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post things you cant afford
tranny instrument
piano is actually hard as fuck and very difficult to learn on your own
Hey nigger just get a really cheap Yamaha and then later when you can afford it you can upgrade all the electronics inside. That's what most people do.
this is a real cheap yamaha
i REALLy like how it looks, the pickupa are quite decent
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Piano is hard to play with two hands. Do what everyone does, get a DAW and a synth/keyboard and play with one hand per recording.
Can you build there or it's just a boat parking space?
If you don't have $500 to drop on random stuff every couple of months then what are you even doing with your life?
It's a lagoon with no lake/ocean access. It requires permitting from 3 different government and environmental groups to build anything.
>post things you can't afford
I'd need a hundred threads for that and it would take me forever.
not wagecucking
i will transfer 3€ if you suck my dick
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why do you have that saved on your computer
because i am an obsessed polchud who wants to suck BTC (big tranny cock)
stop watching porn pigger
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nothing can compare
Ok. transfer money for flight ticket
bumo so i buy it tomorrow
>0 beds 0 baths
is this just the price for the water and not an actual house lmao

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