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cool betty edition

>Who is Betty?
She was a freeloader who appeared on season 1 of Fishtank. She acted as a doppelganger of Violetta, even sharing an identical biography. She entered the house on May 16, 2023 and remained there until May 19.

Good morning BBs, inshallah
literally one of the ugliest women I have ever seen. grotesque even.

improve yourselves.
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baesie mogs
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Good afternoon I love Betty
you should all feel ashamed for escaping my filters and violating me with your presence. the mere fact that I have to type this whore's name to ensure your filth never plagues my eyes again is humiliating. and I am deeply saddened when I try to imagine how pathetic one would have to be to praise one

We love our Betski
Jews rock
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I see the sponge on this page but when I click it it’s not there. You didn’t put it back yet right Betty?
Betty please save one for me I’ll pay extra for it
If you don’t want to do that at least let me know that you will make more in the future it will give me peace of mind.
She doesn't care about you bro, get that out your head.
Idk y it's not working
Is it not working for everyone or just me
Maybe it's not meant for you to have one, try again when a new batch is made
It might be a problem with my card. I’ve been using just cash for so long that my card has been inactive.
Betty it’s fine you don’t have to worry about it I don’t wanna stress you out just please make more in the future I really want one
maybe it's a sign not to share something so personal, you know like a cumsock.
Stop. I want her to make more
fuck off creep, begging to buy a cumsock, ask for nudes like a normal person.
Had you and >>20852560 been born a few decades earlier, both of you probably would've been featured in this documentary:
Her feet have pheromones that will give very pleasant feelings to my brain
This is like a once in a lifetime opportunity and I don’t wanna miss out
You fry your dopamine receptors then what will you do
it's fishnet tights you'll be lucky if you smell anything but the packing plastic KWAB
Send a thank you message on here to Betty for giving me the most pleasurable experience of my life.
If only Letty would sell them too, my life would be complete
get a hooker, you'll get more pleasure out of that than pissy fishnets.
To me Betty is the only girl in the world. Just like that Rihanna song.
>To me Betty is the only girl in the world
Do you even love her so..
idk man, Q said he loved tayleigh too and that turned out to be a lie. How do we know you're telling the truth, you don't even post pictures
she doesn't even think about you, she's only here to get money, what a fucking retard you are.
I do post pictures of her. And with Q it was different wasn’t he actually trying to date Tayleigh? I understand that Betty’s an independent woman and dosent need a man if she dosent want one.
I don’t care if she doesn't think about me I’m anonymous that doesn't even make sense. It would feel good to pay her a little money too.
she earns $500 a month off twitch and has a job, do you ?
>I do post pictures of her
Then post more
>And with Q it was different wasn’t he actually trying to date Tayleigh?
Desu it was all a bit just like all of /ftl/ is, a bit all the way down. So tiresome we lose sight of it all & what was once false starts to become reality so yeah, maybe he did try to date her towards the end or sum idk man
normies dont know me
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>she earns $500 a month off twitch

Good for her, she deserves it.
God dammit now I’m thinking about financial domination and my cock is getting hard thanks a lot guys
Why are you posting differently the past couple of days man, i thought you were Qjr (still do desu) what's your angle
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What if I’m everybody and nobody at the same time…
Spooky...so spooky that it's something treefingers would say, really makes you think. Anyways i'll be playing some csgo2, see you later
See you later, I kind of love and hate all of you at the same time. Expect for Betty I love Betty all the time.
You people are fucked. Rope.
i want to eat betty's tight fauxbait ass
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B-spot rocks the B-spot
i think she'd make a couple thousand on onlyfans at least.
Wtf has bitty been doing today?
She still on her monthly cycle or she posted lewds again.
Any news on who she is banging?
When she doing OF?
Who's pimping her....
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In a way, all cat owners are more owned by their cats
Shit thread
oh no bettytroonsisters...

better is addicted to BIG BLACK COCKS
Absolute SHIT
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Good morning I love Betty
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Watching Bitchtank has reminded me of how interesting Betty is compared to most other women:

• There's an obese mutt that talks over everyone at every opportunity. She fights with a latina harpy. Both are annoying and make noise but don't really entertain.
• There is an odd-looking girl that seems quirky and combative and like she would add character to the tank, but she is mostly ignored by everyone. Viewers joke that she looks like a rat but that's it.
• There's a tattooed goth porn start that would be really pretty if she didn't have piercings and a weird haircut. She seems angry and brooding most of the time and doesn't engage much with anything.
• An obese Australian woman was brought on and was so disliked by Sam that he held a poll and kicked her after like two days of being there.
• There is this girl Claire whose is trying, but her bit is getting drunk every night and wallowing around with her tits nearly falling out.
• Abi was great, but she abruptly left for some reason and so now it's just the others.

Seeing all the flops and disasters that they've brought on over the seasons, I think that Betty was one of production's best casting decisions.
i never watched fishtank ever
Claire and Abi were cool. Claire especially I like. She's scrappy
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I love Bitty and her itty bitty titties, simple as
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Betty is a meal on heels

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