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What are the jews hiding?
its german clay
BMAC descended from Iranian farmers, not from Sintashta.
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Clearly Tartaria
>Big Mac
Wat mean
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aryans were (still are: see russians) asiatic mutt mongrels

The tamrin basin mummies have blond and red hair. Some of the earliest surviving fabrics were found with them and many were weaved in tartan patterns. The oldest pair of bifurcated pants ( for riding horses) was also found with a male mummy who was 6’4” who had red hair and a beard.

Some of the grave goods were wedding gifts describing a union of two great houses with both indo-European phonetic scripts and eastern asiatic ideographic scripts.

So they were bred out by fucking the auslander women, and reflections of their genes can be found in the mongols, Turks, and other central Asian tribes who tower over the their neighbors in height and physical strength.

They were the people of the horse, and so all civilization owes them a great debt.
The modern russians (slavs and churkas) are not the og aryans.
You are aware most if not all Tarim mummies had black hair, brown eyes and east asian facial structure? All of them had EDAR. They also weren't white. They were WSHG mixed with some east asian.
J*nnies moves the thread to /bant/ when someone actually tries to discuss archeogenetics instead of feeding the egos of white s*premacists as expected.
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>most if not all

It’s most certainly not all, I’ve seen them with my own eyes at Penn archaeology And Anthropology Museum when china let them on tour over a decade ago. The genetic testing done on some showed mixed Asian genomes in later mummies and R1a and J2 genomes in some of the earliest (and largest) mummies.

The oldest mummies had blonde and red hair, the later black and brown. Much as you would expect with recessive alleles breeding a mixed population.

They bred into the Asian population, much like in India where they bred themselves out as well.

Noticing the truth about the past and the lies that got freely tossed around academia shouldn’t be considered (((bants))) either, tranny janny
A big fuck
The true map of boundaries of nations/collectives are so different from what you will find on the internet.
So many unique peoples are in that area.

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