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This really might be the worst VP pick in history
let's go
Why are the pink-hairs kinkshaming now? Little hypocritical no?
Of course, they never had actual principals or ideals.
Based dolphin chad
If you want us to stop laughing stop voting for clowns
No, if YOU want us to stop laughing stop dressing like clowns.
He wants to watch dolphins fucking, anon.
Have you ever been to a pride parade? I'd rather someone get off to dolphins than some of the shit liberals want to paint as """normal"""
>explicit dolphin search history
Anon. He wants to see humans engaging in sexual acts with dolphins.
So what? Love is love, right?
Dolphins, dude. Fucking dolphins. That’s the guy you’re going to bat for.
What's your point? Who is he hurting? I thought we had to accept people who find their love in different places than us, huh?
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Just kidding, I'm a liberal and I actually posted this thread, I just played along to see how many /pol/ retards I could get to support dolphin fucking. So shame on these guys:

Yeah I'm a poltard because I think trannies are crazy...You are so clever
You have to be 18 to post here
Sex with dolphins retard lol
Haha, holy shit that's fucking hilarious XD.

Anyway, back to mutilating babies' dicks, allowing gay niggers to adopt children and putting prepubescent kids on sex-reassigning therapy
I hear dolphussy crazy
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>Has sex with couch
>Likes beastiality
>Thinks he's gay
>Marries a poojeeta
Count me in also and add some hentai to that. Dolphin hentai is the shit.
It looks like Jashin is wearing green clothing here.
Dolphin pussy is sexy as fuck I smash my cock to so much Vaporeon porn because it's gone mainstream to draw her with a dolphin slit hnnggf
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- he wants to deport messicans and towelheads and boost the white birth rate by advocating nativist and natalist positions
- he was right about the ukraine war
- his wife is more attractive than michelle obama and barbara bush and rashida t'aliban
- he's not an obnoxious christcuck who will blow an election by taking an absolutist position on abortion or an unusually harsh anti-marijuana policy
- has based and mysterious techno-monarchy quasi-libertarian financial backers who dislike woke nigworship and communism
- he dislikes woke nigworship and communism
- nice healthy moderate positions where needed and robust extreme positions where needed
- his children have down syndrome which is considered adorable by modern standards
- he was editor in chief of the yale law review which means he's got mensa tier IQ and understands the system that needs to be changed at a very deep level
- he bleachmaxxed and married some aryan indian lady he met from a call center
- he only associates with based jews, not the bad ones
- he believes in based protectionist and populist policies that will boost the economy and create high paying manufacturing jobs and energy sector jobs
- he will create a robot computer that will replace all meaningless woman jobs like HR and "project coordinator" that add nothing substantive to the economy
- he has blue eyes, a cool beard, and isn't afraid of being called gay for wearing eyeliner

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