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Chill Edition

Previous 300th gem: >>20784321

Free online generators:
https://waifus.nemusona.com (currently down)

Transparent background: https://dezgo.com/remove-background

Pixelisation: https://huggingface.co/spaces/NoCrypt/pixelization

Cancer: https://ai-meme.com

Waifu chatbots:
https://beta.dopple.ai/ (filter free!)
https://beta.character.ai/ (has a pozzed anti-NSFW filter)

Song generator:

Video generator

AI booru (use an ad blocker when accessing):

Local install:
Nvidia GPU: https://rentry.org/voldy | https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker
CPU: https://rentry.org/cputard

Disclaimer: Have fun and be yourself
@britty you better come to the minecord and check the new metro station
britty summoning image
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the general is saved once again by this nameless hero who always appears just in time to make a great deed and gift us a new edition
Actual Previous 300th gem: >>20821309
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britty is like that alcoholic father who's a cool and enjoyable guy when he's sober and productive but when he relapses and starts sleepboozing or donothingboozing all day again it's very sad to look at and i think unfortunately britty has relapsed once again so don't expect him to be on craft anytime soon
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it's fine and forgiveable
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This is the average cunny poster and their fate, as seen on Louisiana Parole Board

ok i will right now ^^
noo its alright!!
one time i forgot to put the subject name in there like three times in a row so this isn't so bad ok
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Nooo Im not a sleepaholic father! Its just yesterday going to touch the grass was very tiring I slept all night and then all morning and fell asleep again at the evening . Buut im back now!
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yeah i was outside today for the most of the day and i get it now it fucking sucks to be this tired so i lift my edgyness towards your tiredness for now
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insanely cute miku i will save this pic and treasure it
I posted this already!! Well the skyrim one, but this one is great too haha. He also made a fallout 3 one yesterday its amazing :D
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>changing buildings without consent of the builder, stirby building: LE BAD
>changing buildings without consent of the builder, itter building: LE GOOD

yeah tomorrow that church will be gone, i hope in that fucking cursed island no more grass grows
itty im sorry i didn't think too much about it but i should have :( i put it back ok so the church is fine and i w. I only realised as soon as you started talking to me that i would be annoyed if someone changed something i made. I wont change something someone else made again
https://suno.com/song/859f6f94-820f-42ea-9809-9e4084185a39 goose is loose
https://suno.com/song/976e6219-77f5-4700-86cb-3866159309a1 About judy from 2077 game, better version
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Bless this thread
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she seems so happy

it's over and bereave-able

>fearless in the face of her demons

If a Church needs building or restoration then sign me up I WILL BE THERE!
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Hii jr, the server is up righ now if you want to join but the only person who is online (polly) is afk and asleep unfortunately, its a shame about the time zones

Anyway cool cross, its like the couple that u made on the server, and dont worry the church is as good as ever, i just wanted to raise it a couple blocks but instead I solved the island dispute by terraforming it into two islands which is what itty wanted me to do anyway so I think everything is good!
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that's creepy
bless this poster
she is
maaaaarge what happened again
britty pissbabied when polly changed stirby's island shape without his consent, but then proceeded to destroy my church to rebuild it 5 blocks higher without my consent
based fellow church-protector
due to the outcome and lost hope for a united island, my part of it is now called Itsumi Island
I am not angry at you britty, but i am disappointed you pissbabied so easily for stirby's island when polly changed it without his consent but then proceed to change my entire church and try to demolish it without even asking me if i was ok with it. Moreover it seems you are trying to please only stirby as if your scared of him quitting, without considering i might quit too for all of this drama. Instead of trying to please one of us, you should find a common ground and please both of us.
As of when i went to sleep my idea is to completely abandon bantville and remove all of my buildings from the city including my bakery and move them in my continent, where i will build a city near warp roman, with my own farms and buildings.
Only now i understand that polly was right to be a lonely chuuni in his castle, he built what he want and no one can go and tell him "nooo you can't build this here" because he has his own castle and therefore he's independent
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damn that's actually such a stupid thing to do just build around it or just accept that different elevation levels exist and build a staircase down to that church area, i guess now that posho doesn't play much stirby is the new victim of britty's psychopathic yandere obsession so expect him to try to fuck over more people over dumb issues that already have an obviously good solution and maybe i'll build like a modern science themed church at my district to show my support to people that got hurt during these actions that happened in the last week
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yeah i agree all of us building in one small area with bumpy terrain that is also surrounded by rivers was kind of a suboptimal idea and if we will ever have season 2 of bantaicraft also known as pollycraft we all definitely should just spread out and build in different biomes or something like that and have some meeting area where we build shops or some minigames or just do stuff and whatever
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all of the giant-continent-like plains island where warp roman is located is claimed by me, it's my land of milk and honey. I am leading my buildings out of bantville there. May no one build there for i will pissbaby, feel free to claim your own continent too like i did, the world is giant and infinite afterall. The new age of continents begins now
I wanted to build a staircase all around the church but itty said no
i am the Lord GOD who brought you out of b*ntville
the ten plagues will hit britty and b*ntville
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damn those paths look gemmy from above and uhhh i'm pretty sure britty wanted to build something on your continent
do you mean you wanted to build a giant wall around it with staircases, i think that's not a good idea
he also wanted to change the church from a christian one to an erika one, i dont want that so, it's my church and i want it to be a christian church and visible, not covered by walls, not underground just because he wants to make the island higher or smth. I will install worldedit to the server and see if i can copypaste it in my continent, i DONT want to lose 900000000000000000hours of my life rebuilding all my buildings just because of this, even if then people call me "le cheat" or something
I hope the copypaste thingy is not strange, it might paste the building strangely because of the terrain, i already know its gonna be a pain, but better than rebuilding it from scratch just because of this. I really dont want to spend 90000 hours to rebuild it just because someone dislikes it and has different plans for his island. I am pretty sure it took way more time to build the church than that modern wheat farm. But ofc one is le bad because itter made it, it's ugly and instead of saying "wow cool building nice work" let's just pissbaby and say its ugly and that it destroys the plan for the island, itter is a robot without emotions anyway, he wont be offended
Good thing I'm protected with Erika's holy light :)
Yeah, however after taking a look at the island, there's a narrow bay separating them east of Itty's separating canal. Which means the wall would only be.just there, on the south-western side. I think it would look pretty good if there was a staircase or two staircases with a fountain in between.
Wow i didn't expect it to spiral down to smt like that, if it really comes to shove Britty will freaking kill himself or smt. Or maybe that's just an assumption. If anything Itty said what i was kinds talking with Britty about how the small area of Bantiville inevitably creates conflict. Not really fan of moving whole buildings out since i think after all recent drama the modifications won't be much of a thing now. Besides even if, at least the bakery meets the ahole stores idea.
NOOO I only placed a few Erika pics on the church and said it's a joke, I didn't delete any of yours because I knew you would undo it anyway
>But ofc one is le bad because itter made it, it's ugly and instead of saying "wow cool building nice work" let's just pissbaby and say its ugly and that it destroys the plan for the island, itter is a robot without emotions anyway, he wont be offended
I literally never said that, I just said it conflicted with my plan to flatten the island at a common level, but we can just build a staircase there and you can keep your side of the island while I build on my own. I have way more space than you anyway.
Damn... this really opened a big ass can of worms. Its like server schism. Or single match that burns down the current order of things. We live in interesting times if anything.
funny that is was caused by the same person who said that he dislikes dramas and dramas should not be here anymore. I just moved bakery to the Itty new city with worldedit btw.
It's joever
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uhhh are you gonna move the portal area too
well i guess it serves britty right for being a hypocrite and for trying to literally rebuild something for no reason and without any consent of the build's owner and stirby's fixation on that island can be blamed too but i'm pretty sure he wasn't the one who forced britty to do that
No. I have moved the bakery but it seems like i cant move the church for some reasons, perhaps GOD is saying like "you will move bakery but not MY church"
he was the one who kept his plan a secret until last night when he told me about it. I didn't approve or disapprove of it then but as someone who complained about the same thing not too long ago I feel regret that I didn't stop him.
God is telling you that there are other ways :prayer_tone1:
yeah other ways, like keep the islands separated and my half of the island is mine and no one touches it and it's done heh
oki ^^
staircase though?
my half of the island would be mine at that point, meaning i choose what to do with my half of the island, so no. My island would stay lower than your island
b-but... staircase of peace and unity? with a fountain in the middle? also easier access to the metro station... and future ferry port...
I'm fairly certain you worded it wrong 'stair case around it'. Surely you meant just a small bridge with a path yes? haha
ai tranny general

commit fucking suicide tiny white pecker cuckold troonhitler gooncuckold subhumans
see: >>20856174
the staircase would take up only the space on top of Itty's man-made dividing canal
a bridge between our islands would be ok
a staircase around my church is totally unacceptable, any unauthorized buildings in my part of the islands will cause a civil war

as of now i'm thinking about NOT moving the church since i talked to polly and he made me see a different point, however i still want to move outside of bantville, with my bakery
Nice change of pace surprisingly enough.
This feels like talk between caesarians and pompeians, it can go either way.
I think you might want to reconsider that. Your bakery and IFC will work if there's someone within the render distance when you're away.
I don't want to build around your church anymore and recognize your sovereignty over the northern part. I just want to rid of the small canal and build a staircase in its place. I'll hop on mc soon and show you what I mean.
bakery is not automated tho, it works more as an house, and IFC is just slow regardless. I dunno what i will move, i just know i will abandon bantville
Peace Treaty of the Island (as proposed by Itters)

1. The signatories vow to respect every clause of this treaty.
2. The signatories agree to resolve the island dispute by following the division model proposed by Russy: the island will be divided into North and South, with the North being 100% controlled by Itters Itterson and the South being 100% controlled by Stirby. Itters will move his church slightly to the left on his island, but will leave the level of his island at sea level or at most 2 blocks above sea level, but it will not match the level of Stirby's southern island, as it will remain lower. This way, Stirby will have space for his farm but, in no case, will expand into the territory of the northern island.
3. The signatories vow not to connect the islands in any way, whether by bridge or staircase.
4. The signatories vow not to build in any way on the other’s island, meaning Stirby will not build on Itters' island, and Itters will not build on Stirby's island.
5. The signatories recognize that the two islands are distinct entities, meaning that the ruler of the southern island is Stirby and the ruler of the northern island is Itters, also known as Itty. This implies that the southern and northern islands have their own laws and buildings, and under no circumstances can Stirby build on Itters' island or vice versa, nor impose his building style, nor impose the height of blocks he wants, nor build a high wall around a island which is not his to elevate it.
6. If one of the signatory parties breaks this treaty, there will be no other solution but civil war; breaking this treaty will mean that one of the parties will be authorized to use the explosive deterrent (TNT).
7. The signatories will not expand their islands too close to or against the other island, meaning that Stirby will not attempt to unite the islands indirectly by expanding too close to the northern island.
8. The party that breaks this treaty will be considered at fault and therefore regarded by all as a Nithing, "a nothing."
9. Upon signing this treaty, Britty Brittersson will be recognized as guilty of the drama and therefore punished with the penalty of compensating for the damage done by terraforming Itters' island. If he fails to fulfill his sanction, he will be called a Nithing, "a nothing," and will be burned at the stake according to the capital punishment.
10. The signatories acknowledge that this strict and historic treaty will bring peace but that if it is violated, it will bring war.
11. By signing this treaty, the signatories are as if signing before God; violating this treaty is equivalent to a great blasphemy against God Himself.
Fucking finally
Thats a lot of deleted stuff itty
i confused north island with south island so i had to delete and fix it, the last two messages are correct
Signed britty britterson (my signature is the first and also the largest like john hancock)
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She has befriended the entities that visit her in her sleep
Britty being sentenced at the 1931 Ittygrad show trials

*vine boom*
*vine boom*
*vine boom*
*vine boom*
i wonder if stirby is ok with the treaty, mr terrorist
More importantly I hope u are ok with things and can trust me again i would NEVER perform terrorism agaim
>trust me again
i was ok as the status quo this morning, my island divided and the terraforming you did was perfect, but stirby pissababied and changed the terraforming and tried to connect the islands with a stairway which i instead was not favorable to

as polly said: "he tried to appease stirby with elevating the church but then stopped and tried to appease itty by terraforming, which made stirby mad in turn. comical"
but here's the backstabber
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>"trust me again i would NEVER perform terrorism agaim"
>Two bottles of coke later
southern-northern island meetings be like:

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