lad, I believe you.
>deadpool and wolverine
Looking forward to this meself lad but go no one to go the cinema with so I'll download it
Why are you living in Switzerland
just go by yourself, might get a whole screen to yourself
Sup lads, why is britfeel on bant now?
Trying out a new thing to flush out the samefagging mongs. We're probably only here for a day until this fails so enjoy us while you can.
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Would you be able to survive the Viennaese summer? No AC, of course, because when the city was built it rarely got over 30°C ever over the year. Such is life on the continent.
what happens in here
I know I'd be alright after sitting down, it's the buying the ticket alone and looking for a place to sit away from couples so I look less cringe desu
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Nice one Bruce
Gay sex /bant/
Brown sprog
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Having your sprog look like a yank is a status symbol here in the UK for some
Cum in the freezer
Got both of these
please come back please please
Get in there Shauna x
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Watching Mark suffer
Staying here from now I fink
Get in
You're a Switzerish until you come home.
book online, get a seat back row in a corner and an early showing if you want to avoid other people as much as possible
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Champion idea that is mate. I don't mind being alone its the looking alone. Doubt I'll get one for tonight so tomorrow early I reckon
Kinda comfy this thread pace
oooh we're in /britbant/
i feel like these poster ids should be a standardised thing tbqh, still keeps the anonymity while flushing out samefaggers
reckon at least 10% of posts on 4chan are ai, its why they got rid of the ip counter
maaaaaarge why is this general here now?
might as well rename /bant/ to /gant/ - International/Generals
Strange how making one /britfeel/ thread on bant has reduced the daily frantic spam and drama on both threads on both boards
Shippy aka Spam Mong is working today.
I don't know if we can make this work all day every day but it's a nice refuge on ultraspammy days.
this is quite a pleasant social experiment
and to be honest it feels a lot calmer rather than endless threads hitting bump limit entirely about utter drivel
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Watching the handball on Discovery+ at just 3.99 per month, cancel anytime. Full HD of course.
Easy enough to make a thread on bant when the spam and drama kicks off, just leave them to it
And it shows that all that shit is forced by a very few posters
Ruthmong is 34 years no pussy.
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Woah a new kinda /britfeel/
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Britfeel lads on tour wahey
Same feel, less spam. It's 4x lush.
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Less spam and anger towards everyone desu mate, feels good man.
>Watching the handball on Discovery+ at just 3.99 per month, cancel anytime. Full HD of course.
Can you pick what you want to watch?
I have managed to get an American channel on my Kodi box that has more coverage than BBC but it is still limited.
I haven't really explored it to be honest. I just got it yesterday because I'm the type of nerd who will sit and watch rowing if it's on at 5 in the morning, and BBC wouldn't have it.

I did see something about motorbike racing the other day but I can't say I'm interested.
Sorry I just realised that didn't really answer the question: Yes, it has every sport all day, every day, pick and choose what you want to watch on any of their dozens of streams.
used to play football and do athletics for county when i was a teen, was never in to watching athletics and rarely watched football
Thank you mate, that's really helpful. Having to flick through different providers to see if they are airing what you want is a pain, so what you're doing is best.
ALRI you lot x
Alri lad how's life
'Gay For BBC' might be my favourite Natasha video.
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cheevie update, cheevie update, got a cheevie update for you de laaaaaads
done me tranny bollocks in and let that nonce Petrus kill Rhea before buying her miracles didnt ah
yeah ah did didnt ah
facken elllllllllllllllllll
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U already got that cheevo for all miracles so I guess it don't matter that much but rip rhea nd S spit on mop head priest nonce
Morning lads. About to hit that wfhgrind hard.
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Smash it!
coar slept in till 8, what a rare treat
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Had a dream i lived in a shed
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happy Friday de lads x

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